TR empire traits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LaRZy, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. DatVanuMan

    You are one hell of an ignorant person. The Prowler is faster than the other tanks, not only in terms of speed, BUT also in terms of damage AND reload. The Prowler deals more damage than both the other MBTs, and not only that, but it has the same defenses as a Magrider, which is slower, weaker, more poorly designed, with a longer reload speed and crap for damage... What else do you TR want?
  2. Matt879

    Again with the MAGRIDER STRAFE OP. Every time I pull a prowler or vanguard on my alts, I've absolutely no problem hitting strafing magriders unless they're far away. Anything under 100m is very easy, past that it starts to get a bit tricky.
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  3. FocusLight

    I'm sorry, what was that?




    I think someone needs to try and dumb-fire or even tank-fire at Magriders a bit more.

    But really, go play some NC and TR and dumb-fire at Magriders. See what happens.
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  4. Nayrx

    NC Most powerful per shot
    Most Armor

    VS Maneuverability
    Flatter trajectory
    Hovering Tanks (you know how many shots land under a magrider and do nothing)
  5. Axehilt

    While it is a joke to call the Magrider's kit useless, Prowlers definitely are the most effective tank by a noticeable margin. My Prowler has 23% higher KPH, 36% higher VKPH, and 21% higher SPM. (And 8 K/D compared with Mag's 5 K/D)

    The Mag can do some tricky things (especially on hossin) but it's definitely more valuable to be able to absolutely smash enemy vehicles from extreme range with lockdown's raw DPS.
  6. TheMish

    Oh wow, 10 kph an hour faster, thank Jesus for that amazing speed. Praise the lord, I'll leave everyone in the dust, I'll be hard to hit for sure. Gimme a break.

    Damage and reload, yeah if you're locked down. Outside of that, you're worthless. You can't do enough damage to beat up a Vanguard 1 on 1 unless you lockdown, brilliant right? If I use a Prowler, I have to sit in place, to be able to cripple it. And if it turns into a CQC brawl, guess what the Vanguard will do? Get behind me, and if I beat up the Vanguard pretty badly, it'll turn the shield on, and my efforts were totally worthless. I can't even tell you how many bad experiences I deal with everytime I try and hope that lockdown won't be total ****.

    Now, this ******** again with VS loyalists crying about how their precious Magrider isn't OP enough. It has the same armor as the Prowler, true. But, you have a very well stabilized gun, on top of a smooth ride, and no recoil. Giving the Magrider not only the best accuracy fighting still, but even on the move. Now the Vanguard and Prowler did recoil turret stabilization, the problem though. Is the design of the tank does not go well, it's definently MUCH better than before but the Magrider still wins the accuracy game.

    The ******** that the Magrider is slower is laughable, 47 kph going backwards and I think 26 kph strafing. The acceleration definently was better every time I used it.

    Now, poor design story, BULL ****. Out right, blatant ********. Not only does the overall design make it a total ***** to hit for any tank at medium-long range, but on top of that, I almost NEVER see Magriders flip over as all the loyalists like to keep ******** about, a small price for having the ability to climb some seriously tall and steep hills. I get lucky if the burger tank can get over the sides of roads, same goes for the Vanguard, although the Vanguard is supposed to be slow.

    Reload speed? You've got to be joking, the Vanguard has a much longer reload speed, you wanna complain about not having the hardest hitting cannon too?

    What else would I want? Simple, a tank that wasn't design to fail, how about a tank without a Soviet mentality of numbers over quality. Because guess what? There isn't enough TR players per server to make up for the horrid garbage that is the Prowler.

    I don't even think of it as a battle machine, I think of it as a means of carrying the cannon into battle, the actual body itself, the armor, is ******* useless.

    Now I ask, what else do you VS loyalists want? You guys always seem to complain about your equipment, is it not overpowered enough for you?
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  7. Lord_Avatar

    Ah! The charm of a well-rounded argument! Brought to you by LIKE A BOSS. :rolleyes:

    M'kay then "baws", prepare for a nice hot cup of enlightenment.

    Not only is it possible to miss a strafing Magrider while being a good gunner (granted, it's not an issue at close range), but it takes longer for both the driver and the gunner to adjust their aim. Hence, the overall DPS output is significantly lower than when facing off against a Vanguard (so as to stay in MBT vs MBT territory). A rather useful trait, wouldn't you say?

    Let that sink in for a while (you know, LIKE A BOSS). :cool:
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    If you get out damaged by a magrider in a prowler WITH a gunner than thats exactly what I said. A l2p problem. The Magrider does the least amount of damage at range compared to the other MBTs.
  9. DatVanuMan

    1. Increase speed to 90 km/h. Decrease armor.
    2. Prowler deals more damage and has a faster reload than either tank, even without lockdown. Know your math, simpleton.
    3. Wow, no recoil, wow, stabilized cannons:rolleyes: Give me a damned break, man. In the world of tanks, were EVERYONE knows how to land a shot while moving (Because that's something YOU SHOULD know how to do), a stabilized cannon doesn't mean crap. A Prowler has higher speed (Don't care how small the speed advantage is, IT IS FASTER), more damage, higher velocity, and a faster reload. A Vanguard has more health, more damage, higher velocity than either faction, AND IS STILL FASTER than the Magrider.
    4. The Vanguard has a reload difference of EXACTLY 0.25 seconds. You really suck at math. As for damage, the Vanguard and Prowler deal far more than the Magrider. The Vanguard simply has higher damage and a reload speed that is suitable to deal more DPS, while a Prowler outright beats the competition in terms of DPS, since it has TWO cannons that RELOAD FASTER, and only get better with anchor;)
    5. Not enough Terran players? Where the hell do you play, because here on Emerald, THERE ARE PLENTY of Terran who know how to drive a tank that is outright better than either faction's MBT.
    6. The armor is the same as the Magrider. Know your math once more, you simplistic buffoon.
    Care for more enlightenment?
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  10. miraculousmouse

    Prowlers are more fun to fight at closer to medium ranges because they literally have nothing on my max shield/racer/stealth vanguard. at longer ranges they are extremely dangerous though and if i get caught by a locked down ap prowler unless i have a big rock for cover my shield will not save me.

    Stealth magriders are also something to fear. Those things will get you where a prowler will not. So yeah guys, use vehicle stealth to bring out the best in your tank.
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  11. zombielores

    For those people talking about tank balance, you fail to realize the effectiveness of each a tribute and the effects it has on each different part of the game, each tank has its pro's and con's, but many seem to forget some.

    #1. Vanguard is actually the fastest, just with the lowest acceleration.
    #2. Magrider is the only tank humanly possible to achieve 100% DPS output at all ranges.
    #3. Prowlers double shot technically has a bigger blast radius then its NC/VS counterparts.
    #4. Magrider has the most options to choose its engagements.
    #5. Vanguard exposes more while moving out of cover forwards and less while moving backwards then its counterparts.
    #6. Magriders chassis does affect its "strafe speed" when you factor in the W or S key.
    #7. The Magrider is the least affected by terrain followed by the prowler and then the vanguard with the worst at travesty anything other then flat ground.
    #8. The magrider is the least predictable tank.
    #9. The prowler has the same armour as the magrider and the vanguard has more armour, base armour value is subjective so you cannot say the Magrider/Prowler has the weakest when we don't know the base line, half empty or half full.
    #10. Vanguard is the only possible tank to survive 2 C4 if shields are active because it has a -125% compared to the regular -150%.
    #11. Prowler is the only tank that infantry can survive a shot to the face with Flak 5 (4?).
    #12. Magrider has the least distinctive turret while the vanguard has the most.
    #13. All secondary turrets do not have hit boxes.

    To be continued.........
    (If I can find the rest of this list.)

    On Topic, faction traits are a guide line to how it's suppose to be done, most of the ones floating around today are actually made up by players themselves like TR having "higher DPS" or TR having the highest RoF, I believe the description said high not highest. For the VS, the faction traits and descriptions are kinda vague at best, it's like the Devs weren't sure about what to do with them so they gave some vague statements about technology and spandex.

    Edit; Auto correct issues.
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  12. Goretzu

    Er.... no, that's just plain untrue.

    Again plain untrue.

    The Mag does well in AV performance because of its agility, but also because of the combined power of its primary and secondary.

    The Prowler does best (in AV and AI) because of its speed agility and extra DPS in the main gun.

    The Van struggles to keep up with either (in AV and especially AI) because its main gun DPS is average, its secondary is average (although better now than it has been) and it is slow and imobile (neither the bit of extra armour nor the nerfed shield makes up for those things).

    All this can be clearly seen in the stats.
  13. Ronin Oni

  14. Kunavi

    Here we go again. This misconception of TR being the fastest(Or rather, the misconception that it even matters, even if we look beyond the fact it's practically negligible) is getting tiring. Same for ROF, where we have increased ROF we pay for it with interest, even on weapons that DO NOT have any ROF advantage over their other Faction equivalents.

    Another misconception is the Prowler and it's capacity to be good; Right now this thing has the WORST ES turrets for any job and this whole thing about best sustained DPS is BS, it works on paper but in practice it's a pile of junk. More ammunition? Yes, because it can miss double the shots with the same pilot than say putting them in a VG and has 2 barrels to do what other Factions do with one, if it had less ammunition NOBODY WOULD BE USING IT except for Ammo Tower camping. Don't be ridiculous. Also let's not talk about ES abilities please.

    Strafing not an advantage? Bad if you can't hit a strafing Mag at distance? Bullet drop an issue? Quit what you're smoking please. Mags take a little bit more skill to learn(IE Don't be an idiot) but once you do it's easily the BEST of the 3, unless WinShield. Speaking of which, the NC equipment is FINE actually. I main TR and have NO PROBLEM with NC weapons, 2nd best easily. Admittedly some are junk but coming from TR where our best stuff are lesser NS stuff, it's still good.

    "Speed is King" ----> LOL, not in PS2 my friend.
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  15. Takara

    Take the mag out for a drive....the slow acceleration and topping out around 45khp...and you will go get yourself a sandwhich before you get where you are going. It is just so wide and slow :-(

    I love my mag but honestly....when I drive my ATV or Lightning and see vanguards and prowlers keep up with me I always frown a little bit.
  16. Villanuk

    It only deals more damage if both projectiles hit and that's not going to happen all that often if you driving around and even harder when a Mag can A-D.

    With the current ZERG battles, speed has come to be irreverent to some extent as tanks are just lining up spamming each other, so the NC have the shield and heavy Armour - massive plus for those guys in defense and having the hardest hitting rockets with AP renders the lockdown as too dangerous to deploy, certainly if your targeted by more than one tank. The mag has an advantage of strafing away as the rockets come your way.

    I think with all things considered, the tanks are all well balanced, maybe in zergs the NC have an advantage but nothing dramatic.

    The only changes i would make is a slight ( very slight ) buff in damage ( ap only ) for the VS and TR and consider buffing lockdown to really give it a proper risk for reward as the NC or VS have no risk using there special option.
  17. Canaris

    I don't want to call you VS posting here a bunch of dirty liars but..... I can't finish my post without using that term, the Mag is a damn spider tank capable of doing feats of athleticism that would put an Olympic team to shame, you ain't fooling or convincing anyone with your "poor us and our inadequate magrider" routine.

    As for the OP the TR trait is supposed to be speed, yes it is but we need to sacrifice a lot to have it, if it's RoF then we loose out on damage and accuracy and in case of our specials we need to be glued to the ground like a big fat juicy target for the more mobile faction who's real trait is accuracy and manoeuvrability who have to sacrifice what in return? oh that's right sweet **** all.
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  18. cruczi

    Which translates to "strafe is useful against 99% of the playerbase"
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  19. DatVanuMan

    1. It is.
    2. Agility? What damned agility, man? The combined power of its gunner and secondary? Bullcrap, as you see. The Magrider deals the LEAST damage of any MBT, since the main gun is crap and the "gunner" you speak of is the only way a Magrider stands an accursed chance. A Prowler with a Vulcan will wreck, and a Vanguard with an Enforcer will eliminate. Know YOUR stats, Goret.
  20. CaptAmazing

    So I totaly agree with the Magrider having no mobility at all and I got video proof:

    Look at 3.03 min. you will see that the Magrider is more or less a sitting duck compared to other tanks - and the rest of the video goes the same way.

    another example here:

    You can clearly see, how slugish the Magrider behaves.
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