Top tear infiltrators

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by TheAnnoyingInfi, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Posse

    Me too, lol, btw, I saw you yesterday around the hills of the Crown in a VS alt (I assume you're MustardeVS), stop invading my server and ruining my farms! I have enough with Vonic ruining my biofarms :p

    Btw, there's only 1 infiltrator I consider really dangerous on Waterson, that's elusive1 from NUC. The other 2 infiltrators I know are pretty good are VS: Rasui (I remember when I went with him into a BioLab and cleaned a entire squad by ourselves :D) and Edynz, didn't play with this guy, but I always see him as a SMG infil and he always tops the killboards.
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  2. Metal Insomniac

    I have seen some pretty good VS Infils on Waterson, but they did not stand out enough for me to remember their names.
  3. Rohxer

    Yeah, forgot to mention elusive1, though our paths don't cross that often since he's usually moving and scoping mid-range with a RAMS .50 while I'm moving and hip firing close-range with an SMG.

    Though once I made the mistake of trying to sneak up and hit him with my flare gun, thinking he was a low level infil... I ended up embarrassed and immortalized on his Youtube channel. :oops:
  4. LownWolfe

    I would interested to know who is the top nc infils on mattherson. Gotta find out my competition (more like who I need to catch up to)
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  5. DeathSparx

    Jeez, on Connery I rarely run into other infiltrators. And when I do, they aren't the memorable type due to various reasons. xD
  6. MrMurdok

    There were a couple of good ones on Ceres, but either we stay away from each other like fire, or they just don't log in as much.

    Regardless, Esmay takes the top of my list.
  7. Mustarde

    Sidewinder is a good SMG infil/sniper, DJHops is a good sniper (when he's infil). There aren't many "hardcore" infils on the NC that really get your attention - both those guys run with their outfits so it's hard to really stand out. I think Mattherson infils have clustered into VS and TR, with a few exceptions.
  8. Mustarde

    Haha, just visiting :) It really stinks not having an SMG to use as a BR1 infil though...
  9. LownWolfe

    I AM HARDCORE! But jokes aside, I guess I'm not too bad by comparison. The difference is merely play time (my 9 days vs their like 35 days lol).
  10. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Once I log in and find you, prepare to never leave your WG ;)

    because change of circumstances, ceres will suffer again :D
  11. Topher

    Myself, not to brag, but I'm very well established in this class, and I've gotten a reputation where some infiltrators run at my name popping up, haha.
    EDIT: I'm on Connery, by the way, TopherPlus.
  12. Topher

    He's been playing for a long time, doesn't mean he's good, and often accuracy is diminished by people like me who dick around in the warpgrate among other things, so if he started out wanting to have great stats, he'll keep those great stats, but for people like me who dicked around and got themselves killed doing too many risky things, we have fairly bad stats, though we are usually some of the best out there. I've recently wanted to up my own stats for an indicator that I am actually good, rather than displaying my rash nature through horrible stats. You have to witness them in action yourself or the stats mean nothing.
    EDIT: I know he's good, I wasn't saying he wasn't, though I was establishing the thought that stats are not a great indicator of how good someone is.
  13. Booface

    Torokokill, Mustarde. I'm not real good at remembering people from my kill feed from other factions, but I do remember elusive1 from TR on Waterson. When he shows up, I know I'm probably going to die a bit more often (also due to NUC generally crushing all of us small VS outfits at their leisure, but that's beside the point; he's good).
  14. zaspacer

    I think most people are locked into the concept of the best players being the guys who get the best individual stats. Like sports stars who play for themselves and to bolster their stats, and do not make any effort toward the success of their team.

    To be fair, the only real public stats tracked by the game support that concept. Likewise, it's almost impossible to identify in game who affected a battle (who's Sunderer is that? whose Recon Darts are those? who hacked that Terminal? who q-spotted those key targets? Who took/held the Cap point? etc.), versus who was just riding coattails and raking up stats.

    I by no means am suggesting I am an Elite Infil. I definitely am not a pro on the SMG like many and I can't Headshot moving targets like some. But I also don't rank a stats padding player as being important in the kind of game I try to play in, and I only count them as a narrow niche in terms of Elite Infils.
  15. IIXianderII

    Stats, to me, are more about comparing my present self with my past self. Trying to compare your own stats with someone else's will not give you a good idea of who is better because different playstyles will show different stats. For example I know how I play, and accuracy and kpm are a good way for me to see how often I am in the fight, and how often I am hitting the shots I need to hit. For someone who plays a bit more passive than me, their kpm may be lower but their K/D higher because they are more careful with which engagements they choose. Looking at the two side by side will not determine who is better, but each individual can look at their own stats and see the improvements and changes they have made come out to actual numerical differences.

    Edit: to answer the OP question Shockington is an NC infil that always got the better of me, and on TR the BWC reapers are also really fun to fight. (this is on mattherson btw)
  16. Mustarde

    His KDR combined with KPH is what gives you a glimpse into his skill level. I've met several infils with KDR's much higher than mine (or toro's), but even with boosts their KPH and subsequent SPM is much lower. Which makes sense because if you are risk averse and cautious, you will have a high KDR but it is difficult to reap a high killrate. Inversely, some players have modest KDR's but a rather good SPM/KPH (although the more time you spend dead, the less time you spend killing so there is a limit to how low your KDR can be while maintaining high SPM).

    Toro not only has a very high KDR, but when in context of his very very high KPM/SPM, it becomes clear that he not only has a knack for finding good farms, but can then work them without dying very very well. It's the combination of those two stats that reflect just how good he is.

    Here's one of my favorite videos of his - just unedited insane killwhoring. He's the best sniper in the game, bar none.

    That doesn't mean I can't hold my own against him in a duel :) (from earlier this year)

  17. Topher

    I can agree that you get some good indication through both of those stats, though they are not a perfect indicator. His playstyle is very similar to that of mine which I have developed, which leads me to believe that I am on the right track, not that I would recommend modeling off of him; to each their own. For the most part my KDR has been rising now that I have been fighting smarter, but I'm still a bit rash, it's my nature, and it sometimes makes me go on really bad losing streaks, especially in underpopped fights. Though I'm not so sure about my KPH at the moment- I think when I play I horse around quite a bit compared to others. I'm only BR 50 right now anyway, not even at auraxium with my Rams .50 yet.
  18. CuteBeaver


    Edynz, hands down is an absolute beast. Nerdfest (add him to your list.) and I tailed him during a battle and watched in amazement. The guy can score several kills a minute. Next time I manage to follow him I should record him in action. Edynz makes my SMG play look slow and ********... His ability to score more kills a minute CONSISTENTLY is a tribute to picking good ambush spots, map locations, and reading the flow of battle. He dies just like the rest of us, but gets back into position very quickly. He is a very inspirational player to watch. Incredible aim, reflexes, and dance moves as well.

    Unfortunately I do not pay very much attention to many TR and NC infiltrators. I have run into Astraka a couple times :D but I think hes represented on the forums already :D.

    You can add Armstrongg to your list. Very good NC infiltrator who mixes it up occasionally with other classes. While I have not encountered him often, he was always excellent on ambushes.:eek:

    Elusive1 is an excellent sniper and provides [NUC] radar based support. I don't run into him much but I have heard my squad mates crying over being shot 1 down while moving... :p So yeah! he appears to be a crackshot.
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  19. IIXianderII

    I love those under-popped fights, I never really accomplish anything stat wise but they are so much fun. I like just seeing if/how long I can delay the cap before the base flips and on some rare occasions backup will actually show before the enemy gets the full cap.
  20. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Well i do not believe anyone can Be THE best of a class in this game as there are many factors involved. Best at smg? Or best at long range ect?

    There are also good days and bad days that people have. I personally do not hold my self best or anywhere near it, although on ceres - as i played/play vs most of the time - no infi really managed to make me remember their name as i almost never die vs infiltrator class; BUT, there was some guy...idk his/her name, but that boss infi was the only one that made me use cover in our duel...he was br 21 - new char deff...- bit i cant remember the name for the life of me...he was the best sniper i have went against or seen...he also gave me BIG trouble at close ranges. That guy easily takes one of best infi crown with no competition.

    On another note...

    MrMurdock.... I'm looking for you; don't worry babes, it will only hurt for a second...and then nothing but pleasure from there on in :D