To Matherson VS and Waterson TR: is it fun?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Coffee Hound, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. KoS-1

    Two accounts cancelled!

    No more money from me.
  2. Vidman

    Coming from waterson to mattherson i can strongly say it was a breath of fresh air to join a very tactical outfit BWC these guys might be always underpopped but they but up one hell of a fight and i have witnessed my self taking bases with lesser numbers and totally crushing vs out of the area. I have come to the light known as BWC my tr on waterson just sits there polishing the highly certed prowler and galaxy, maybe when server tokens come i know who is coming to mattherson. :cool:
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  3. VSDerp

    BWC is the only TR outfit i FEAR!
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  4. Vidman

    Vanu on waterson don't even operate at a fraction of what BWC does. They are good but if they acted like BWC all three places would be purple.
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  5. Paisty

    Waterson and Matherson have different problems.

    Matherson has a straight up overpopulatoin of VS.

    Waterson has an underpopulation of VS. TR and NC trade high pop back and forth outside of primetime. During primetime TR and NC are usually within 1% or 2% of each others populations.

    The NC you see screaming about TR overpop on Waterson are either blind or play during off hours, and happen to be on an hour before their pop jumps.
  6. Zazen

    Waterson TR, especially the better outfits, such as NUC and TRAF tend to focus on the NC as they present the most serious threat to winning/losing cont locks and alerts. VS tend to array their forces in relative equal proportion. So, it ends up that TR and VS have a relatively similar sized force arrayed against each other and NC are fighting half the VS and 2/3rds of the TR at any given time, as a general rule, everywhere, all the time.

    Compounding the problem is, with the exception of a small window 8-10pm server time when TR and NC are relatively equal in population, TR are dominant the other 22 hours a day, 7 days a week largely due to the Total Biscuit Euro effect from launch. So, Waterson is extremely atypical for a US server. It's imbalance is due mostly to TR 4th factioners and a lot TR Euros using a US server instead of a Euro one.
  7. xxK5xx

    A few things on what everyone has said. Seriously the over population thing needs to be fixed or something done about it. the game has gotten to the point that it aint even worth playing any longer. i could log in and seen a even populated server, here comes alert and bam the VS faction increases two fold. and i am sure it happens with the TR and the NC on other servers as well. Now the resource patch was a joke. it needs to be changed back. as a paying member i should be recieving an increase, but yesterday my faction was pinned to the warpgate and i was lucky if every 5 min i got 16 on resources. Seriously? how the heck is the pinned faction to suppose to fight to get back out? as far as all the smack talk remember most are "kids" it happens in every game and that aint gonna change. but there is alot of so called "adults" that are worse. all i can say is "gamers" aint what they used to be.
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  8. patricio_z

    SOE needs to stop doing alerts when a faction pop is > 40%, TR just won an alert with 52% in 10 minutes, that's just giving XP away for nothing, and is EXTREMELY UNFAIR, there is no way I'm gonna start a toon in another server and grind it up to my waterson toon, just to have the same thing happen with the new one, because SOE is too f*cking lazy to fix its own game...Im done with this POS company, not one more penny for me, Im gonna kill time with this excuse for a MMO until Star Citizen goes live, then no more PS2 for me
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  9. lothbrook

    As NC on waterson it feels like we're screwed all the time because we're always getting hammered by a the TR and we always need everyone to stop just the TR, so the VS see this and walk uncontested in our bordering territories till we get pushed back far enough to where we can actually get people there and still deal with the TR assault. Thats just when we have a close enough pop to the TR, when this isn't the case the TR just steamroll everyone and take their free certs.
  10. StuntPoteten

    You're made of sterner stuff than me, I just don't find it fun anymore (apart from outfit ops, which is super fun).
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  11. PhilDun

    TONS OF FUN. We always have a ton of territory, and I love being able to spam vehicles without worrying about resources. Better yet, it's much easier farming the enemy when they can't afford vehicles themselves.

    I really hope they don't change the current resource system. We shouldn't be penalized for VS's inability to recruit more players. And besides, if they really got tired of having no resources, they could always switch factions
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  12. Haterade


    If anyone's getting screwed by population, it's VS. NC generally are very competitive with population and often have more population than TR these days.

    The problem with NC, at least where Indar is concerned, is that the northern warpgate is the easiest warpgate to push out of but the hardest to defend territory from.
  13. Vanudrax

    As a Mattherson VS player, here are my two cents.

    Most of the time it sucks. There simply aren't enough people to shoot at. About the only time it is enjoyable is when I come across the same NC or TR player at 2-3 battles in a row, that one guy who really throws out the hate talk. Then it's enjoyable watching him get madder and madder.

    On the whole however, I would much rather have balanced pops.
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  14. CaptainYamerica

  15. DrunkenDoughnuts

    I don't mind being underpopped on Waterson. What is awful is that the TR and NC usually ignore the VS. Seems to be worse when we have that SE warpgate on Indar. Esamir can get some decent battles. I'm not sure if people play on Amerish or if it's just decoration.
  16. PhilDun

    That's why I left VS. The NC and the TR generally prefer to fight each other, because those battles tend to be bigger. It's not a fun battle when you grossly outnumber the enemy. Fortunately, the TR and NC tend to have equal numbers so we can have good fights against each other (during primetime, at least).
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  17. illgot

    Even when you overpopulate you can still find small battles where the enemy out numbers you (at least on non lattice maps).

    The lattice system eliminates the ability to have small battles because everyone is forced to meet at the same battles.

    The non latticed maps allow anyone to ghost cap and even allows the under dogs to steal an important location while the enemy is not paying attention.

    I will tell you this, being a Sniper, I get a lot of kills. I just go to a battle that has nothing to do with my faction and sit back and snipe and snipe and snipe. People are slow to catch on.
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  18. CaptainYamerica

    No offense, but this is kind of a terrible attitude. Purposely going out of your way and enjoying another player getting mad and not having fun is the main reason that MMOs and online communities devolve into constant efforts of trolling. If the player is being a dink, then let them be a dink and let them eventually get over it. We all do it from time to time... at least those of us that constantly get steamrolled. But, when you are going out of your way to ruin another person's experience, or enjoying another person's misfortunes, then when do you draw then line at playing the game and playing the objective, then simply playing to be a troll yourself?

    Not saying to are, and I even agree when people rage out it is funny at times, but sometimes it's best to just let them go through it. Either they will simply log of and quit playing, or get over it.
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  19. Justdeath1

    I find TR on waterson fun
    i rarely notice that we are overpopulated because the the VS and NC put up such a good fight
    however, My NC on Matterson is anti-fun, we are always getting steamrolled
  20. Negator

    What he is saying is we are overpopped BECAUSE best players/best outfits. NC/TR get fed up with the clueless pubbies/outfits/silly command chat and roll alts; once they see the light the dont go back. There are certainly good outfits on all three factions, VS just had the lion's share of them from the start.

    I guess nobody remembers the days of mid 20% VS pop?