Unticked Profanity Filter Filters Hitler, But not Stalin?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blue_Shift, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. Blue_Shift

    Stalin Killed Way More People. Mao killed way more, but why is Hitler censored?
    They also censored ****. Suddenly History doesn't exist?
  2. SKuLLdRaG3

    it also censors 6600k ... i can't even tell people what i am gonna buy...
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  3. Dennisz125

    Because Hitler did something that is more terrible that those two.
  4. customer548

    The real question is why did you need to type this kind of stuff on an internet game channel ?
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  5. Taemien

    Stalin was an Ally, Hitler wasn't.
  6. JobiWan

    It won't let me type 'snigger' when I see something funny.
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  7. Campagne

    History is unkind.
  8. Gundem

    Some countries have specific laws and restrictions about even mentioning stuff like axis and Hitler. Remember, there's more then America out there. Not everywhere has free speech. I remember that in Germany you can be jailed for talking about *****, or something along those lines.
  9. haldolium

    It has nothing to do with country specific laws, its most certainly just some commonly used blacklist for the english language.

    And no, you cannot be jailed for anything in Germany by simply talking about it.
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  10. Gammit

    why do you care?
  11. DooDooBreff

    you beat me to it.....
  12. Foxirus

    At one point in time, It also censored Kim Jong Un if memory serves :p

    Edit* I may be thinking of it not letting players play as that name.
  13. McMan

    It also censors P-enis. What did ***** ever do?
  14. Gundem

    Really? You should take a look at War Thunder's ToS.

    You can get banned for even implying the 3rd Reich.

    While it makes sense to specifically mention that in a game where an entire faction is based off WW2 Germany, it might not be so prominent in a game about space magic and spandex *****.

    It leads me to assume that most sane companies are highly restrictive about the mentioning of such content. Which is backed up by the fact that **** and Hitler are banned words.I also doubt you are allowed to make your username in reference or similitude of such content either.

    As for the legal stringency, I am unaware. But I don't see anything backing up your claim either so I have to assume you are just as ignorant as I am. But I have had close personal friends living in Germany before, so I think I might be a little more informed on such matters. Of course if you know for sure I'd be happy be proven wrong. It's just I'm pretty sure you can be punished legally for things such as supporting Hitler, promoting **** ideals or showing the swastika in public, maybe even simply possessing such a symbol.
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  15. Pfundi

    Im german here.
    Yeah, for saying "Hail Hitler" and/or doing the gesture (right arm up) for using the "Hakenkreuz" (that cross the ***** used) in not art and or history related context and for deniying that the Holocaust (the killing of jews) existed. Im not 100% what the punishment is but in the german mindset your going to be hated for saying anything like that.
    We dont think Hitler is funny. And we hate when some foreigners think they are funny. Thats something you just dont do here.
    The only one you do Hitler jokes with is the Internet and your best friends :D

    As for War Thunder: Yeah, those guys have to pay attention because video games arent art (according to most people) and gloryfiing the Dritte Reich could lead to a ban of the game here in germany. Sometimes our government overreacts, esp. when it comes to the Internet.

    Edit: Oh and for publishing Hitlers book "Mein Kampf" though owning one isnt really illegal.
  16. haldolium

    I take that Gaijin, as well as Riot Games, are a lot more invested in their games and community. WW2 theme based games often attract a lot of ***** or make people use 3rd reich termonology as insults, so good for Gaijin to address that issue directly.

    But that has nothing to do with Planetside 2 and its simple profanity filter For PS2 and SOEs take on it, I really don't see that much investment or most is probably legacy stuff from the day when SOE did care about their MMOs.Thats all I am saying. I highly doubt that someone wasted man hours on a specific list for PS2, its most certainly just some generic list you can get everywhere.

    Well I am German, so I kind of know that stuff as well. hatespeech and the like can get you in trouble an certain symbolism like the Swatiska is banned outside of "educational or entertainment" purposes, which still doesn't cover games that are legally seen as toys.

    However no law or is preventing you to talk about whatever you want, nor any law that covers the kind of profanity censorship that is used in games or forums. That descision is entirely up to the creators of respective services. That was my sole point, because I doubt that you find such laws in any western country.
  17. PKSpark

    Some countries hate Napoleon and compare him to Hitler as well... I won't be surprised if Nap were censored in the future
  18. Taemien

    It has nothing to do with laws. Hitler didn't win and wasn't in the following photo:


    That's Stalin with our President and UK's Prime Minister.
  19. MikeyGeeMan

    The real question is why you would even reference either in this game.
  20. AxiomInsanity87

    It's worth mentioning that i am English before I say this.

    Now. Why people venerate Churchill is completely beyond me. He was racist and was a terrible politician BUT he was a great speaker. He was not as great as people like to make out, regardless of time period. He also supported the brutally of the black and tans constabulary force in Ireland.

    His name should also be filtered out.