Vanu AI MAX weapon stats?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Rimu, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Rimu

    Is their any spreadsheet out their where i can see detailed stats of the Vanu AI MAX Weapons? I got me a pair of Nebulas today and the lack of sounds drives me crazy .*like the Lasher* Could any one help me out what are the exact stats on the others?
  2. CorticalHomunculus

    Not sure where stats are.... I will say that in my opinion, you absolutely want to use the Blueshift as VS. It's the most accurate and is what makes us IMO a bit better than the TR and NC max's. I often beat them 1v1 at medium range because of these weapons. I've tried the cosmos and the extra mag cap isn't anything special.
  3. Sostratos

    I wish I could figure out why people keep saying this. The Blueshift has no accuracy advantage at all as it currently stands, the description is flat-out wrong. What it does have is a tiny increase in ROF over the Quasar. The Cosmos really is the best VS anti-infantry option for the MAX right now. That extra magazine capacity can turn a death-by-reload into a victory, especially against enemy MAXes.
  4. Joehunk

    Sostratos is half right. The following data is taken from extracting the game files. The raw data is here:
    (note that is not my spreadsheet, so I am not claiming credit for the hard work that went into it)

    125 damage
    6.25 rounds/sec (1.28s TTK)
    Mag: 50 rounds
    Accuracy: CoF 1 - 2.5(lower is better)

    143 damage
    6.67 rounds/sec (1.04s TTK)
    Mag 50 rounds
    Accuracy: CoF 1.5-3

    167 damage
    5.61 rounds/sec
    Mag: 75 rounds (1.07s TTK)
    Accuracy: CoF 1 - 2.5

    167 damage
    5.81 rounds/sec (1.03s TTK)
    Mag: 40 rounds
    Accuracy: CoF 1.75 - 7

    I calculated time to kill (TTK) assuming a normal infantry with the first level nanoweave. HA shield will take longer and Infiltrators will take less time. I'd consider the TTK of everything but the Quasar to be identical for all practical purposes.

    Also note the TTK numbers get BETTER than half for dual wield. This is due to front load. For instance. The Nebula takes 8 rounds to kill. One Nebula delivers this in 1.04 seconds (first round at time zero, then seven more rounds every 0.15s). Two Nebulas only take 0.45 seconds to do this (2 rounds at time zero, then 3 rounds each every 0.45s)

    This suggests a couple things:
    - With comparable TTK, biggest mag, and highest accuracy, the Cosmos is the best overall.
    - All 3 upgrades are significant improvements over stock
    - The Blueshift actually has lower accuracy, by a lot, than all the others. Not sure if this is a bug nor not but again this is real data extracted from the latest patch AND confirmed by firing all these weapons at a wall and observing the spread.

    To me it seems like the only real choices are Comet (best sustained fire, best damage per magazine, best accuracy) or Nebula (fast RoF makes it more forgiving of misses).
    • Up x 6
  5. Ripshaft

    I'm not sure if all the descriptions are wrong, but I know one of the descriptions says it has improved accuracy WHILE MOVING and makes no implication that the accuracy is better overall... but alot of people stop reading carefully after they see "improved accuracy", myself included until i rented it and immediately realized it was less accurate than the quasar.
  6. ChaosMC

    I wish VS max has shoguns. I saw NC max can kill infantry instantly with them.
  7. Rifleman

  8. Joehunk

    Yeah I had to do a pretty painstaking manual mining process to get that data and I am not even 100% sure it's right, although it does jibe with in-game observations. It'll take a bit to get the same for TR and NC.
  9. Rimu

    Ohh WoW Thank you for this post. Good that i have the Nebula for both arms and now it has a firing sound too!
  10. Village

    Where did you pull that information from? I cannot find the stats on the MAX weapons in that google document at all.
  11. Joehunk

    It's not in a very user friendly format. I am a software engineer with some experience in databases so I sort of manually parsed the data by the way all the different tables map together. It took a good while to do this. I could maybe automate it at least partially if I could figure out how to import that spreadsheet into Excel.
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  12. Ta'Lon

    You can go to and "Go to spreadsheet view" and it'll allow you to save it.
    Direct Link

    Or just use ps2ls to extract them yourself from the game files.

    What I'd like to know is how you mapped the names to the weapon IDs. I looked through pretty much all the game files and didn't find any way to do it.
  13. LoveJuices

    I brought this up in a support ticket to SOE. Their response was "Blueshifts are working as per their descriptions."

    Despite the fact that the Quasar has better accuracy then the Blueshift not only in practice but in the ingame stat menu themselves. I cannot tell if they know the system is borked and just don't want to admit it or are actually completely unaware that all the VS MAX weapons are pretty much the same. The only real advantage is the Cosmos because 75 rounds in a magazine is huge. The Accuracy is pretty up in the air considering they are all within 1-3 pips of each other and hitting anything beyond 15m is pretty... not happening. Along with even the Nebula 'rate of fire' increase being something like 5% or less. Really doesn't make any difference.

    All the descriptions are flat out wrong or Extremely misleading. NC have the close range. TR have the long. We got the medium. Which ironically is best for dispatching infantry at all ranges. Wish it was something different though. NC got the shotguns. TR have the high rate of fire death by dakka. We got... medium rate of fire and death by dakka?

    Should have like a sustained beam of energy or explosive gel that detonates when enough globs have collected together on a single target.

    SOMETHING different then regular old bullets.
  14. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    True that.
    Tell you what: I'd like a Lasher on my Max.
    I'd buy it. Twice.
  15. EwAB

    Yep SOE just confirmed that they refuse to accept any refunds of the scam they are pulling of.
    False information on all of the weapons and they are to be changed as well. Which means that whatever you buy now is NOT what the description says they are and they will be nerfed hard in the future and changed to something completely else than both description and current usage.

    Do not buy any AI weapons for VS MAX!
    • Up x 1
  16. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    I think most people know that by now.
    What you see is not what you get, and neither has it any relation to what they told you you'd get or what it will be next month.
    Still, a max with just one weapon is rather pitiful.
    Use up those trials.^^
  17. Joehunk

    Interestingly though, the bars for stuff like accuracy and damage DO seem to be trustworthy, at least relative to other weapons in the same class.
  18. Plunkies

  19. Cryptek

    That is not the damage of the quasar :I

    That's not anything on the Quasar as a matter of fact! You clearly have the Quasar confused with a TR Onslaught :p

    it does the same damage as a Cosmos

    HOWEVER.. Considering that Cosmos has more ammo and much better accuracy.. there really is no reason to use anything but a Cosmos <_<.. The Nebula only if you diehard love the stock heavy cycler.
  20. SinerAthin

    The Nebula is actually superior in up-close engagements where you expect the enemy infantry to be jumping around you.

    Other than that, the Cosmos is generally the most versatile and the best overral weapon.