[Video]Trapping a ZOE Max between 2 C4 Priceless!

Discussion in 'MAX' started by WaaWaa, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. WaaWaa

    Strafe more betch!

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  2. SinerAthin

    Finally an NC that decides to fight it rather than whine about it.

    Good job :p /Liked
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  3. thePankakeManne

  4. Quiiliitiila

    Umm, from what I could see you killed two LAs, but the MAX got away. Sound idea though, and it's great to see someone making sensible moves to take down a ZOE MAX instead of just standing in the open and getting shot :p
  5. Mxiter

    No max kill XP and you can still see the max on the death screen dancing on your body.
    ZoE move as fast backward than running TR/NC ones.

    Nice try btw but it's much more easyer to C4 a dancing magrider than a dancing ZoE.
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  6. WaaWaa

    Lol yea you're right liussss got away. That was his name. 2 C4 and he survived! Haha.
  7. Quiiliitiila

    I think what happened was he saw what you were doing and backed up as you ducked behind the column to blow the C-4 and consequently managed to get out of the AoE.

    In his defense I do the same thing when I see LAs, my first instinct as a MAX is to get as far away from them as possible :p
  8. WaaWaa

    Yes, and that's only possible with a ZOE MAX. You can't back up like that with any other MAX, unless you use charge as your special. Even then Charge is forward, not backward at first.
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  9. SinerAthin

    Fortunately you can spin around almost instantaneously with the right mouse sensitivity, meaning that Charge being directional isn't so big of an issue.
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  10. DrBash00

    Hi ho, we (Some Guys from the GameZ Clan) done some tests on the current Max Balancing.
    I sacreficed 6000 Zerts on my Vanu char to give some "unbelievers" proof the Maxes need a Remake.

    On the Video you can see just 1 Test of 1 Standart weapon versus another standart Weapon, but we testet even more and i write about the other Tests.

    On the Video the Vanu max had Lv4 kinetic armor and the TR max had Lv5 Kinetic armor.
    We also done the test when both maxes have NO armor, but the outcome is just the same.

    We also testet NS Decimator in the Face, and it does 75% Dmg like on every other max.
    So the conclusion is: Vanu maxes take NO INCRASED dmg from Explosive weapons (Because 75% + 30% = 75%.... if you belive this better take a math class).
    So this leads to the next conclusion
    Vs maxes have the best ability for AV, because they are hardest to hit while dealing hard dmg with the AV Weapons.
    Nc Maxes.... well i dont think the shield give them any advantege on AV.

    Also Vanu maxes are situational nearly as good, or even better than TR maxes with deploy mode.
    Because they deal incrased dmg, and are EXTREM deathly if they let the plane come close enough before they open fire, they also can get in and out of cover pretty quickly while a Tr maxe has to Deploy.
    The Nc max is not compared here because the shield have no effect on AA.

    In Infantry fight, the deploy mode is just stubid because you kill 2 guys and after this they will come back with granad launcher and rocket launcher and just shoot to exact the Position, because they are no NPCs they remember where you stay, you have to find any position you can not turn 360° so you need pretty much a wall behind you, and there are not really a lot good positions. So there is no "Turret Feeling".

    The Nc have the shield, it is nice fore group combat in Biolabs and makes it pretty much impossible to cap a Biolab or closw quater fields versus good organized groups. I think the shield is fun, but compared to the VS max, a piece of crap.

    Vs max on the other side.... well it runs around, straves left right... changes position so fast... a heavy even cant follow the vs max, kills enemy infantry very fast, and if he moves smart (between enemys) he can knock out all engies all sanis and after even kill the enemy max. The VS max can just outrun the NC max to stay out of the shotgun range. And this all while shooting!!! On other factions enemy Heavy have time to pull a rocket launcher and give a last shot, but not on VS maxes because infight or long range, they are superior, infight they kill him just faster and long range your rocket will probably not hit, because of the straving and the "slow" rockets.

    Tr Max and NC max have both big disadvanteges, TR is locked and NC loose the Ability to charge.
    And VS.... well they have no real disatvantege you just need to know how to use you max... but when you think on the Video from Below, if the Vs and TR max start to move left and right... who needs more skill to kill the enemy??

    Right the Tr max needs to land every single shot on a freaking fast moving Max while the VS max can even aim for the Head of the TR max, because he can only move slow....
    This is SO FAR AWAY FROM BALANCED!!!! I am lv 95 Now and had big Fun with Planetside 2, but right now with epic server laggs freaking overpowered Vanu maxes the fun starts to fade....
    I am only happy to have a nice outfit, but without them i would look for a new game... serious.
  11. WaaWaa

    No, you are correct, mouse sensitivity isn't the issue. It's the ease with which ZOE is toggled on and off with no penalty, and the increase in damage output you get in an FPS game with an already high time to kill MAX weapons.
  12. SinerAthin

    The damage output isn't often noticed versus infantry, mainly because they die so quickly regardless of in ZOE or not.

    Whether I play as TR, NC or a VS ZOE MAX, infantry tend to die immediately after I place them in my crosshair if they are within my effective range.

    If I am going to rate TTK, then ZOE is actually in the second place, behind the NC MAX's instagib shotguns.
  13. Ceskaz

    Adding a small precision:
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  14. SinerAthin

    That is where most MAXes play. In your face. You won't see many MAXes out in the open.

    They prefer enclosed areas, such as Towers, Biolabs and covering doorways.
  15. Badname0192

    Your ZOE MAX survived that btw. You got two LA with your C4.

    Good show!
  16. Ceskaz

    Play NC, you will know how much shotgun limits NC MAX gameplay. Even in a Bioloab having more than 8m range is usefull (cf this post by Matti)
    VS MAXs have the more accurate (and so long range) AI weapons, so please don't lecture me about the practical engagement range in MAX.
  17. Mxiter

    ZoE max don't agree with you.
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  18. SinerAthin

    My second character is NC. I have a Scatmax with x2 Extended Mags and rank 5 Kinetic armor.

    The VS MAXes do have a longer effective range than a NC MAX without slugs, but their damage is lower than a NC MAX(which in itself is fair).

    Also, to somewhat reliable kill infantry beyond 10 meter, you need to use Blueshifts, which also nerfs you in CQC compared to using dual Nebulas.
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  19. WaaWaa

    If I were to rate overpowered, then ZOE is in first place, because by the time you get 2 or 3 kills in an NC MAX and have to run or hide, the ZOE MAX has cleared the entire room without a scratch on him because all the infantry die before they can get a shot off. Furthermore, if you want to be cheeky with the ZOE you can chase down infantry running away from you, which you can't do with the NC MAX. TTK is not the only consideration here, but the available firepower in one go, which the ZOE has both in spades.

    It's too good, and it will get nerfed.
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  20. MajiinBuu

    It's been how many months now? Still waiting on that nerf.
    Just nerf it so NC and TR will have to find something else to whine aboot.