"TR weapons are going to receive a few changes" - Matt Higby. So TR... What do we want ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Owen W., Mar 25, 2014.

  1. GoyoElGringo

    I might get some hate because people get a boner for empire specific traits, but I want all the TR weapons to be re-skinned NC weapons. I love the NC weapons, they feel powerful.
  2. IamnotAmazing

    mossie v thrust buff, lockdown time to active/deactivate needs to be decreased
  3. Goretzu

    If so then that's the first time in over 16 months it has. Quick nerf everything! :D

    The GD-7F is perhaps a better CQC Carbine (the Lynx is actually the TR equiverlent), but the Jag is a better close/mid general Carbine.
  4. huller

    Let's see

    Make the jaguar the default carbine
    Rework the TRAC 5 into a carbine version of the cycler TRV
    Get rid of the .75 on the Lynx, possibly on the jag too, compensate by reducing recoil (especialy on the lynx)
    Rework the T5 AMC into a 167 tier carbine
    carbines in general could do with a reduction of the random horizontal jitter which was put there because of flinch, which has been removed for more than a year by now.

    Qua assault rifles the TR are in a better spot than any of our other weapon categories. tough horizontal jitter might be an issue you want to look at.

    Rework the TMG-50 into a 625 RoF 167 tier LMG, it's basicaly just a slightly tweaked copy of the saw-s right now, which has often been called the worst NC lmg and trumping the NC's 167 LMG's by 25 RoF is just so TR I can't get enough of it
    Rework the Bull into a 800+ RoF 134 tier damage lmg since it overlaps with the bull
    Undo the GU1 nerf to the carv-s
    Reduce horizontal recoil on the Carv
    considder adding say 20 extra rounds per mag on every TR lmg as to stand out a little bit more from other faction lmg's
    considder reducing the horizontal jitter, same as carbines and AR's

    TR smg's are the worst of all three empires, buff pls

    Buff the T7 MCG already, spin up or charge up in any other game often warrants an extremely powerfull weapon instead of the straight downgrade from the Carv that we have now. The lasher serves in a unique niche that no other weapon fills and the jackhammer is a straight upgrade from any and all infantry shotguns which leaves the MCG in last place with neither a shining preformance of unique niche to fill. Either Buff the RoF to 896 and reduce CoF bloom or rework it into a handheld version of the banshee (underslung model pls)

    The TR have complained about the striker since it was first anounced, it does exactly the same thing as the anihilator and should either be reworked into a cyote mechanic (a suggestion that is often voiced I believe mainly because TR will settle for anything by this point) or what I thought it was going to be like: able to lock on to muliple targets simultaniously.

    in the pistol department every faction could do with some extra sidearms such as a high damage and a full auto for the TR, lasher pistol and charge up/beam of SCIENCE for VS and scatterpistol and high spam low damage (like a beamer) for the NC

    Higgles himself said once that the TR AI MAX weapons were in need of a buff so I would say despite my dislike of the skillsuit to give TR MAXes MOAR DAKKA, aka more RoF. Lockdown has proven that it is possible.

    Lockdown needs a major rework or an alternative ability same as PS1. Say an overdrive ability in other ways than ZOE

    Claymores have been on the short end of the stick since forever, give us a flat 360 pizza mine already. Make the claymore NS if you want to keep it.

    The vulcan has always meshed poorly with the prowler because the speed advantage of the prowler rarely gets put to it's intended use of a bruiser tank, the low amount of armor coupled with extremely restricted mobility since the hillclimbing nerf reducing any urge a prowler driver would have to charge forwards and use it as a bruiser tank where the vulcan would shine to next to zero in your average zergling prowler driver leading to an extremely scant suply of gunners for the prowler (which are not as lacking on the liberator or harasser in the republic). This issue is further compounded by both ES secondaries being short range weapons and the main cannon being tooled for long range, especialy with anchor, which further increases this problem.

    Personaly I believe the prowler itself lies at the root of this issue, it has shaped a mentality where few dare to commit to where the secondaries excel knowing that it is more likely than not suicide. A prowler rework at the basics is in order if this issue is to be fixed but seeing as how unlikely that is extending the range that both the marauder and vulcan can comfortably opperate in.

    Going further into the secondaries problem, the basilisk basicaly does the same thing as the vulcan but is more geared towards the ranges the main cannon is most effective. The Haleberd is geared towards medium-long range while the main cannon is geared towards long-exteremely long, especialy so with the anchor. This causes a poor overlap which results among other issues in less gunners in the prowler.

    A last note on the prowler secondaries, these clip into the main turret, this only happened with the HEAT turret a loooong time aggo but since the HEAT, HE and AP turrets were equalised all turrets clip into the main turret. TRay fix pls

    The mosquito is fine as it is in the grander scheme of air combat but shouldn't be overlooked by a major overhaul of the airgame.

    The camo changes you made in the preformance update are plainly hideous, few dissagree with this and we can live with slightly harder to ID hacked vehicles comming soon™ Undo these changes pls, this goes for more than the prowler and mossie. Nobody has issues with recognising the owners of NS vehicles so this argument pro is moot. The TR are also have had more than enough of having everything TR handed to the other factions without anything in return and every time something new is added, TR get the short stick qua variety (notable exception, TRAP).

    That seems to be most of it, altough I speak for more than myself that the TR are sick as hell of the constant anti TR bias the comunity flood these forums and reddit with (see above, you know who I'm talking about). No more "TR can't have nice things because of reasons" But that isn't anything SOE can fix.
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  5. Fenrisk

    1.Less horizontal recoil on the TMG50 + advanced foregrip attachment
    2.Striker rockets to stop leading their target
    3. get rid of lockdown completely and give us something useful like a rocket jump :p
    4. More attachments for all TR guns as certain guns lack in attachments compared to their NC and balance some guns to lower HOZ recoil
    5. A 1000 ROF underslung chaingun with pre-windup mode so you don't have to wait
    6. A red smoke grenade launcher
    7. Dumbfire mode for the striker
    8. Free cheese with every 1000 certs gained
  6. Cinnamon


    Jaguar, add advanced forward grip option.
    Lynx, increase velocity.


    T16 Rhino. Change to 167 damage, 600 rpm. Make it the TR equivalent to the EM6.
    T32 Bull. Increase ammo pool, raise fire rate a little.


    PDW-16 Hailstorm. Either improve accuracy or raise fire rate. If in doubt just copy and paste all the blitz stats and give TR the exact same weapon.
  7. -Synapse-

    What does TR want?

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  8. NaySayer

    Stop making our weapons look and sound like plastic (especially the basr's), a fast rof carbine to better suit our trait, fix the striker, stop making us ditch our es-weapons because the ns weapons are flat-out better.
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  9. GoyoElGringo

    A lot of people are complaining about the hailstorm SMG, and I think they could definitely reduce the mag size to 50 or even 40 and increase the ROF a little.

    But one thing people don't realize, is that they are able to use a forward grip on it, where as most players would be using the extended mag with the armistice. That gives it an accuracy advantage. So it trades TTK for a massive mag and better accuracy. I think most people forget about that aspect, maybe because they care about the ROF more than anything. Obviously players with great aim have no use for the Hailstorm, and maybe the weapon is just a crutch for players with bad aim, but I think that's it's niche.
  10. Dnuts175

    -New audio on TR carbines is great. I hope they do the same with the T1-Cycler and the MSW-R (the only two remaining woodpecker guns I can think of)
    -TR 167 dmg weapons are lacking or non existent in some categories. I would love to see the SABR fire full auto and to have at least one 167 dmg carbine.
    -Center the turret on the Prowler
    -Maximum damage range needs to be extended on the Vulcan. 10m is ridiculous considering how well the Saron and Enforcer do within 10m and also have the ability to reach out against fairly distant targets.
    -A 200 dmg single shot pistol
    -.75 ADS LMG for TR *note I think every empire should have at least one .75 ADS carbine, assault rifle, or LMG that isn't NS
    -Possibly the ability to spool the MCG without firing it?
    -Striker re-work. I've heard the term "shoulder mounted fracture" thrown around somewhere before.
    -I don't know how well the Hailstorm is performing compared to the Blitz or Sirius but I don't believe the extra ten rounds is worth the decrease in ROF

    I've heard a few suggestions about changing the T5 AMC to 167 dmg. In its current state, it would be OP if it did that much damage. It would need a ROF reduction.

    I know many players were upset with .75 ADS nerfs. I would suggest adding the ability to CERT in to a light weight frame on certain weapons to make it a .75 ADS weapon. The light weight frame would also cause recoil to increase in addition to the ADS speed.

    A few of you have already voiced some of my suggestions. However, good ideas must be reiterated if they are to be noticed.
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  11. Undeadfred

    TR Changes

    Greater weapon variance, especially in LMG's.

    Faster deploy and undeploy for lockdown on the Max.

    A buff to prowler top speed speed. Right now all MBT have a defencive ability except for the prowler. The ability to go faster than the other tanks (not just 3 kph faster) would add to survivability.

    Vulcan should be belt fed always be spinning and have a low cone of fire. The damage and velocity of each round should be nerfed. The idea is making it a more like a beam weapon, a weapons who's damage isn't front loaded like the other MBT weapons. Make it do less damage to infantry.

    Make the TR chaingun strictly a hip fire weapon. The ADS button should instead be the spin up.

    Mossie could use a faster top speed, difference in top speed is no where near as apparent as the difference in braking and thrusters.

    Bring the Carv 1 Horizontal recoil tier down so it's on par with the orion. The trade is .75 movement speed and faster reload for 50 extra rounds in mag.

    Make the t16 Rinno and the T32 bull more different from each other.

    Give us a t1 RoF Carbine, or better yet change the Lynx to fit that role.

    VS Changes

    Magburn should cover the same amount of distance in a smaller amount of time. So increase it's speed, but decrease the duration.
    Make it omnidirectional

    VS weapons also suffers from sameness, they could use greater weapon variety.

    ZOE Needs to be turned into something else. It's current state makes it less desirable than lockdown.

    NC Changes

    Better camo coverage. The amount of yellow makes them the easiest to spot at night.
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  12. DrPapaPenguin

    Could actually go with MCG having a wind-up staying for a few seconds if you stop firing while the CoF drops back normally.Sustained fire weapon ho!
  13. Cinnamon

    The "niche" for TR can't be that it the faction for people with poor aim skills. Blitz and Sirius are just better weapons than the Hailstorm.
  14. Emeere

    While I agree that the GD7F should get toned down a bit... NC? Long Range Faction? Have you SEEN our MAX/Tank AI Secondary?
  15. Aegie

    Lets make this thread constructive.

    First, we need to know...

    1) What TR weapons are under performing?

    Anyone have that information?
  16. GoyoElGringo

    I don't use those weapons so I don't know, but why are they better? TTK isn't everything, if that's the reason.
  17. Amundsenkalmah

    Imagine if at the end the change highby talked about is a visual and more sound changes...
  18. Cinnamon

    Being faster firing and more accurate isn't everything I guess I dunno. What?
  19. Paisty

    1. Remove random horizontal recoil. Pick a direction for horizontal recoil per weapon. Some weapons can be right and some left. Never both directions. This should be for all factions.

    2. Striker......... remove the lock-on, it has and always will be a variant of the Annihilator until you do. Make it 5 quick dumbfires that do slightly more DPS then the Deci over a 15 second window, if all 5 rockets hit. I suppose the coyote missiles idea for Air only would work but also have it dumbfire, even if it dumbfires at a slower rate for slightly more DPS than the Grounder over a 15 second window, if all 5 rockets hit.

    3. MCG, this thing sounds beastly but is a wimp. The post ramp up RPM is not high enough to justify having a ramp up at all. Ditch the ramp up and it will be decent. But it will still not be the "Jackhammer" of LMG's.

    4. Lockdown, max and prowler if it has to stay, near instant un-deploys are needed. The deploying speed is really not a big issue since that is simple planning. But 360 degree rotation is absolutely critical since C4 fairies can destroy a max before the max can get away without the max being locked down. A 180 degree rear radar would also make sense for locked down maxes.

    5. Vulcan, on a Prowler the weapon simply does not fit with the lockdown ability. No one will sit in a turret 300m trying to use any secondary besides the (damn cannot remember the name, the NS tube thing). No LMG type weapon will be given the accuracy and fire rate needed for this, it would be OP against infantry. Scrap it or make it AI.

    6. Marauder, it's a sorry pounder made for AI. Make it AV and lose the giant drop, so it will be useful. I'm thinking something more along the lines of a Fracture type weapon, maybe with a Galaxies bulldog type drop.

    7. Harasser Vulcan, we have no idea what this thing will be like after the harasser buffs, I suppose leaving it for now is the best answer.

    8. Prowler - shoot, adjust, shoot, reload just does not feel good. But I do not think the double barrel will ever be changed. Remove lockdown and give it something else, but at least it can shoot 360 degrees to keep those peskie C4 fairies on their toes.

    9. TR desperately needs more SteamPunk.
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  20. Bape

    Lol all these post are hilarious you TR "ACTUALLY" think higby is gonna buff every single thing that TR have problems with? Have you seen the buff NC got??? you know the Reaper/ACX-11 ADS buff and that it? You can rage at me all you want but TR isn't in a bad place.

    Things that will not happen
    1.167 dmg lmg buff (keep dreaming) it not gonna happen
    2.Striker dumbfire. Nope not gonna happen if they add dumbfire to the striker they better dam well add it to the phoenix
    3.200 dmg pistol - Nope not gonna happen telling you the truth
    4.Lock down overhaul for max. Not gonna happen they are just gonna buff the deploy and undeploy speed.
    5.Don't expect every single gun getting a buff most likely 1-3 slight buffs.

    Things that can happen
    1.Striker buff yes
    2.Vulcan buff yes
    3.1-3 AI infantry slight buffs.
    4. Lockdown buff

    thats it.