[Guide] Vanu Heavy Assault Weapons In-Combat Comparison

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Wristy, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Wristy

    yea the Flare would be good as you can fit it with soft point or high velocity ammo

    If you find you can afford a extra weapon, the SVA-88 is the pulsar but built for long range and it does very nice at it too
  2. Prince Planet

    Great work mate. Much appreciated.
  3. DemoEvolved

    NS annilator locks ground and air, 5 clip, whats the downside compared to the stock weapon that locks NOthing???
  4. Wristy

    It doesnt hit as hard. other AV weapons do 1500 dam, the annihilator only does 1150
  5. KoSGunny

    It's not the Pandora's damage that is lacking: It's the accuracy. Shots rarely **** targets dead in your sights, seems to have a massive CoF even when ADSing.

    However if you hit, especially with slugs: It can be an easy OHK. Though 2-3 shots is far more common, at point blank it's almost always a OHK in the upper chest or head.

    Two tips about it: Don't fire full auto, pause a little as though it was semi-auto.
    Use it with engi: Unlimited ammo with only brief corner-pausing for restocks.
  6. KoSGunny

    Nice video btw. I'll be certing the Flare now.
  7. shindig

    I have the Flare, SVA-88, LSW, and Lasher, and am always torn between the Flare and LSW. After reading the forums I try to give the SVA some love and pull it out but I always kill more people with the LSW or Flare.

    I kill people with the SVA with HV ammo, but using bursts and counting the rounds it takes more than the LSW and flare, every time, it's as loud as the flare, and seems to have just about as much recoil as the flare with HV ammo+compensator. The LSW has a lot less recoil, is a bit quieter, good fire rate, and accurate. The flare with extended ammo+compensator+HV ammo is a beast though too....
  8. Bodasal

    Obviously as a TR your video has no merit for the glorious Terran war machine !

    *looks around to check I'm alone*

    Nicely done though ;)

  9. Shamrock

    Nice review, keep up the good work, been using the SVA88, but might give the Polaris a go for CQC hip fire base fights.