TR LMG Analysis

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AdennTM, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Messaiga

    The SVA-88 is a fine LMG. 0.75x movement speed when ADS'd, relatively low recoil overall, high bullet velocity, and a very competitive DPS. I would choose that over the Ursa any day.
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  2. mpal

    Not really, I can argue that the skill ceiling is the same for all LMGs. Really good players will always outperform mediocre-good players using the same weapons. When you talk about skill ceilings, you talk about limits where you can't tell if a player is good or just using a crutch (IE pump shotguns before nerf) and jackhammers now. Sure a good player will be good, but whats the difference between a really good player and good player using those mediums? There wont be any difference at all between the two. That is what is referred to as a skill ceiling.
  3. Zotamedu

    I have Auraxium in my T9 Carv and then I got the TMG-50 which I loved even more. Then I reached Auraxium with that and started looking around for a new toy. I ended up getting the CARV-S yesterday. It was a spontaneous thing with not much thought put into it more than that I missed my old CARV. I also remember really missing a 2x reflex on the original CARV. I've got a bunch of kills with it now and I quite like it. I guess there's something special with the high rate of fire. I actually use it for suppressive fire.
  4. Van Dax

    I'd have to agree with you there. As much as I see people talk about gauss saw's or tmg-50's medium-close range is what is most beneficial to kit yourself for. In my opinion for the VS the sva-88 is amazing in the hands of medium to high skill players.
  5. Jube

    Everyone has their opinion I suppose.
    I disagree with you opinion of the T-32 Bull. It is in fact my favorite of the TR LMG's. You say it tries but fails to be a "Jack of all trades" but I have no problems hip firing at CQC and killing my target and it's a tack driver burst firing at medium range.
    I agree with your over-all opinion the TR's LMG's are good but not great. But I think you have alittle "Attachment" jealousy going on there with the T-32 Bull.
    If you'll remember the T-32 has been beat up by the "nerfbat" and that is the reason it has a smaller magazine and your ammo capacity became smaller for it. And that is also the reason your not going to see those attachments make it to the T-16 otherwise it would become what the T-32 was.
  6. AdennTM

    Love the discussion here. Keep it up lads.
  7. AdennTM

    Problem is the T32 Bull's fire rate isn't good enough to use with the laser sight over the MSW-R. The T32 Bull is the weapon I have used less so I don't have the same experience with it yet but my 1st 300 kill impressions is that I don't like it.

    ADS Move speed accuracy, tighter hip fire and slightly quicker reload doesn't make up for the 100 rounds the T16 has along with the high bullet velocity and ADS accuracy.
  8. DashRendar

    I find the T16 to be less reliable in ADS though due to less predictable recoil which necessitates a grip attachment. I think the Bull is the type of gun you can put a laser attachment on for close, and aim compensate the ADS recoil for more versatility. The T16 is more cornered to me because it "needs" a grip.
  9. DuckSauce

    'Predictable recoil' is a BF3-ism that doesn't apply to the way PS2 handles vertical vs. horizontal recoil.

    Many weapons that have angled recoil (GR-22, Lynx) also have a high unpredictable component to their recoil, while many weapons that have straight vertical recoil (Mercenary) have less jitter than similar weapons with angled recoil (Razor).
  10. DashRendar

    It may be psychological, but I find it 100% easier to compensate for guns like the Razor/MSW-R/GD-22S/Solstice/Gauss Rifle, than I do for guns like the Pulsar C/EM6/Mercenary/SAW/TMG-50... basically all of the token "long range" weapons. While using these equal bias weapons, you will have to change hand movement direction on top of degree, whereas with guns that have horizontal bias, you only have to compensate for degree of change, because you already know to which direction it will favor. For the equal bias guns, it is literally impossible to perform at an above average level with because there is literally no human way to predict which direction the recoil will spring to next.
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  11. Epic High Five

    I like the Rhino a lot because it's a hand-held Kobalt once you put an adv grip on it.
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  12. Sen7ryGun84

    Opinion laden post masquerading as fact. The second I see anyone saying things like "noob like this gun but vets don't" I immediately dismiss the post as rubbish.
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  13. Xae

    It is worth noting that the Horizontal Recoil on the Carv was added in GU1 or GU2. Before that it had almost none.

    Most people's opinions about the Carv being OP come from that time period.

    Right now LMGs are pretty balanced between factions. Though all of them have some under-performing ones (Carv-S, Bull, Polaris, Ursa, Guass-S, EM1/6(?)).
  14. LibertyRevolution

    Laser accurate, 2sec reload.

    Why use any other LMG?
  15. Takoita

    As I've been posting in many-many other threads:

    Optics! 2x optics please! I can mount 6x on the Jackhammer but no 2x on MSW-R, T-16, TAR, etc? Why?!

    I just... don't see the possible reason to restrict it at all. Especially on the guns that actually need it.
  16. exLupo

    OP: Nice rundown, much appreciated.

    Regarding the T32 Bull, I think I know what they were intending. There was a point during beta where new LMGs were coming out and the VS stock models got a substantial change (+accuracy -magazine) which seemed to be in response to the HA playerbase's call for Assault Rifle cross-class unlocking. There's a number of LMGs that bridge the LMG<->AR gap and it seems that the Bull is one of these. Reduced mag, middle dps, increased control.

    The entire NS line is an embodiment of this design philosophy. If you take the dps of all of the weapons, factor it as it relates to both recoil-per-shot and cof base/bloom over a burst period, they (NS in any class and the Bull) are top-tier for putting real damage on a target. Granted, that's purely design-on-paper but I believe that's what they were going for. Low floor, mid ceiling weapons that, especially in the case of cross-empire NS usage, you can just pick up and be decent with.
  17. AdennTM

    No one ever said these were the facts. Thanks for contributing to the thread!
  18. Bape

    Finally a dam TR that knows what the hell he is talking about and not a whine thread dedicated to the NC lol. I actually read all of it and I mostly never do that :eek:

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  19. TheGreatOne80

    I'm not saying I like any guns more than the SVA-88. For my playstyle the SVA-88 is the best weapon in PS2.
  20. lilleAllan

    I just bought it on my VS alt yesterday after hearing all this talk about it.

    It's amazing. Even better than the Orion which is also great.