Vanu Are Catching Up

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by -Synapse-, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. libbmaster

    Thank you. We try.
  2. PapaMojo

    Actually, I know for myself I haven't logged into a TR alt to get any bonus. For me, VS winning the pre-season on Connery is it's own little goal. I'm just surprised that the TR are doing so badly this week. I mean, if you look at the scores, TR is the sad little step-child on Connery this week. This week it's NC vs VS with TR just trying to hang onto some property. In fact, right now it's looking like TR is even going to lose out to NC for the pre-season as a whole. So much for TR is OP, at least on Connery.
  3. FIN Faravid

    I hope this brings more players to Vanu, but i hope players don't come from NC... TR is over-pop so i am fine if people leave it, even if we becomes underdog (which it won't).
  4. DeadLamb

    they (we) will just not leave Indar is seems.....
    VS won an Esamir alert last night with near 60% pop in that map :rolleyes:.. totally weak level of win if you can even call it a win if no one shows up to fight you.. Yet if I'm throwing stones in a glass house the bulk of TR players at the time sat on Indar at 60% map pop not doing anything at all with next to NO ONE to fight.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: sigh

    like wait, you will sit on a map with 60% pop with NO alert!!? At least VS was pushing for the goal of an XP reward..TR was fighting over table scraps as the zerg shells some tower for 30+ min.. At least my Harasser crew went to the alert, yeah we got stomped out but we took a lot of VS gear with us.. lol

    Meh, if nothing else it's interesting to me to watch how the game is evolving.