Vanu pistols iron sights

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShumaKun, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. ShumaKun

    I hate them, they are worst iron sights in the game and there is no alternative. I would like to have a option to get rid off them.
  2. HyperMatrix

    The TR ones are worse. The NC is far away the best of the lot. I have had people message me accusing me of hacking because I killed them with their HA shield and LMG, using just my pistol in a medium-range fight. :p
  3. FlayvorOfEvil

    I dislike all iron sights and think we should be able to cert a mini reflex sight onto our pistol.
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  4. HyperMatrix

    Honestly I'll stick with the stock nc pistol. A reflex sight would still block some of your vision. Current nc pistol setup is amazing. I only discovered how good it is when I decided to make an nc character and only use the jackhammer, which meant I'd have to find another weapon to use for medium range. I crapped myself when I saw how amazing the pistol was. Don't get me wrong...I'll take my repeater for close range any day of the week. But for medium range, the nc pistol is just amazing.
  5. BengalTiger

    Why not add an 8x zoom scope as well.

    P.S. When are revolvers coming?
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  6. CommodoreFrank

    I never understood the issue with their pistol sights. They are odd, but I still find them quite functional.
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  7. BengalTiger

    Was double post.

    I use the NC pistol a lot, I often run around with the Gauss SAW and a 4x scope to win the outdoors when I'm on foot; indoors the scope limits field of view too much so I can only use the pistol for room clearing. It works.
  8. FlayvorOfEvil

    The thing about pistols is that people don't really aim down sights with them in real life. Also in game, I find that the pistol makes it hard for me to find my target again if the recoil brings the iron sights above their head, as iron sights don't let you see what's below.
  9. Deth

    It really just does not make sense that we have them really. We are fighting in the future..We have better sights now today on pistols then iron sights.??? Strange..
  10. vaxx

    Huh? You dont shoot much do you?
  11. Shasbot

    It's not that bad, but it is an ugly gun. Manticore is an exact copy too. There needs to be more sidearms...
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  12. CrashB111

    TR iron sight isn't a problem because you should always be hip firing the Repeater with a laser sight on it.
  13. HyperMatrix

    Practice with the nc pistol. If you wait just a split second after you fire each shot the goes back to exactly where it was. Very minimal wait time. Very good accuracy. Very lethal. Honestly just practice with it in VR. You'll fall in love with it as I have. Though it may all be easier for me because I play with FOV set to 40. :p
  14. FlayvorOfEvil

    It's not about the wait time. It's the fact that you are also trying to track your target and if you go above your target for a moment, then you lose it.
  15. FlayvorOfEvil

    Sorry, what I meant was,we don't aim down the sights the same way you do in game

    And true I don't shoot pistols, only rifles.
  16. Chiss

    I cant stand the NC iron sights. As soon as you start firing, you the gun jolts up and you cant see anything.
  17. Kastrenzo

    why use ironsights in the first place

    Hipfire is more than enough.

    I score plenty of headshots and fast kills with the Beamer and the Emperor, and they're completley naked, no attachments