TR on Waterson/Jaeger server suck

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KukKung, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. jamesr20

    Before the merges everything was great on Waterson, no teamkilling at all. Once the merges happened there was a influx of teamkillers. There can only be two options, Jaeger's fault or the increase in players. Or even a more radical possibility, the major decrease in FPS caused by the massive amount of players is causing people to be more reckless.
  2. spunchron

    It's probably due to Waterson TR not being used to moving forward, so when the Jaeger guys push forward they get shot in the back.
  3. Duban

    If the Watterson players had no teamkilling going on before the merger than why aren't they here ******** about the increase in TKing too? This post is almost entirely filled with Jaegar players complaining about the Waterson crew, but there's almost no Waterson's complainig about the Jaegar, despite the fact that they outnumber us.

    Your initial premise that Waterson also saw an increase in TKs is flawed.
    • Up x 1
  4. jamesr20

    Because nobody cares? They aren't gonna reverse the merges.
  5. CaptainYamerica

    Why actually worry about being good or organized when you can zerg ftw?
  6. Duban

    Correction, the Watersons don't care. Obviously there are plenty of people here that do care...

    Because I don't enjoy getting shot in the back by careless allies?
  7. jamesr20

    You are a waterson player. Look, lower FPS+more players = more FF incidents. Deal with it.
  8. Duban

    You know what, I dont' know why I even try. It's obvious neither of us are moving pm this issue. Lets end this now and stop talking instead of ******** at each other all night like a couple 10 year olds. This thread has already gotten out of hand.
  9. CaptainYamerica

    My post was meant as ribbing/sarcasm. Believe me, there are plenty of air-headed smurfs on this server too. I TK'd more than I get killed by friendlies. It sucks, but it happens.
  10. Duban

    Sorry, I'm just slightly annoyed/on edge right now because of jamesr20.

    That said, do you really need to post in yellow? Trying to be the center of attention like that does not reflect on you well, even if you seem like a reasonable person in chat.
  11. Razzyman

    Well, I haven't been on a ton since the merger, but I can say with certainty that [TRAF] [HSTL] and [BRSN] definitely do not suck. [TT6] recently went through a purge and rebuild, they were quite the formidable opponent before hand and while I haven't faced them much since I would be shocked if they weren't also quite effective. Each of those four outfits earned my respect on Jaeger via some good old fashioned butt whoopings administered to me over my time here since launch. Don't despair TR, you have some good outfits over there. A little humility may do wonders for you guys, it's tough but the TR on Jaeger were pretty bad@$$. I have no doubt you guys can be the same here on Waterson. If not, well ask the guys from those outfits, be ready or PHX will come roll you :)
  12. Zecthans

    Don't know if I can take this seriously. From the looks of it the TR have 2 continents capped or were capped It looks like you guys were just coming into Indar. With you saying that you're fighting NC and VS at the same time -- it could be said for NC that they are fighting TR and VS , or in the VS point of view its NC and TR.
  13. Zecthans

    That is just utter crap. The Jaeger TR are probably some of the most organized TR I've ever seen.
  14. jamesr20

    Not really, we lost one of those continents earlier, and the other is on the brink of defeat because of 60% vanu.

    What usually happens on waterson is the vanu are sitting in that corner of the map while the entire battle is focused on the TR. Because for some reason vanu and nc won't attack eachother.
  15. MrDawson

    someone's mad.
    thanks for the certs
  16. Doublefrost

    You can't lock Indar without owning and holding Crown. I know that the Waterson TR are used to NOT having that continent locked but the Jaeger TR *are* used to owning that continent. If you're going for continent domination, it's completely pointless to even attempt it without owning Crown. You get everything but Crown, attack it... 200 people inside defending. Good luck. You wind up gated before you get halfway to the points.

    Furthermore, a constant pressure on Crown achieves two objectives. First, it forces the enemy to garrison the Crown at all times, often with more troops than are needed to defend it. Even when the attack tapers off, they have to sit up there all day long or they WILL lose that the moment they leave. Second, by forcing such a large number of players to sit around in Crown, you enhance the strategic mobility of organized outfit operations. It's not going to change the battle much to pull two platoons away from the Crown to sweep all of the enemy's bases. No matter how many troops you withdraw, they have to sit in there anyway. Defending their little hill. The only time they don't need to defend Crown is when they push the map so hard that they own everything around it several hexes deep.

    Unfortunately, it's going to take some time for the Waterson TR to get with the program. They seem to be getting carried away with the changes in battle dynamics. Different approaches, bigger battles in weird new places and an influx of players that are NOT intimidated by DVS. The NC have some good outfits, both existing on Waterson and from Jaeger before the merge. All the same, they're not invincible. The TR have several outfits that are just as strong and just as well organized.

    As for the drama... That's to be expected after a merge. You have established personalities from both servers that have to jostle to re-establish the new pecking order. That kind of social change is to be expected. It will calm down once people figure out what's what.
  17. tCut

    With all this Jaeger vs. Waterson stuff.... If [TRAF] was able to LINE-MARCH up to the Crown the night before the Merger and cap the Crown with a single platoon, you know most of this disorganization is the fault of Waterson TR in general.... As the Terran Republic Assault Force, we are able to do A LOT when other groups cooperate... the most successful ops we had on Jaeger always involved at least one other TR outfit... we have not been able to do too much on op nights in Waterson
  18. Eudict

    Not going to get into a flame war, but I will say there are TR Units that do a good job of coordinating and then there are large masses of zug zug roll this way, chop wood, TR zergs.

    Our past few ops on Amerish and Esamir have been quite a lot of fun and I know we have found a lot of quality allies from the Jaeger merger.

    That being said, I am just psyched to see three continents active in prime time.

    One last thing, the Crown ..."Dust off, nuke it from orbit, it is the only way to be sure" it has to go.


    Imperial Reach
  19. jamesr20

    That is our fault how? You can't adapt.
  20. Zazen

    From an NC's perspective, and native of Jaeger, I will say this for what it's worth. The numeric relationship between NC and TR swung pretty dramatically in TR's favor with the merger...But, for whatever reason, TR seem a bit easier to handle on average now than before the merger.

    So, either NC suddenly got a lot better that morning onward, which is pretty unlikely, or the relative skill level, play quality, organizational skills or some amalgam of all that got worse on the TR end of things...

    If I had to mention one thing that seems different it would be a willingness to fight maybe? TR seem tentative to engage unless they have high hopes of anchoring down in their prowlers to saturate a base with HE in order to farm certs.