The new update is going to be THE BEST! Better sights, better Flash and Harasser seats, better XP system, and best of all... TRANSFORMERS' VOICE PACK!!!!!!!!!! So what do you guys think? This could be the best update in months, and I can't wait! If only I had SC...
The scopes thing is long overdue, but nonetheless awesome. Beside that all I'm waiting on is the Cloaking pass. The voicepacks are gimmicky at best.
The TR voice pack is a hint from SOE that TR are supposed to be the bad guys, that NC are the cool guys and the VS are just the odd balls
I actually don't like the VS voices. The female one sounded like a Zerg unit while the male sounded like the old Dragoon from SC1. Higby Pls stream.
Hey, if you're a communist who wants an oppressive 1984-style regime to control every aspect of your life, then maybe TR are the good guys!
Skimmed through the stream, didn't quite catch - is the MAX voice pack that sounds like after processing will be a default pack for MAX, or something that you purchase for SC and then use on all classes?
You mean VS Transformers? It'll be available for everyone You get Sergeant Ernie and good 'ole Russian guy. The NC win, however... Thet get Schwarzenegger
No, that's not what I meant. I wasn't asking which faction gets what. I was asking if MAXes will now sound different, or are these just voice packs, available to all classes.
Too bad. It would be cool if MAXes sounded different. People have been asking for this. Not that I would imply MAXes need any additional encouragement to play beyond being broken OP.
They are simply ridiculous. I would much prefer a set of serious ones in various national accents. English, German etc.
'Murican and Schwarzenegger for NC. German and Middle Eastern for VS. British and Russian for TR. ALTHOUGH, it would be better if they let us choose how we would like to sound. I've always wanted to ACTUALLY make a JAYHAD scream when I hit a Vanguard with my Harasser
Much more simple than that. They did flags, just do a simple pair of national accents M&F. TO be used by any fraction.
Read up on the TR, it's a Socialist Republic. It's responsible for a Golden Age, and is under a voted on Martial Law. Thank the NC for ruining everything. That's why they must be exterminated!