TR MAX AI weapons are (nearly) a direct upgrade over the default ones

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Goldoche429, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Klondik3


    I also think that most of TR MAX AI weapons are too powerful compared to default ones. That is why they should be NERFED.
    All weapons need to be side-grade not upgrade. We most constantly remind developers that this game must not become pay to win.

  2. KanoHe

    here I've fixed your mind :eek:
  3. Bloodskull

    So are the NC and VS ones...
  4. Klondik3

    Thx brah, u've put it moar eluqueontly
  5. Bill Hicks

    those cost 1 cert and are nearly as good as the rank 5 versions. also you cannot buy them
  6. KanoHe

    How 10% nanowave is as good as 25%?
    Well ... any rank above 2 prevents you from Snipers OHK...
    You failed... try again!
  7. Fenrisk

    So only other faction maxes get weapons that upgrade their time to kill? TR max AI weapons after the nerfs are not worth 1000 certs. 100 round mag sizes are no where near as usefull as higher damage per second and a lower time to kill on infantry. The faster you kill infantry the longer you survive as a max without getting a rocket to your face.

    The side grade argument for weapons become void the moment shotguns entered the game. There are a massive amount of straight upgrades in this game.
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  8. Artaxarta

    This is obviously a troll thread. Nobody has ever been killed by a Mutilator because nobody uses them. Hence, nobody has any reason to complain about them. They're a bit like flashlights in that sense.
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  9. Rolfski

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  10. Bill Hicks

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  11. Fenrisk

    SOE also nerfed the other TR max AI weapons which nobody used in the first place. Talk about a nerf fail. That just goes to show SOE are not nerfing based on stats. They are nerfing based on the store and getting more gun sales.

    Typical SOE pre-nerf before adding the lock-down ability. This is to force TR to use lock-down to get the same results as before the nerfs but with the added bonus of not being able to move.
  12. FateJH

    Which is why shotguns and SMGs are superior to everything else but time in CQC.

    Actually, does that mean that the weapon is permitted to be a superior upgrade if I purchase it with certs?
  13. Dragonblood

    I can't wait for that to happen. Not being able to move with my Max will make the fights much exciting,
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  14. Goldoche429

    I agree with you that shotguns are an upgrade over regular machine guns, but it could be argued that they're sidegrade because of the loss of range. However, the mutilator is a DIRECT upgrade over the heavy cycler. There's no reason you'd want a cycler over a mutilator. All weapons of the same group are supposed to be equal. The things that make you more powerful are in the cert tree.

    You seem to lack basic comprehension. All weapons are SUPPOSED to be equal, but they're not. That's why we're rightfully complaining. When a F2P game has unbalanced weapons and there's a store system that involves them, the game becomes P2W.
  15. Fenrisk

    90% of the games combat takes place at 20m or less. Shotguns and SMG's are direct upgrades for nearly all of the games combat. There are plenty of rocket launchers that are straight upgrades. The other maxes have weapons that are straight upgrades.

    Nearly all free2play games are pay2win. They have to make money somehow. Planetside 2 was pay2win as soon as you could buy any weapon in the store and buy experience boosts. Experience boosts are the same as buying +50% or +100% certs per hour which is a thousands of certs every week. Nerfing weaponms into side grades won't change that.

    The side grade mechanic died long ago. The weapons from now on will be upgrades and the ONLY reason they nerfed TR AI max weapons is to boost sales of the new max weapons coming in the next update and force TR to use the new lock-down mode. It had nothing to do with balance or making the free2play crowd happy and everything to do with money.

    Why do you think the max weapons went on sale for 24 hours just before the nerf hit? To get players to buy them then end up with a nerfed weapon that they feel is not what they paid less then 8 hours after they got it on sale and encourage them to get the new weapons that will be far more effective.
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  16. Joram

    Im ok with upgrades, its not like a 20% damage upgrade or something that stupid, some weapons are small upgrades compared to others, nothing huge.
  17. Goldoche429

    Honestly, I totally agree with you. I don't understand why you'd want the game to become more pay to win though.

    I'm making this thread by hoping SOE changes the stats so the game improves. Like I said before, it could be argued that the loss of range of shotguns doesn't make them worth it. However, the mutilator is nearly a direct upgrade. No disadvantages.
  18. Goldoche429

  19. Rolfski

    In case people are too lazy to click on this link that explains why AI Max design is fundamentally flawed and the Mercy nerf unfair, here's the table that shows the GU07 dps changes for the range AI Maxes are mostly used:

  20. Goldoche429

    IIRC, the mercies were also a direct upgrade over the heavy cyclers. Good change IMO. They're now specialized at range instead of being an all around upgrade (like the mutilators).