[Suggestion] TR MAX is the worst MAX unit, in all accounts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by karlooo, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. karlooo

    From playing on VS side, I noticed that TR MAX is the only MAX in the game where you can get in their face and leave... Their bullets simply miss.
    VS MAX's weapons are more accurate with same DPS.... Why?

    Their ability "Lockdown" is also the most useless ability compared to the other MAXs, who have more practical uses.
    Lockdown is pretty much equivalent to an Engineer MANA turret, if you are going AI. And if you go AV, it is equivalent to a Heavy Assault with NSX Masamune. I am not overexaggerating, I played TR the entire time.

    And not only that, compare the TR model to VS variant. The TR hitbox is larger. So, on all accounts it's just terrible.


    TR MAX is one of the best looking and most iconic designs in the game.
    Including the "Lockdown" ability, it is very imaginative and truly one of the coolest abilities, much cooler than the NC shield.
    .... I remember this experience once, where an Orbital Strike was sent down on us somewhere on the outskirts, and our leader commanded to all Lockdown our MAX units! I didn't even think about it, why. But it was to anchor ourselves into the ground to not get thrown away by the blast and it did work, we did live.
    And that was so ******* cool. A mecha super soldier that can anchor itself into the ground to protect from a nuclear bomb shockwave. Just imagine how cool that is.

    And I don't know what the devs are doing.. Does anyone? But that is all I wanted to share. TR MAX could use some pragmatic damage buffs and the Lockdown stat boost, may be changed to simply decrease OS damage to boost survival, instead of increasing firing speed. Or whatever anyone else suggests.
  2. JarredGalaxy

    I think it's unfortunate the TR MAX Lockdown doesn't give an animation to the spikes on the legs making them shoot in the ground, and doubtful anyone is gonna go out of their way to try and animate and code that.

    On the other hand you be correct the TR MAX does under perform quite a bit nowadays especially with revives being removed. A direct buff to the Lockdown rotation is needed IMO given its coverage is only like 90 degrees, it should be able to rotate at least 160- or up to 180 degrees, humans are more flexible than being depicted with that.
  3. Effect

    Ehh, Mercies are basically equivalent to blue shifts. I will agree that heavy cyclers are worse than quasars (and are in fact the worst default AI max weapon), and lockdown is a noob trap really that's only good for AA or ranged AV. That said ZOE isn't exactly crazy powerful either after its well deserved nerf many moons ago. Aegis shield is heavily overtuned though.
  4. karlooo

    IMO mobility is key.
    & angle of attack boost would only be a buff towards AA capabilities, which is meh.

    It's neither good for AA and AV.
    By the time you engage the aircraft it gets out of your angle of attack, so the bonus attack speed is useless.
    And for AV, you are a sitting duck, the bonus attack speed is again neglectable.... Mobility is key.

    Orbital Strikes are used very often, it is so standard that I would just make the Lockdown a protective action against the OS by also decreasing damage on top of the anchor as they simply go very well together. No need for hybrid purposes.
  5. Effect

    Tell that to the lockdown bursters who've shredded my dervish.
  6. JarredGalaxy

    Even I found that part he was saying to be a bit outrageous, or me one time blowing up a Magrider with dual Pounders. I have some issues about Lockdown and its usage but in terms of anti-air and anti-armor it can be real menace especially if got 2 or 3 MAXes all doing it.
  7. karlooo

    Just read the history of Lockdown...
    20% attack speed boost at max level for Burster. And locking down takes 2 seconds. Pretty much in this case anything would shred your dervish. A MAX without lockdown would shred it because at least they can fully track your target without restrictions.
    A single lock-on rocket would take out 1/3 of the HP from your Dervish... Guys stop dreaming.

    No, it cannot be a menace to ground either, because the ground will kill you faster before you can hurt them. You are large and standing still. You are so easy to hit, and you are not going to out DPS a duel with Sunderer either. You need to be moving when engaging vehicles.

    Yesterday, I blown up a Magrider with T2 Striker and anti-vehicle grenades in a 1v1 duel on the outskirts. What does that mean? Nothing, they just didn't hit me... Stop with these nonsense stories.

    MAX is MAX, but lockdown is what I am talking about... The attack speed boost while standing still is useless in all occasions believe it or not, the strength of max is in mobility.
  8. Somentine

    In order to make up for the DPS loss of locking down with bursters, you'd need to fire for about 10 seconds... but that's in a vacuum.

    Generally, a2g isn't trying to evade when nothing is shooting at it, and shooting at it and then locking down would just be a dumb idea.
    If you don't lock down, air can easily piss off before you can kill it 9/10 times. If you lock down before shooting, they have less time and are hit easier as Lockdown has other benefits as well: "Upon activation the MAX is anchored to the ground, increasing fire rate, reload speed, and projectile speed by between 35-50% depending on the weapon system."

    While yes, Lockdown is a bad ability for pretty much any other situation, for g2a it is actually good.
  9. Effect

    And yet practical experience shows otherwise. I'm not saying lockdown is overpowered or anything, but pretending it's completely useless is strange. It's not like it's hard to predict where an aircraft is going to show up and lockdown before they do so that you can engage them at the right moment.
  10. oOHansOo

    Lockdown is absolutely great for AA duty, but you need to know one little thing:

    You can keep shooting during the "locking" and "unlocking" animation.

    Sure, it looks like the guns point somewhere else, but the bullets will still fly towards your crosshair.
    So if an aircraft starts to leave your angle, keep firing, unlock and keep the aircraft in your crosshair until you can lockdown again.
  11. karlooo

    Guys... You do understand you are defending the spawn room AA MAX?
    Cause I know Lockdown is not even good at defending Sunderer spawn from Valk drops. I tested it a few times.

    Just say you don't want TR MAX to be uniquely immune to Orbital Strikes, no need for this high degree of fakeness. Just get to the point. Like, Oh you can't say Lockdown is completely useless, it has its uses in the spawn room (AKA the AA duty you have in mind).... Like what is that?
  12. AuricStarSand

    The NC Max Shield isn't as good as just the standard repair slot.

    The amount of times you'll need to use a repair ability over a niche shield, that is weaker than the nso shiel, and barely absorbs anything at all. Prob use default repair ability 40 times more often, per max run. NC max shield won't get you 2 feet past a door & gets you rocket launched while backing up.

    The NC Max hand held shield would have to have a 100% Buff to the dmg it soaks, it sucks. For a shield that doesn't let you use any attacks, it sure sucks for defense.

    TBH when I played vs, I thought their ability sucks too, compared to how often you need to hit the repair ability.

    Tho ye I guess if you have a engineer slave, then sure use these minor abilities. 99% of the time you don't have a engineer slave and have to backtrack for 1 min to find one to repair you. & even if you have one for awhile, he'll run away or die. So you need the repair ability or you're constantly at half hp. Where you'll die to 1 launcher.

    Will the NC shield protect you from a HA launcher, while ur at half HP? No. So the NC shield is near useless & x4 worst than the NSO abiltiy? Yes.

    So VS max may get the best ability for factions, still sucks compared to the boring repair ability.
    Tho ye lockdown and hand held shield sucks more.

    Least tr's ability is good for AA, NC's hand held shield is useless entirely. (oh you soak some dmg when retreating, while moving as slow as a slug retreating, means ur gonna die either way). & the dmg it soaks is barely anything, barely defends against a beamer).

    Make the NC MAX SHIELD AS GOOD AS THE NSO SHIELD. How is that even fair???? Why does the NSO Max get LOCKONS, AOE SPAM, & THE BEST ABILITY.

    Just so people play a nso faction where the devs designed all the guns to look like 1970's kitchen tupperwear, to the entertainment firing factor of a stale staple gun. Bolt guns? ew. Bolt pistols? ew. Staple guns with bad pale plastic looking aesthetics; yet they get the best max abilities?

    Max's should get 4% auto regen when out of combat, that doesn't take up a ability slot or any slot tbh. So I don't have to use repair ability over the regular ability, so boring of a trade off. Esp if repair is better & it is.
  13. Effect

    It's actually better in coordinated play. And it's absolutely not weaker than the NSO shield, which still dies to 1 C4 while it is active and is a joke of an ability. Aegis shield massively increases a NC's maxes overall EHP by just straight being a seperate health pool unlike defector's shield bubble and can be used while reloading. It can straight up absorb C4 with no damage taken and effectively eat nearly every single decimator rocket of a single heavy without dying. The shield will absolutely protect you from a rocket at half HP the vast majority of the time, you just have to have the shield active.

    TL;DR Aegis shield is the best max ability in the game and it isn't even a contest.
  14. littleshan1

    TR's Lockdown is so fk stupid OMG , i don't even why they make it , it's non sense like VS Spike
  15. AuricStarSand

    NC is the new player faction, so " cordinated play " is a joke. & even when NC does has organized outfits, they aren't being that picky about max crash specs. I've hardly ever seen these timed together if ever. Maybe 2 guys one time. A few more guys another time. Then again nc doesn't have sychronized vanguard ability users; so.

    NSO Shield absorbs bullets better, which is what you need a shield for primarily. Also the NSO shield doesn't make you walk slower. So theirs no point for nc shield to absorb rocket launcher a tad better, if it's making you a moving target; for rocket launchers by lowering your move speed. Absorb c4, you're moving so slow a noob would be able to c4 you & you cant shoot them either.

    Long story short; I've never seen a NC Max move people past doors or tunnels with their shield; yet I've seen NSO max's do that 20 times over.

    The only time I see NC Max's shield is on the top of a Bio Lab Airpad & they only use the shield to backup slowly near the jumppads of the airpad. That's it! That's alll I see NC Max's doing ever with that shield, nothing more. Maybeee some stair holds for Echo Valley or something stair wise; tho not really that either.

    So NC Max mostly ye for backing up slowly till the nc max dies soon after.
    While the NSO max just runs down a hallway shielding 6 allies charging offensive.

    As for which protects against c4 easier? If you get hit with c4 either way you're gonna die soon after, esp if you had to equip a shield spec, which doesn't even allow you to repair yourself. What prevents c4 the most; 4 allies running with your NSO shield bubble; allies who are ready to shoot any enemy LA? I've never seen any ally infantry hide behind the allied NC max shield yet. Mostly just used for max's to slowly backup, not even walk forward.
  16. Effect

    There are many experienced outfits on NC. That new players tend to favor it is irrelevant.

    NSO shields barely absorb bullets better, but not really since it does damage directly to the Max and turns you into a significantly larger target. And it absolutely makes you objectively slower (the speed difference between shield bubble and aegis shield is non-existent, something that is easily observable in VR testing. Aegis shield doesn't make you absorb rockets a tad better, it's significantly better. That you can't fire with aegis shield up isn't relevant since you can drop the shield and start firing near instantly. That you don't get healing like from Emergency rep is not relevant, since Engineer exists.

    Long story short, you have no idea what you're talking about.

    Play more then, Aegis Shield was a frequent sight on NC maxes during outfit wars matches and made it a massive pain in the *** to actually kill them. Aegis shield has way more EHP, protects against C4, doesn't make the max a larger easier to kill target.

    Try actually playing NSO max before you start talking about how great their ability isn't when it's actually mid at best.
  17. AuricStarSand

    Why would I want to backup slowly to absorb hits with a shield. Nearly dying everytime if not dead.
    When I can just peek behind a box or peek behind a wall & repair myself with the repair ability.

    Stats or not; I'm just going on by what I've seen. I've never seen Shield Max's leading a charge, period. NSO's have.

    Walk speed or not. & I've hardly ever seen max shield be used to make any progress to help a 2nd teammate walk " forward ". 9/10 it's a backpeddling nc max who slowly dies right after.

    As for OW's. OW's can make anything look good, even a team of knifers, so it's no surprise they do a lot of door & stair holds to make any max ability seem better than it is. Still organized play to the extremes of matching shields together, isn't what most people think of when just wanting to talk of max balance; they're mostly speaking of solo play. & solo play self repair wins. Solo play; you're not trying to get hit, to have to run back to find a engineer at all.

    Both shields make them a bigger target, just NSO is even bigger target. A NC shield doesn't go unnoticed; they respond fast, as a " kick me " sign.

    Also who switches to a shield to " survive " c4, is the switch to shield even fast enough? you see someone about to c4 you and you're able to swtich in time? That seems super niche. If you know the enemy is gonna c4 you, why not just move out of the way. I've barely seen a NC max's shield abosrb c4. Ok possible. Still when I need to use shield, its not verse a guy about to c4 button me, its from bullets & rocket launchers mainly.

    The aeghis shield may absorb rocket launchers, its also a easier target for them. The shield literally is the signal to tell most enemy HA vets to whip out their Launcher immediatly & they do rapid fire it soon after you shield. You know what else absorbs a single rocket launcher; 2 uses of repair ability & hiding behind a box.

    As for which shield helps bring 4 allies down a Nasons tunnel better, NC max shield or NSO shield? The NSO shield wins everytime. The max may still die, tho the nso got his team farther. The NC max shield; Who uses that for hallway fights ever?? Sure you can mention stair holds, but hallways? it's near useless. NSO max is used for Hallways. I've barely even seen NC max shield used for door entries, only to back out of stuff.

    Maybe both shields need a buff, if you find the nso shield weak?

    Until a buff & besides OW's, you'll still only see NC max's use the shield for a few bio lab airpads, a few stair holds, & the other 99.9% of the time, they won't use the shield at all. So its not something obvious; or people don't find it " good " enough to use more often on their own, without some squad lead telling them to equip.

    A ability that soaks a rocket launcher, traded for the fact that your a bigger target for rocket launchers, & doesn't really shield a single ally either. Then you take dmg to 10% hp and how no ability to repair after. Then you usually die.

    For sure I don't see people using the NC max ability to " Enter Doors " & if it won't " enter doors " then it's meh overall.
  18. Effect

    Jesus christ dude, spamming walls of text about is annoying, you've already adequately demonstrated you have no idea what you're talking about.

    Because the shield allows you to safely back into cover by more than doubling you EHP. When paired with an engineer a well played Aegis shield NC max is nearly unkillable in the vast majority of circumstances.

    Anecdotes don't ******* matter. I have seen them charge, here's a spoiler alert for you none of the Maxes are particularly good at "charging" because they're relatively vulnerable to being C4'd. Aegis shield is the overall best ability (but even better at playing defensively) because it can straight up absorb C4 with zero damage taken. That people don't push with it is a matter of fear instead of actual ability. That the average NC player doesn't know how to use it is expected and largely irrelevant.

    No, outfit wars doesn't make anything look good. Especially not a squad of knifers. That's pure ******* ignorance about how later matches played out where the best teams are playing and trying to meme is asking to lose.

    Aegis shield doesn't make the NC max bigger (certainly not significantly, just brighter. These words are not the same thing. NSO shield is just objectively worse in 90% of situations.

    Anyone with a brain uses the shield to survive. That's the purpose of the shield is to mitigate damage taken, which it does in spades by quite literally doubling the Maxes EHP health. Which you can't ignore because unlike Seraph shield or Vanguard shield it's an ability the Max can freely turn on and off meaning you can't bait it out and then wait the for the cooldown.

    Yes the NC max will get shot with rockets while the shield is up, but the shield literally allows the Max to eat more than twice the amount of rockets of non-NC maxes. Emergency repair lets you eat one more rocket, Aegis shield lets you eat every single decimator from a heavy assault without dying.

    Again what your personal anecdotes aren't relevant. NSO max can help push an uncoordinated hallway (which by the way long hallways are like less than 1% of the overall game), big ******* deal. All it takes is one C4 to stop it.

    Neither shield needs buffs, Aegis shield needs an actual nerf (or a rework) instead of the irrelevant love tap it got last year.

    Yes the average player doesn't know how to use the tools the have to their advantage that's not new information. For example, you not understand that Aegis shield makes the Max way better at something it was already very good at, playing defensively. Again, a well played Aegis shield Max with a dedicated engi is extremely difficult to kill when it's playing defensively.

    Trying to suggest changes to abilities you don't understand is weird and you should stop.
  19. AuricStarSand

    Eh I've tested the shield today.

    Essentially ye it's good with a engineer & average without one.
    & 3 out of 4 times I don't have a engineer during the shooting phase.

    It works more like a Heavy Assault shield helping you score more kills.
    & is better for kills than I thought. Yet won't protect any allies good enough.
    It semi helps get you past doors; a few feet; not enough.

    So theirs really no shield for " tanking allies " from a mmorpg sense. Every shield is Heavy Assault short brrrt based.
    The kind of engineer the shield needs to go from average to great; is a outfit repair slave; not just some ordinary back of the base engineer.

    Solo the shield isn't better than the ordinary repair utility. Might be worst for longterm survival; while better for kills. So overall average solo. Minus time seeking repairs with half hp or less; if even possible before you die.

    Sure if you have a engineer friend following you; to repair you while you're shielding and not just when having to backtrack to find the engi. Then yes the shield is good then.
  20. AmericanEmpire

    Its TR, who ever makes this game doesn't care about TR