TR - Soltec - Mattherson. What to Expect?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bryony, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. ExarRazor

    what can soltech TR expect when they come to mattherson?

    a lot of abuse and bigotry at the hands of BCP.

    zero tactics beyond 'throw more people at it'
  2. BuzzCutPsycho

    This thread amuses me.

    Stay small VS, stay small and stay in your little corner on the SE on Indar. Your outfits and faction has ceased to be relevant since GU2.

    Perhaps SolTech will bring more outfits and better competition. We'll see.

    As for the TR? We welcome you and look forward to working together.
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  3. DeadOnArrival

    At times I think BCP pisses the opponents off to get a better fight.
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  4. Kroova

    Soltech TR rarely reaches 35% Indar Pop, but that is because we are currently the smallest faction on Soltech.

    The outfit I am a member in, The Honeybadgers, has recently started defending Amerish and Essamir against continent rolls which has resulted in quite a few enjoyable fights with NC outfits (unfortunately VS tend to pull back to Indar when we show up). Personally, Amerish is my fav continent. Too bad it is so neglected.

    I know the leaders in The Honeybadgers as well as E911, the 187th, Whiskey Company, and a few other major outfits are looking forward to working with new allies on Mattherson.
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  5. footjam

    How is your little corner in the SW? I see the red carpet is not nearly as big as the purple one.
  6. Deathrus

  7. Deathrus

    Vs capped Indar/defended our cap on a daily basis during prime time.We also managed the first VS 3 cont lock upon release. Something [TE] has not managed to do yet. The nc held it for the longest which was a few hours.

    The Vs will not Allow TR or NC cap indar and hold it. You SHALL NOT PASS buzz

    Once we Cap indar we'll have it for a few days due to our WG location

    Good job at failing and not even completing a quarter of what we did in that location.
  8. AtroposZero

    Buzz, don't take life too seriously... you'll never get out alive.
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  9. Eyeklops

    I believe 1st Calvary Midget Mobile (1CMM) is on Mattherson. Trust me when I say they are "skilled." :)
  10. Deathrus

    I actually wish rIVAL gaming was more active as well. They were a neat bunch to fight.
  11. Sempars

    Whats the point? what does it give you? Nothing, so why bother? I rather run around and find enjoyable fights then ghost cap and camp a WG to lock the cont. Yawnnn
  12. Rolfski

    TR Mattherson is in desperate need of outfits that actually play the map instead of just looking for good fights. Hopefully you guys can bring this.
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  13. mindbomb

    ugh, you sound like the type of person who goes and ghost caps pointless areas rather than helping out at a large biolab battle.
  14. thrikerr

    This is one of the reasons why the best fights happen on Mattherson. This game would be so boring and lifeless without The Enclave.
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  15. Cynosure

    Wasn't this supposed to happen today? What time?
  16. Cl1mh4224rd

    That would be a terrible tactic. The best fights are when both sides are enjoying themselves.

    The same reason BCP occasionally mentions warpgating (or nearly warpgating) the other factions, as if it means something: bragging rights. But, perhaps you're right; there is no point now, because someone other than TE did it first.
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  17. Tongue Bath

    I just want to say that I'm scared to death of the server merge after reading this thread. Since most of my friends quit after the first month, I've been playing mostly solo TR with the occasional flirtation with VS and NC. Although I hook up with Whiskey Co. occasionally, I usually hop around stopping ghost caps or try to find a midsize non-armor battle; it sounds like neither of those will be easy to find on Mattherson.
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  18. mindbomb

    on soltech, the crown has a much lower turnover rate than the entire continents of esamir and amerish, so bragging about conquering amerish or esamir just looks dumb.
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  19. thrikerr

    Esamir and Amerish change hands about five times a day on Mattherson lol
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  20. Bloodlet

    This is pretty much how I have observed TR (mostly TE) as well. As has been stated previously, if TE's "Dear Leader" isn't on running ops, then they are pretty much non-existent. I don't know how their leadership structure is set up but it seems from the point of view from an outside observer that they don't have any leaders aside from BCP who can organize them when he's offline. I know other outfits have OIC type programs so they can try to have leadership coverage throughout the day but I don't see evidence of that in TE which is unfortunate for TR since the majority of the current Mattherson TR pop has TE tags.

    Also as stated, BCP being the leader of such a large outfit does have some measure of e-fame on the server and has a reputation for being very brusque, some might say childish and in my opinion says things to deliberately troll people which I find obvious but many people apparently fall for it. He has such a cult of personality within his large outfit that there will be a lot of people fanatically coming to his/TE's defense when he gaffes.

    Anyway I hope Soltech TR come and positively add to the TR factions ability to win at the game because I like having capable opponents. Currently the majority TR stance is "we didn't want that continent anyway" which is just an excuse for failure IMO.
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