[TR] [EXE] - Execution

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Escorge, May 23, 2013.

  1. Escorge

    Looks like SOE isn't merging Helios forums, so reposting.

    Execution [EXE] is an outfit that currently has over 1900 members (over 1100 active in last month) and anyone is welcome to join! We have many different divisions and squads going, so there should be something for everyone. However, we only keep our zerg platoons open to the public, so you wont see the more organized groups (unless your fighting against them).

    [EXE] organizes different events within the game, some are public cross faction (off indar events), some are outfit only (Deathraces, with SC prizes!). We try and keep in contact with outfit leaders of all factions, so organizing events is not such a pain. That being said, if you are the leader of an outfit (any faction) and you would like to get in on some off indar events, add Archcraig, Sgtcharleszim, Vohk, or Fallengamer to your friends list and let them know who you are!

    We only have a couple rules:
    1. Don't be a jerk. Respect allies and enemies alike.
    2. If you join an outfit platoon, you are expected to follow orders. Keep in mind, you are not required to join our platoons.
    3. No hackers.

    If you would like to join us, there are a couple ways to do so:
    1. Talk to any [EXE] member and they will direct you to an officer. - fastest way
    2. http://www.exeoutfit.com/forums/recruitment

    Hope to see you all on the battlefield!

    Links to more [EXE] media:
    Links to previous [EXE] threads:
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  2. SgtCharlesZim

    I am SgtCharlesZim and I approve of this product and/or service.
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  3. Escorge

    EXE Drunk Division tested out our new max lockdown at the NC warpgate last night. The NC organized a push impressively fast and sent us packing. We'll get you next time warpgate!
  4. HooliganS3

    The EXE Drunk Division S**ual-Harasser Driving seminar was very informative last night. I was able to demonstrate a "Bad Touch" on 6 NC volunteers. Their participation was greatly appreciated.

    "I need a medic!!!...Meow!"
  5. Blarg20011

    Without a doubt one of the most entertaining (read: drunk) outfits I have ever been in! And I've been in a whole 2 outfits!
  6. monkeyfetus

    The best thing about EXE is there's a place for everyone. We have highly organized and competitive squads for the serious players, casually organized platoons for those who like teamwork but don't want things too strict, zergs for people who want to run as a mob, and Drunk Division for people who just want to watch the world burn shenanigans.

    We also hold regular training courses to help players work together as a squad.
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  7. kaptinkrunch88

    If you guys ever create an Execution Drunk Division on Briggs I have a TR character that would volunteer in a heartbeat. As far as I'm concerned Escorge, you are a TUBB member in the wrong uniform.
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  8. Escorge

    Our galaxies will blot out the sun! After fridays ops the TR pulled galaxies at the warpgate. There was so many not all of them could even render! Then we flew over to the ascent and started mating with some vanu galaxies. Good times.
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  9. Goodmonson

    RHAPESHOW has joined the squad.
  10. Escorge

    Its a shame we are different factions, im sure we would have gotten along great.
  11. kaptinkrunch88

    I think we get along great even though we are in different factions. That doesn't mean I won't shoot you in the face if I get the chance.
  12. Escorge

    But but but baby...
  13. kaptinkrunch88

    You always hurt the ones you love. I'm going to love you very hard.
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  14. NytDragon

    Join EXE, especially their Drunk division.... and we'll help make your EXEcution a swift one!
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  15. Escorge

    I think you are VASTly under estimating us Bill Nyte
  16. Blarg20011

    Huehuehuehuehuehue NO. BTW, did anyone get a video of last nights Sunderer dance party?
  17. Blarg20011

    Huehuehuehuehuehue NO.
  18. Blarg20011

    Do we have any video of Saturday's Drunk Platoon Sunderer dance par-tay? I think it took place around 10:10 PDT, at uhhh, that one base that's a bit north ish of the NC biolab. Yeah, I'm sure you all know exactly what I'm talking about from that description.
  19. desdicardo

    courtesy of ItsMCjammer and SenorPantsFantastico
  20. Blarg20011

    Beautiful! What's the res?