Vanu says their numbers are going down

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Prodigal

    Way to miss a point.
  2. Prodigal

    Their Scatmaxes and 1-shot snipers? Not to speak of the HA Sniper Rifle (aka Gauss SAW).
  3. Maarvy

    Amerish GG those % numbers may actualy represent number of players .

    33 vanu , 13 nc , and 3 Tr is my guess on actual player numbers .
  4. Oheck

    Yeah, the percentages are deceptive and don't reflect the actual population. Why on earth they don't just show the actual number of players in the continent is beyond me.
  5. SolitarioSoldat

    To all those that talked math crap in this thread, here you go world population on Jaeger.... Now stop crying and put your purple spandex on.
  6. vaxx

    What time was that? Because it was not like that tonight in primetime.

    Look, just because you are getting your butt-kicked by a lower pop faction, dont try to justify it. Just deal with it. Stop trying to spread these BS screenies that have no timestamp.
  7. Lausk

    Vanu actually translates roughly to janitor.

    That's right, they keep Esamir and Amerish clean so the children have somehere tidey to fight their wars.
  8. Naota

    The world population right now. On Jaeger. You blithering idiot:

    Not that it means anything, as I could have taken this at any time on any server or simply shopped in the appropriate details. The fact remains that Vanu on Jaeger is consistently 10% below the other two empires or worse at all times of day, and the constant, hopeless losing battles are pushing more and more away as time goes on. Being an underdog by 3-4% is one thing, but there's only so much we can do fighting against 2:1 odds on two fronts all the time.
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  9. Xasapis

    Please don't bump rubbish threads.
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  10. NC_agent00kevin

    Jaeger: VS are usually under pop'd in Primetime. I did see a short couple hour period where they were equal after midnight tonight. Not sure what was going on; thats unusual now. I dont play at night much though so I could just be missing it. These days NC has the pop advantage but occasionally TR barely outnumbers the NC. And when the NC does have the largest pop, its usually not much more than the TR.

    I had assumed that the VS appealed to younger players in general (but not as a rule) and the younger players tend to jump from game to game quicker than older players. New games were released and they are probably playing Crysis 3 now. When that gets old, they may be back.

    I know both my teens chose VS until I showed them the way of Freedom.
  11. SolitarioSoldat

    gotta love internet trolls who feel strong behind their monitors, LOL.... try and say that in person and see what happens to ur nose.

    that screen shot was from tonight
  12. Xasapis

    Why would VS appeal to the younger crowd? If anything, TR pseudo military theme would fit that certain mentality better.
  13. NC_agent00kevin

    My oldest teen wants to join the Marines and chose VS.

    To me, it seems like a younger player's choice. No real way to explain that; its just how I felt when I read about each faction and made my own choice to play NC.
  14. Xasapis

    It must be a cultural thing then. I'm 40 btw.

    The NC from my point of view are tasteless, too generic. I can understand the appeal that the whole theme may have in US, but I'm from EU so ... NC was also sold as the challenging faction at the beginning, which was the only draw, although a major one.

    I do understand why EU people would pick TR, they are very similar to the warhammer space marines.Also the whole military theme fits the scale of the game.

    I ended up choosing VS for two reasons. The alien twist sounded more appealing than the generic red vs blue conflict. I was also expecting it to be the less populated faction, exactly because people tend to pick the generic and familiar.
  15. C0L0NELH0GAN

    Taking a snapshot on a timeframe in the middle of nowhere and say, hey everything is fine with VS Population is really a good joke!
    But man, you missed the 1st of April quite a bit...

  16. Naota

    I don't even know what he plans to accomplish with this blatant falsehood. Jaeger's population balance isn't one of those subjective arguments like MBT balance or rocket pods - you can log on right now, tomorrow, or any time of day in the near future and see it for yourself without any bias. It's not even an obscure statistic... it's right there on the login screen!

    This is like claiming disco is currently taking the music world of 2013 by storm and including a picture of a man in bellbottoms (without a date!) as proof. You can't lie to people about something they can easily verify for themselves.
  17. KingSnuggler

    So what time of the day did you take these prime time ? Middle of the night ? What server is this ?
  18. KingSnuggler

    That's been happening everyday since launch..... nerf Magriders (nerfed) now its nerf (Prowlers) (TBA) nerf Air (nerfed) nerf Rocket Launchers (nerf) its almost like people don't want to die since most of these players seem to think they are the best players in the world and don't want to die to prove it so let's nerf the game into the ground till it's just like COD no thanks I don't want to play that kind of game.
  19. SgtBreastroker

    I am only going to take you seriously until you show me an image of Indar. Any faction can ghost cap those continents relatively quickly. That is a hilariously bias image.On Briggs the Vanu usually hold onto the two continents even though we hover around 26% population.
  20. pisu

    Well, that's the pot calling the kettle black...