TR Striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nurf3d, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. isLA

    forumside 2 at its best:

    1. defend OP thing your faction have

    if that doesnt work

    2. nerf whatever thing the other faction does

    for god sakes, a group with annihilators would have the same effect.

    heres a vid of NC doing it
    • Up x 4
  2. MGP

    Deal. You don't know what you're getting yourself into.
  3. drNovikov

    Rocket launcher will be useless against infantry pretty soon. Also, Sniping is useless because medics are hiding behind a hill magically instarezzing sniped guys.
  4. Xasapis

    I believe he means the lancer in it's current incarnation. The weapon has the potential to eventually be decent, but it's not there yet. Not by far.
  5. Sysagent

    Oh by the way...

    It was my squad / platoon that was up there on that hill for over a hour tactically outplaying the NC, we had something like four HA's with strikers, three medics, a couple of AA Maxes, two or three engineers and some snipers to provide back-up. We had tried this tactic earlier near Xenotech Labs and got halted quite abruptly by two Galaxies stuffed full of Scatter Maxes and infantry, which was a valid counter measure to our operation in my opinion and after we all had a laugh about it on voice comms and got on with having fun further on in the game, you know what I mean "having FUN" in a game.

    Which causes me to reflect the following:-

    You don't see me here on the official forums bleating about how "OP" Scatter Maxes are do you and how a squad or a platoon using them can totally lock down a Bio Lab and it is virtually impossible to get a foothold in there, no, I just get on with it, try and think up a valid counter measure tactic and employ it, usually to a successful outcome.

    I propose you do the same.
    • Up x 1
  6. Sharmanti

    Pheonix dominates Striker in TTK on tanks. It's also not lock-on, it's anti- infantry, tanks, aircraft, maxes, turrets, explosives etc etc. And not only that, since the missile is guided, obstacles isn't even an issue for this beast

    Striker is hard-countered by flares, ir-smoke and can't shoot at anything else than vehicles.

    Striker is ment to ******* hurt. Seriously, what do you want? a weapon that is better in EVERY DAMN ASPECT?
  7. Ganelon

    Well that explains it, Woodman NC are kind of "special", with exceptions of course.
  8. UrMom306

    dude entire squads would camp warp gates with the annihilator when it first came out. I've said this a dozen times, anything used in mass quantity feels op.
  9. hostilechild

    Could you stand on top of a galaxy, fly it straight up then shoot the phoenix out of the warp gate at them? The 300m really does hamper a lot, once it goes dumbfire past 300m it won't be too bad.
  10. drNovikov

    Obvious troll is obvious.
  11. Sharmanti

    I have hard facts. You have nothing.

    Lightning front, at 100 m.
    29.5 s
    Lightning rear, at 100 m
    16 s

    Lightning front, at 100 m.
    25 s
    Lightning rear, at 100 m
    10 s

    I love being right. Thanks for making my day.
