Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DatVanuMan, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. DatVanuMan

    I need to say something funny after I kill every single person I come across. It would be something cool, something wise...
    OH! How about:

    WAIT for it...

  2. Nitrobudyn

    And i want to hear "NC ROLL OUT!" instead of "I need a ride" :D
  3. iller

    They're also really strong on Regulation. ...... N.C. by comparison think "freedom" means having lead in their water.

    ...infact that would explain about 90% of the choices they make during alerts
  4. Lord_Avatar

    That's exactly how it tends to happen in real life.
  5. -Synapse-

    Aw, no robo/radio-voice pack for TR. Aw well, the exaggerated Russian is kinda funny. I just think that "I need a rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrride!" line could get a bit old.
  6. Yeahy

    Waiting on Borg voice lines.
    Pls gets rights from JJAhbrams Paramount.
  7. DrBash00

    Lol yeah i can imagine "The Führer Voiceback" only aviable in german ;-)
  8. Pootisman

    Best udate in months? Are they fixing the infantry render issues? Or the laggy servers? Or the vehicle ejection seat bug?
  9. Wyll

    I am still waiting for a my "sack of doorknobs" melee weapon.
    • Up x 1
  10. DatVanuMan

    I have none of those, so YES!:p