TR MAX AI weapons are (nearly) a direct upgrade over the default ones

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Goldoche429, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Goldoche429

    Heavy Cycler (default): Short reload: 2.4s, Long reload: 3s, Mag size 60, Ammo pool 420, Bullet speed: 450 m/s

    Mutilator : Short reload: 2.9s, Long reload: 3.4s, Mag size 100, Ammo pool 700, Bullet speed: 500 m/s

    The rest of the stats are exactly the same. WTF SOE? Please fix this.

  2. SgtBreastroker

    Doesn't need fixing.
    • Up x 1
  3. Goldoche429

    Do you have brain damage or something?
  4. MikSchultzy

    The upgrade is the mag size/bullet speed. With that you fire longer faster. I am failing to see an issue here?

    Quite a few of the guns have stats that are similar.
  5. Dragonblood

    • Up x 3
  6. Goldoche429

    The guns are supposed to be balanced. There's nearly no trade-off for the mag size/bullet speed.
  7. akajefe

    Are you looking for something to complain about?

    The Mutilator has a longer reload speed in return for a higher magazine capacity. Are you telling me that high capacity magazines are better that faster reloading weapons?
  8. Goldoche429

    We're talking about 0.5 and 0.4 seconds for a nearly doubled magazine size and higher bullet velocity. The trade off isn't worth it.
  9. Dragonblood

    So this is about buffing the default weapon the heavy cycler?
  10. KanoHe

    Why you think there only must be sidegrades ?
    There are tons of must have weapons in ps2 with superior stats to default ones.
    Like MBT turrets or liberator guns (all of them) or Esf pods or AV Mana or new NS Pistols... Why you should even buy a sidegrade with exact performance as default ?
    It's mmofps with item progression...
    I find the Sidegrade concept pretty much stupid...
  11. Goldoche429

    The devs said it. All weapons purchased with SC are (supposed to be) sidegrades.
  12. Goldoche429

    Either buffing it or nerfing the mutilator. All the weapons are supposed to be equal.
  13. Bill Hicks

    really? full upgrades make this game a pay to win in the purest sense. Sidegrades are better. It forces the devs to be creative. Offering different weapons for different but equal play styles.

    If everything was a straight upgrade, then after a short time, the default weapons would be so weak to be pointless to play with a new character. And the upgrade weapons would be ridiculous after a year or so. 200 round mag autoshotguns insta kill pistols.
    • Up x 2
  14. KanoHe

    Upgrades doesn't make games Pay 2 Win.
    Item acesability by Real money only does.
    And what items you Can't buy with certs ?
    Right, cosmetics and a horn definentely are OP and P2W.
  15. Bill Hicks

    That doesnt make sense. It doesnt matter if I could save up for 10000 years and get a new weapon. If I can spend money and have a outright advantage then its pay to win. The win may not last forever, as people would eventually grind to my level of power.
    Straight upgrades is a dumb idea. Valve has shown with team fortress 2 the most successful free to play game.
  16. KanoHe

    By the way, best infantry main weapons are still cheaper to buy with certs, than with real money.
    There are tons of upgrades wich only coasts you 100-500 certs. That's like 2-8 h of gameplay... wich ain't that bad right ?
  17. daxed

    This only applies to PvE. You can't have upgrades in a PvP game. New players won't stay
  18. KanoHe

    You still need hours of gameplay to Upgrade your sidegrade... Even if you bought a weapon for real money you usualy need atleast 200 certs to make it better ...
  19. KanoHe

    You are denying tha fact that Nanowave,Flack,Composite,Kinetic,adv. Laser/Grip,Extended magazine,Reload speed,Irnv,Thermal,Zoom,High velo all are upgrades and make you stronger by a large margin... And those are not Pay2win right ?
    If yours Nanowave 5 and Resist shield are not that serious upgrades ...
    Then Larger mag sure is a pay 2 win.. Especially when you can purchase extended mags on both...
  20. KanoHe

    I imagine new player's face when he will see those too weapons and thinks omg that so pay2win... I shouldn't play this game because someone will abuse he's Larger mag with ammo pull so hard...
    Wait... what ?
    Grow up...