[Guide] Using Infiltrators as Walking Bombs (ATICD)

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Verviedi, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Verviedi

    During spawncamps, your spawn is often locked down by tanks and MAXes. Delivery of C4 to these vital locations is impossible by normal means. However, with collaboration from BGSA's best scientists, we have discovered the ultimate Anti-Tank Invisible C4 Deliverer. (ATICD).
    How To Do It:
    Step 1. Find a friend.
    Step 2. Make your friend switch to stalker infiltrator. Then, get some people to attack C4 to him. 2-3 is usually enough.
    Step 3. Get your friend to run out of the spawn room and find a group of packed together infantry, MAXes, or a tank.
    Step 4. When your friend is in the middle of the target (to cause maximum damage), detonate the C4.

    Great for killing tanks and spawncampers. The bomb is invisible and fast, so there are almost no counters. If the bomb is flashlighted, he/she is close enough to detonate and kill the person with the flashlight.

    Hope you enjoyed.
    -BGSA Vanu Science Division
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  2. cruczi

    Only mad VS scientists could come up with this crap. I bet they told the military leaders who approved this that the poor cloakers gain "enlightenment".
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  3. DatVanuMan

    Wow. I knew my fellow brothers were crazy, but this... No, I left the Middle East for a reasonXD
    I have tried this out in VR, but never in real life. Sounds effective, though. Just get near that damned BR100 tank, and BOOM! Never saw it coming:D
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  4. Verviedi

    They get enlightenment all right. The C4 exploding certainly created some light.
  5. Arkenbrien

    They may have to gather themselves after such an enlightening experience.
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  6. Verviedi

    That's only the bad ones. The good ones complete their pilgrimage back to the spawn room via nanites.
  7. cruczi

    And when they respawn, reality hits them hard. They did not ascend. Instead, they were duped into sacrificing themselves for a few certs more, and they didn't even get their share. This con scheme will surely not last.
  8. GlueHead

    Is it possible for the infiltrator to redeploy instead of dying...making the c4 land at the body and then comes the boom?
  9. Sanguinary

    This reminds me of the lore they posted about developing Magriders and Scythe development, about how many scientists died in the first seconds of their testing.

    If this persists, I can imagine unmanned explosive drones being the next addition to the arsenal.

    It's effective, not 100% success though, all it takes is for one person using EOD or an observant player/flashlight to foil your plans. I recall irritating some TR on a couple of occasions to have them retaliate with a cloak-flash rigged with C4 as a counter to a Vanguard, or a MAX on point... Yeah.. they really didn't like the MAX, I think someone even padded that with a tank mine in person.

    Actually, it was quite funny with one of those cloak-flashes, a friendly spotted the C4 accidentaqlly, and we could see this blip moving on the map/infront of a cluster of explosive markers moving towards us.
  10. Jawarisin

    Or the infiltrator is smart and EMP's himself at the target.

    But as someone who did that quite a few times, the c4 are not invisible, and they are flying behind you. It's not as sneaky as you might think it is.
  11. Verviedi

    Well, due to the way the C4 moves, it's hard to tell where the bomb actually is.
  12. Shadoiex

    ...what are they feeding you Vanu!?!?
  13. Verviedi

    Skywhale meat and Vanu Sovereignty Intravenous Breakfast Supplements (Soylent green flavor)
  14. Jawarisin

    Shoot the c4
  15. Verviedi

    Latency and C4 is a small target.
  16. Jawarisin

    never had a problem, but it it gives a general idea of where the stlaker is anyways, just shoot that direction in the worst case. Otherwise, work on your aim :3
  17. FaLI3N

    I have never been killed by someone doing this and I tank a lot but I have seen them doing it a few times. Never been too much of a problem to shoot the guy with a double c4 comet-tail.
  18. Rhumald

    They changed it so you can actually attach C4 to people?

    ... I remember making people rage using that tactic and a riot shield back in CoD MW2, I wonder if you could do the same here with an NC max...
  19. Verviedi

    You could, but it would be too conspicous and waste resources. Cloakers are free and MAXes are not
  20. Canno

    Old tactic is old.
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