TR on Waterson/Jaeger server suck

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KukKung, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. KukKung

    Is it me or does the TR just suck in general, no offense to those players who actually put an effort forward, but im getting annoyed how disorganized the TR is.

    every day its just fight at the crown, when people dont realize its easier to zerg everything around them and force the enemy to come out and cut off their resources.

    further more all the continent jumping, why is that we cant just get everyone on one continent at a time and dominate it.

    I wish SOE would allow server changes. i don't mind being owned not about me ranting getting smoked, i do fairly well in the game. just frustrating with this game when the solution is so simple its all about numbers, doesnt matter if youre lvl 99 or lvl 1, sheer numbers wins. getting sundys at all the points and swarming/zerging.

    anyways i thought having Waterson server merger would help TR, but it hasnt. either the NC are just out playing us or they are well more organized.

    curious to know what other people think.
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  2. PandemicLegion

    TR is just flat out unorganized. Sure, we have some of the best outfits on the server, but it doesn't mean anything if we can't work together. Alliances like the Vanu Alliance are impossible due to whatever TR outfit trying to start one looking like a power hungry fool. Mostly has to do with TR outfit leaders thinking way to highly of themselves and their outfits, believing they don't need to cooperate with other outfits to win.

    Sadly, with the TR on Jaeger/Waterson, there are a 2-3 outfits that have actually tried to get a sort of coalition going, but jealous outfit leaders trump anything done in regards to cooperation.
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  3. Vorxil

    I hear you. Just last night, we VS managed to cap at least half of Indar despite having at most 30% pop at peak, 20% off-peak.
    There's ODAM but I don't usually meet them that often to be frank so not sure on their organisation.
  4. MasterCheef

    TR is horrible on Matherson, regardless of what you hear or watch. The game is about conquering territory, not stunt tactics.
  5. Metalsheep

    The TR on Waterson have always been horrible. Ive been TR on Waterson since Beta. And i can safely say the TR on Waterson couldn't fight their way out of a paper sack.
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  6. LibertyRevolution

    But waterson TR are really good at making lots of prowlers. ;)
    These guys roll prowlers like the VS used to roll magriders...
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  7. Spartan 117

    Well to be fair I know of 2 TR outfits where players have stood out in quality. EGO & TRAF. I can't speak for their leadership or what their outfits are like, but they have some quality FPS players. Outside of engaging them I rarely have issues. On rare occasions I might come across a good BRIT player, but they are very rare.

    Look into one of those outfits.
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  8. Assist

    Welcome to Waterson - Where the TR only ever win because of their ridiculous population advantage. The sad part is logging in after work, seeing TR at 44% pop and they own 0 continents. They're so full of themselves about how great they are, but they lack any sort of leadership because of a few individuals who feel they're special princesses.
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  9. The Funk

    World pop advantage isn't the advantage it used to be. Post merger pop's seem regularly capped on 2/3 continents during peak. As a result the old tactic of "zerg the **** out of them" is no longer as effective. You actually have to outperform the other side.
  10. Zotamedu

    Yes, the TR on Waterson are about as organized as a flock of headless chicken. One of the largest Outfits, ODAM, is about as organized as a flock of chicken with their head still stuck on, and most of their leaders seems to have about the same sense of tactics as a chicken as well. I've said this for a long time. The Vanu and NC has very little to fear unless the TR are having a large numerical superiority or if one of the goof outfits are on the hunt.

    I've heard rumours about more organization from Jaeger so I would stick around for a little while longer and see how things evolve. A lot of the people who started playing just because Angry Joe and TotalBiscuit played TR on Waterson have left or are leaving. The rest of us are slowly getting the hang of the game. So in time it will probably get better. Hopefully.

    BTW: My only char is a TR on Waterson, just so everybody knows where I'm coming from.
  11. Brainpan

    I'm VS on Waterson and this has always been my complaint. The TR continue to disappoint me and I don't care if it makes the TR angry at me or upset about me hurting their feelings. GOOD! They deserve some shame! Get your collective TR butts into gear and start fighting like you're worth a freaking darn! I mean, I have run across worthwhile TR outfits and players who are worth getting into fights with, but the majority of the TR I've encountered are cannonfodder zerg swarm who complain and cry because the NC and the VS won't just lie down and die because red is a superior color.

    Screw you, TR. I'm going to keep shooting at you until you get better.
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  12. RaTzo

    eGO is recruiting. We almost always roll with open squads to bring people in. You'll see names like "Edge-Gamers Amerish" jump in and roll with us!

    We have several Outfit only events, but daily we run an organized platoon from early morning until late night. We are a strategic team in that we don't just roll for kills and certs. We want our efforts to count, so we protect the continent bonuses, and work along side the efforts of other Outfits. We almost never join a zerg but if we see an Amp Station, Tech Plant, or Bio Lab being taken we'll definitely take the surrounding bases to make it easier to capture for the team that's attacking.

    We are a growing but not huge Outfit, still we make our influence felt. If you like the idea of working to make the TR as a whole on Waterson victorious then I think you'll love playing with us. If you want to do your own thing or just go for max KDR... well we're still a bunch of fun guys but you may not enjoy the play as much.

    One note about the server merges. NC have gained some VERY EFFECTIVE team players through it. Previously the NC on Waterson were very disorganized with moments of greatness usually because of an air zerg by DVS. Now we are seeing excellent use of combined arms and we're taking the NC more seriously now.
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  13. Sulsa

    VS on Waterson here too.
    Had a slammin' fight last night at Crossroads. They tried to move to Broken Arch but they got surrounded halfway between. I was expecting them to move some of their force to flank us by coming through Xeno or Gravel pass, but they never did.

    See what happens when you fail science class, drop out of school and marry your sister-and-cousin?
  14. Thornton14

    I play TR on waterson and I hate the ODAM guys. I have seen them many times avoid good fights in favor of ghost capping the next hex over.
  15. spunchron

    Waterson was the first server I created my TR character on. After discovering how overpopulated and bad TR was, as well as being home of a massive twitter following, I deleted it and created a TR on Jaeger. I wasn't overly impressed but it wasn't that bad, either. And now I find myself thrown back on Waterson, with money at stake if I were to delete and start over.

    So hopefully TR gets its **** together. I have confidence in a few of the Jaeger outfits, but that alone can't and won't be enough to make TR generally competent and overcome the perception that Waterson TR is "bad bad bad, b-bad b-bad".
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  16. centurionvi

    Waterson TR is everything I feared. The amount of times I've spawned at the warpgate without something obnoxious blaring in proximity chat is around.. oh.. zero. I also haven't seen this massive population disparity I keep reading about. Every time I log on NC tends to be ahead by 3-5%. Last night I even saw more VS than TR for the first time in awhile.
  17. DeathmasterL

    Its not that we suck, sure there are people that are just bad, but that could be said for each empire. I think the problem is that the TR population is too high at the moment and every person in a leader position is still wanting to do their own thing and not wanting to help each other out. Being from Jaeger just before the merge hopefully our outfits can help and reform the Jaeger/Waterson TR into something for the better. It'll just need to take some time.
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  18. Stigler

    I cannot make any comments that would be very kind.

    VS on Waterson = #1
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  19. dufford

  20. CaligoIllioneus

    You're a nice outfit, 'tis true. I have no complaints, other than the outfit platoon abandoning Indar after you deemed it "beyond saving point" (said platoon had gone to I think Esamir, to ghost cap it). We still had Arc Bio, and I had to leave the outfit platoon and join ODAM's in order to defend the continent. We managed to do it, and that is the reason I switched outfits.
    Say what you will about ODAM, but what you cannot deny is that the outfit fights where it is needed. If Indar's neutrality is threatened we're always there to defend it.

    I know this wasn't the main platoon, though. I like the ones by Nevsky and others.

    Anyways there's a bit too much outfit drama/rivalry. Even if some people think each other's outfits suck we should work together to defeat the enemies of the Republic.