TR is ridiculous

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blacsktab1337, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. Kortan

    Don't forget to mention those prowler zergs ******** themselves whenever any opposition turn up.
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  2. Kociboss

    Especially on our infiltrators.
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  3. y3ivan

    most of them will get bored eventually capturing undefended facilities.

    Most defenders with some brain will avoid prowler zergs.
  4. Kaal87

    Wow. Sounds like you're faction needs a buff, and not the type that SOE can provide. You, yours, and whatever faction needs to step up their game, plain and simple. I roll TR with SOCA outfit, and we work hard at being one of the best. Our leads are stressing out to get us wins, and our members get abused when we slack actually ya know what op?

    *** off L2p, GG:GET GOOD, get owned.

    To rest of non-TR on Briggs who don't whine and play their best: /salute you rebel scum & barney bastards
  5. WV17

    Man you SOCA guys are a-holes and a pain too.... also TROL members fighting TR zergs? I thought you only knew the directions to get to tawrich!!! hahaha Unfortunately.... I feel like NC doesn't even have any major outfits to counter yours :( Maybe I should start one.
  6. XRIST0

    41BN is a pretty big outfit ? NC have just as many if not more populated outfits than TR does .

    TR has 2 or 3 decent outfits and thats about it ..

    SOCA has quite alot of people in their outfit , most of the times we have won alerts is because of them .
  7. SgtBreastroker

    It used to be 41BN that gave us all the action but they imploded recently from what I've heard. The only NC outfits I know of right now are AUNC, IB and DROP. Haven't versed NC exclusively in a while. TROL have been having massive skirmishes on the western side of Indar against the TR.
  8. WV17

    I always feel like its NC zerg vs TR SOCA (plus others) and VS TROL (plus a few others)... meh still having fun. All that matters. On the plus side... made it to Peris today!!! but when the push finally got there it fell apart... which was lame.
  9. Menelek

    That is why i like NC, nobody to boss you around or tell you what to do( i would join the ******* army if i wanted that ), who care if we don't win all the time we still have fun, at least i know i am
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  10. Camycamera

    hahaha.... my outfit got sick of fighting you guys over there....
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  11. Flukeman62

    u just jelly of our commissar cap and u know it!