TR LMG Analysis

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AdennTM, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. AdennTM

    Laser Sights except for SMGs and the Jag seem pointless to me. The hip fire accuracy doesn't change as much as I would like. I just woke up so I honestly won't bother making a longer reply so yeah :p
  2. Pella

  3. TheGreatOne80

    I have to say this is the best topic on the forums so far. Thx Adenn :D

    I read what you guys wrote here and I tried the Carv after 2 months and I liked it. I stopped using Carv when they nerfed it because I was upset my god weapon was not that good any more. It's better than I thought I just had to use shorter bursts.

    The NS15... I don't like that gun. I'm working on the Auraxium on it but I feel it should have a faster RoF or more DMG. I'm not the best player (and I play on a laptop 15" screen, sometimes low fps) and when I lose a 1v1 fight usually my opponent has only 1-2 bars of health.

    I don't like any of the NS weapons.
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  4. Dis

    Skipped down to MSW-R, saw the OP recommended grip over adv laser.

    Stopped reading.
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  5. LowTechKiller

    Back when I tried the NS15, I was looking for something to use instead of the Gauss SAW because I just didn't like the way it felt.
    I loved everything about the NS15, and really wanted it to be my gun for all HA's. Unfortunately, it just didn't have the punch I need. I'm not a great player. I lean more toward being a brute force HA instead of a finesse player, so I just don't survive as long without a high damage rifle. NS15 is a good gun though.
  6. TheBloodEagle

    I absolutely agree with your T32 assessment & everything else. The T32 is lost. I wish they had another damage tier for it, maybe as an experiment with appropriate other stats such as 155 (middle of 143 and 167 dmg).

    Here's something barely ever talked about with the T32 vs T16. Compensator make you show further out on the map. So a T32 with comp+grip loses out to a T16 with advanced grip against enemy situational awareness. Also the T16 has a higher bullet velocity. So not only would you be not as obvious with the T16 but you can also put on a suppressor since the velocity is high enough not to worry about AND you can even put on HV ammo to connect shots even further. I'd also argue that advanced grip edges out in accuracy vs comp+grip.

    The Carv-S on paper is a great weapon but in reality its pretty bad on target. Which is a shame since I love all the other S variant weapons in game. I do have over 800 kills with the Carv-S though. I bought it for single fire, which early on in the game, was worthwhile. Now it's not useful at all. Putting extended mag on this weapon is a waste because the weapon itself is a waste. Luckily they made it much cheaper now than it was previously but the only reason to get it is if you want Auraxium medals.
  7. TheBloodEagle

    You missed out then. The MSW-R is a great CQC weapon even without advanced grip and it is a good weapon to have in a variety of situations, MORE SO than the T32. If you go in a Bio Lab fight then throw on the Advanced Laser and if you're in other bases like an Amp Station than put on a Grip and now you have a good all rounder. It's one of the BEST VALUE TR weapons. This doesn't mean you have to use one setup 100% of the time; you're a terrible player if you do.
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  8. Bill Hicks

    Posting again cus " Imgine the Carv without the jitter: 100 shots, easy to manage recoil, high ROF. Boy if it didn't have jitter I would have sex with the gun. "
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  9. Mxiter

    -The carv have certainly the hignerst vertical recoil/sec of the game every weapon with higher recoil/sec have access to compensator. (example: the gauss saw have 9% lower vertical recoil/sec and have access to comp). For information, the Carv have the same recoil/shot than the Anchor or the GD-22S while both have much lower ROF.
    -It have also the worst horizontal recoil (value and per sec with it's high rof).
    -It have high bloom (as every high ROF weapon that fires 750+rpm): 50% more bloom/sec than anchor or EM6.
    -Don't have thighter ADS moving COF or hip fire COFs contrarely to most of close range weapons. (it shares that particuraity with EM1 btw).

    It's nice to spray 100 bullets with high ROF, but have a low skill ceiling, is weak past 20m and is the worst LMG past 30-40m.
  10. TheBloodEagle

    Whoops meant advanced laser.
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  11. Lucidius134

    It's the only real way they could balance the blazing high ROF topped with double the mag capacity of any other LMG/weapon in that category.
  12. DerpMode

    Good post, i don't agree with everything but it's a nice detailed view.

    In my opinion our problem is that our weapons are mediocre at best. Without any specialization or flavor to them every TR LMG seems bland with a touch of loathe. I main a BR60 TR and have a BR44 VS alt, including 800+ kills with the SVA. While the VS keeps it's faction trait stats on the weapon (high first shot recoil multiplier but after that it's generally deadly accurate) it also has 0.75 ads speed. Our closest weapon to those stats is the Carv-S, and while they seem identical they are far from it. We do not retain the "fastest firing weapons" because we only have 2 and the VS has 1, with Flare and SVA coming in close to 698. We do not retain the "moar bullets" because ... well I'm not entirely sure why here. Anyways as I see it we do not retain any of our faction traits but keep all our faction disadvantages (from the traits if i can put it like that).

    I can't comment on the NC faction as i have no real experience playing them but I've been killed a good amount of times from high BR players with the GODSAW.

    Overall I am not saying that we need carbon-copies of weapons across the board, but we still lack that unique weapon/trait in the TR LMG department.
  13. Aegie

    Anyone have recent API on how LMGs actually stack up in game?
  14. Vansoth

    I really enjoy using an MSW-R most of the time when I play TR. I have been using a 3.4x red dot sight on it and have had a fair amount of success. I would use the 2x if it was available. Does anyone have experience using this sight? Are there hidden drawbacks to using them that I am not seeing?
  15. Morpholine

    The transition to ADS for scoped sights is ever-so-slightly longer than for reflex or iron sights. Also, higher magnification levels can make recoil more difficult to manage on automatic weapons.

    But that's about it.
  16. Cinnamon

    2x is similar to reflex but if you like it depends on if you like how it feels tracking targets with the different zoom. Really zoom is not really needed for MSW-R since you should use it when moving and fire at targets you can see well without zoom. IRNV is the most accurate sight because it is more stable and it is always on target

    Lowering your ads mouse sensitivity is worth trying before trying zoom scopes on a gun like this.
  17. Nakar

    I think it's unfair to call the CARV a new player weapon. I honestly don't understand all this talk about the CARV being terrible at range. It's exceptional at medium ranges, far moreso than the MSW-R or Orion as long as you're not advancing (i.e. if you are defending). I'm fully confident in saying that the CARV is the best LMG and one of the best weapons in the entire game for hitting someone running perpendicular to you, because of its unique combination of high magazine size and top-tier LMG ROF. I'd say that I get a huge number of my CARV kills at 30m+, and I've never felt it was inadequate for the task. Not optimal, perhaps, but the large magazine makes it easier to swallow, and when I'm jumped I never feel helpless because I have the best ROF I can possibly get.

    Reload time should almost never be an issue with intelligent use of a large magazine. While it's true reload is slow on guns like the CARV, SAW, and EM6, a good player leverages the large magazine size to get large kill strings and exploits downtime to top off the rounds. A short reload only matters if something stops you, and more uptime on firing the weapon is better than less downtime on reloading (e.g. you can fire the SAW for close to a full minute with short moderated bursts, so the extreme reload is no big deal). If you are pushing and dying during reloads, you're either overextending yourself or inefficiently using the ammo that you do have. While it won't sustain killing as long as a SAW, the CARV is more than capable of room-clearing in ways the MSW-R can't manage because it simply doesn't have the magazine capacity.

    Still, the MSW-R is a better all-rounder, and the Rhino is decent, but the CARV generally remains the best TR LMG inside 40m. When I'm fighting at potentially longer ranges than that, I use the NS-15M for the maneuverability and insane accuracy. If the T16 had a Compensator and/or SPA or the MSW-R 75% ADS speed I'd probably prefer them.

    That said, the CARV is probably balanced fine. I guess if I had to describe its skill curve it's sort of a quick ascent, a leveling off, and then another spike upward. It's easy to pick up and use, but you have to fight your instincts somewhat to get a good rhythm down to use the weapon at longer and longer ranges. But as long as you're using a Grip, it's perfectly plausible, and the extra ammo is by no means a waste. 150 more bullets per loadout than the MSW-R. Think how many kills that is.
  18. Kunavi

    Rhino with extended mag and CQC sights. Absolutely tramples Chain-Gun too. If you feel like it, add High Velocity though it is OK as is, so you may want to save up for other situational accessories. Every single thing this combination lacks can be compensated for by personal skill and keeping SMG Hip-Firing MLGYOLOSWAGs from getting too close. I never looked back. You should not bother with a Grip, as said you should be able or should learn to compensate for not having that.

    TMG is too boring, can't really explain what I mean by that so take it for what it is.
    MSW-R is merely adequate if you can't afford the Rhino- But who really can't?
    CARV is not that good- IMHO the NC have a much better starting LMG.

    Don't you just <3 how opinions work?... Good thing they're FREE ;P
  19. ReconTeemo

    MSW-R is not a better all-rounder, it's meant for close quarter engagement. Try killing moving targets in med range, then try the default carv, and I will tell you the Rhino will come on top. Carv is certainly not a new player weapon, not when I was new. I say the NS-15M is. MSW-R and Carv are the best TR LMG for medium to close range/ CQB.
  20. LT_Latency

    The msw-r doesn't have enough bullets.

    When you have close combat LMG, you don't want to be reloading when pushing into a room with 3 or 4 enemies