Upgrade Now Button

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. ikillyou1990

    In an hour, I've gotten about 4. These are EXTREMELY distracting in any fight. Any chance of it only happening upon death or something?
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  2. Eyeklops

    Ohh lord. Is my inbox going to blow up? If it is, can you get mods 1 through 8 to send them in order, I would totally screenshot that. Just kidding, I don't think I did anything really bad.
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  3. RyanGUK

    Check the original post:

  4. sebo

    what's next, ads directly on our crosshair as we aim? don't think the spam is going to encourage people to flock to sign up..
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  5. Levtech

    I think the popups will go away in a month or two like they did last time (about 1 yr ago) since its just a big sale. I do not know about the subscribe button though, but I'll live with the annoyance.
  6. RyanGUK

    I think you'll need to... Upgrade your inbox. :cool:

    Sorry, I really had to.
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  7. AlexS189

    I am a member and have been for over a year (i think). Personally i don't care for any new weapons, camos, decals, helmets most of the time because i am perfectly happy with my current load-outs and 9/10 i don't use them much anyway because i usually squad or platoon lead which soaks up most of my killing time (not fussed as i enjoy the strategy part of the game).

    Regardless of how intrusive the ads are it still makes my life more hard in game as a PL because i have enough to deal with as it is (leading is hard with 4 sets of comms and constant observation of the entire continent anyway) which is something i really don't. what i propose is a compromise. Give players who have already spent money (or at least members!!), or experienced players. The OPTION to turn it off.

    This would allow for the ads to still be in place for all players. However having the option to disable these (on by default) would help significantly. As a lot of players who buy SC do not have a membership and force feeding ads is not fair on long term players who are well aware of the benefits, but do not want them.

    EDIT: I realize i went off topic slightly. But i wanted to also share my personal view of a possible solution to the problem at hand. just my view on it.
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  8. Sevion

    The irony of this update, I just recently started playing again... When I awoken in the morning x2 would have started and so I would have pulled out my credit card to subscribe. But to see these ads and hear even subing wont get rid of them... Yea my credit card isnt leaving my wallet now, way to backfire SOE.
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  9. smegnz

    Hi, I have Auraxium membership to support the game, but due to other commitments I have to log in and out often. Just interested to know where this is heading. Will there be a limitation on these annoying pop-ups, or I will have to contend with their intrusion every login?
    Like most premium members I pay attention to what is going on with the game in terms of sales, nerfs, balance, and other issues. The current system is excessively invasive, and as someone stated a bit on an insult to the intelligence of paying clientele. Captain obvious would support this marketing approach.
  10. Halon

    How long is a "play session"? Are people with a longer play session going to see more ads?
    Do crash to desktops, server disconnects, etc reset this popup limit?
    Is former membership accounted for at all? Or are they treated as 100% f2p?

    The HUD is already quite busy, visually and audibly.

    I'm ok with the upgrade buttons in the menu or the "you would have earned" deathscreen etc, but my opinion is that the corner HUD popup is one step too far.

    Starting my first post patch play session so we'll see how it goes.
  11. ikillyou1990

    Yes, I read it. Adding advertisements in general was extremely stupid, they already advertise on the forums, on their website, on facebook, the launcher, etc. Adding even more advertisements just makes me hesitate on spending more money because all SOE looks like right now are money hungry bafoons who can't even keep their game working properly 90% of the time. They honestly should be focused on fixing the game, not advertising a broken game.
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  12. bonkfire

    Dear (insert mod/Radarx),

    I am an auraxium member, i have renewed my membership since i got it and have dropped well over a few hundred bucks into this game. I am quite aware of sales going on, I check the store first when i log on to a character. Can you at least implement it so that once you view the sale/store it doesn't send you any more pop ups to look at the sale i just viewed until the sale changes. Or be nice and allow members to not receive pop ups since we are already paying money,
  13. LCTR

    PS2 is a Free-2-play game, we all know that.

    Many of us have spent money on Station Cash to purchase in-game items and help support the game we enjoy playing. For those who choose, Premium Membership allows people to commit to the game in a different way and in turn gain extra benefits. I can see why SOE would like more monthly subscribers.

    Today's patch seems to, in my opinion, have crossed a line with respect to the pop-up adverts that are now appearing in-game.

    The lower-right-corner pop-up windows will be a common sight to those who play the game often: they are commonly squad invites, friend requests, warp queue notification, etc.

    Now, periodically, what is in effect a small advert for Premium Membership appears in the lower right of the screen. In peripheral vision is looks exactly like a 'game mechanic' based alert - something the player needs to deal with some immediacy - but it isn't anything linked to game play.

    I've always been impressed with how SOE has dealt with its F2P model. Where other companies have blundered SOE has trodden the path well, but this intrusion into the general flow of playing the game feels - to me at least - to be a misstep.

    I understand SOE needs to show the value of Premium Membership to prospective subscribers (the adverts on loading screens are fine imo) but if that advertising disrupts the experience of the game I think it has taken a step too far.

    What do other PS2 players think of this new addition?
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  14. bonkfire

    Well pop ups about sales are the least effective way to drum up sales. Those who have station cash or are willing to buy some if they see something they like are usually the people that check the store on their own fairly regularly
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  15. Forkyar24

    not a fan, I don't want advertisement sent to me, highly annoying, even though im a member, I don't want to see it once, if you want to advertise in game go for it but don't send it to me, don't force missions on me, this is the wrong way to go soe.
  16. Blippy

    Personally, I think displaying adverts and upgrade buttons for members that aren't Auraxium and people who buy SC but not subscriptions to be very disrespectful. These people still support the game, so they shouldn't receive pop-ups and advertisements like the free players do.
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  17. HappyT

    Can the Upgrade now button at least be somewhere else other than where old deploy button used to be. Its really annoying.
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  18. LCTR

    I think it is unreasonable to expect SOE to not provide information for potential subscribers - eg. The upgrade information & info about double xp weekends on the loading screens seems entirely appropriate. Users are waiting for the game to load, the advertising doesn't disrupt the game experience.

    I would argue the pop-up advets (that superficially look like gameplay-based notifications) are significantly different to the 'passive' advertising of the loading screens. I would draw the comparison to website advertising - a banner ad is one thing, a pop-up ad is quite another. It's actually worse in a game operating in real-time.

    The frequency of these pop-ups doesn't change the core problem with them - imo they sacrifice the users game experience for the opportunity to advertise. In this way I would ask SOE to reconsider their position on these pop-ups.
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  19. bonkfire

    TO SOE, In summary, the community (aka. the people giving you money), HATE HATE HATE pop up adverts, they ruin immersion, distract players during play often during critical moments (combat). And leave those of us with sc not wanting to spend it or buy more.

    The upgrade button is annoying especially to have it on screens other then the character screen (where you equip boosts and titles). It hurts immersion when it is on other screens in the menu, but doesn't interfere with playing the game like the pop ups do. It still annoys us and leaves a bad taste in our mouth. But if you get rid of the pop ups, Its a safe bet that our anger towards the UPGRADE button will cool off to minor annoyance.
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  20. ScrapyardBob

    Pop-up ads that look like integral game windows (i.e. squad invites, "warp to continent X", etc.) is just a poor idea. It trains your users not to pay attention to the pop-up alerts and they *will* be pissed off if they just clicked "No" for warping to another continent after waiting 10+ minutes in a queue.

    Put your ads on the loading screens, they work well there.
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