to Lash or not to Lash

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Plunutsud pls, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Govedo13

    It is bad gun borderline to useless.
    I bought mine for 99 SC on the spring sale. Used it a bit and noticed that I do better with pistol in 1v1s.
    This topic reminded me that I even have the gun.

    The "suppression" Vanu LMG is Flare with Ex-mags. You can actually kill stuff while "suppressing".
    Actually real suppressing is useless in this game because the enemy would just rush even if you suppress- there are points to take and XP to be made, also medics are the best suppression tool since they revive after the choke point rush is done.
    Lasher is worlds away from other empire specific heavy guns and needs serious rethinking/buffing.
  2. Plunutsud pls

    So I used the Lasher properly for the first time last night and this happened :eek:

    It's a very dangerous weapon indeed, if even my enemies can kill me with it!

  3. Bonom Denej

    I purchased it last time it was on sale for 99SC and I don't regret it. Granted I don't use it much, but it's so damn fun to kill people with this. I even managed to take some at close range. I wouldn't have waited 1000c to unlock it tho and wouldn't pay 7 bucks either.
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  4. Pirbi

    I think it takes advantage of clientside better than any weapon. You can already get behind cover and get shot by a typical gun. Now add AOE.
  5. Takoita

    What? WTF you are playing Vanu if you don't own a Lasher? I can understand not wanting to pay SC for it, but not getting it at all? You are missing out.
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  6. Goretzu

    It is probably the cloest thing to a PS1 grenade launcher in the game, and the TR and NC simply don't have anything like it (the UBGL is not like it, nor really much like a PS1 grenade launcher - especially after all the nerfs).

    It is arguably the best surpressive weapon in the game (both in offence and defence).

    It is unique, but also highly specialised....... which mean it is highly useful situationally, but you're not really going to want to run around with it all the time.
  7. Plunutsud pls

    It turned out to be even more fun to use than I thought.

    Some players panic and start running when Lasher orbs start flying.

    They probably think it's PPA spam :D they expect PPA but not Lasher.
  8. Vixxing

    Lies! Phaseshift>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lasher>Corvus thats suckage order of weaps!
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  9. Saviorself

    Lasher is an assist machine, but pretty entertaining haha. If it's cheap, buy it.
  10. Vixxing

    For suppression/killing= Max with comets... pretty much lasher with 10* damage and can kill vehicles... (dont even talk about the suppression/killing power of Pounders!)
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  11. lawn gnome

    you don't need multiple lashers, but it is an amazing support weapon. it is by far the best infantry based suppression weapon in the game. as a general rule people don't like to be shot. if you catch people by surprise with the lasher many of them are likely to run to cover AND if you get an extended mag you can fire for more than a minute straight. you might say "why would being able to fire for that long with crap DPS be useful?" and to that i say: you know when you are capping a base and you are almost there but are still very worried about an enemy push, well with a lasher you can just pick a door hold down the trigger and tell the other team "no".

    also if you can catch a group completely by surprise, it takes the lasher pretty much the same length of time to kill 5-10 enemies clustered behind cover as it does to kill 1 enemy since most of your DPS come from the blast because the COF is awful. i love to sneak up on groups pop my shield and just hold down the trigger.

    finally the shear entertainment value of making everyone else dance while they have to reload (with extended clip reloading on the lasher is mostly optional) is hard to beat.
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  12. Govedo13

    I am really curious why one would need to suppress anything insttead of killing it and get xp from it in this game. Also the HA is there to kill stuff not to support simply because it can't give ammo heal or set darts. I just feel we are playing different game.
    For me the single form of infantry based suppression happens only in the open by Bold action snipers headshoting infantry .
    I would take the Jackhammer 1000 times over Lasher and remove the need to suppress it support or doing other useless activitys by simply effectively killing the enemy instead peeing on him with disco balls.
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  13. lawn gnome

    visit one of the big connery battles where troops come at you about a dozen at a time and killing all of them is at best unlikely. i hold targets down so that my team can advance in safety. in most cases suppressing is far easier than killing.
  14. Prudentia

    you can fire longer than a Minute anyway... the idiot bad accuracy of the Lasher requires you to burst more than with a SABR. if you are not in a building Lasersight is a must, otherwise you will be sniper before you get 10 orbs out as the nicest self announcing snipertarget in the game.
  15. lNeBl

    Lasher needs to have all bloom removed in order for it to be remotely useful. I wouldn't be surprised if jackhammers and that minigun got 3x more kills than lashers.
  16. lawn gnome

    what other gun allows you to hold down the trigger for a minute straight? also as long as you can see your targets feet you only have to burst fire if they are out at range. lasersight replaces the 150 round clip that extended mag gives so no.

    i use my lasher all the time outside, and yes it does draw a lot of attention and that is one of it's biggest advantages. if you are in a group and want to see a target dead, fire a few lasher shots at them and most of the other players on your team will naturally start firing at wherever your little orbs land. the lasher attracts way more kill stealing than any weapon in the game and i love it! the lasher gives me almost direct control of every other friendly gun around me.

    see that sniper parked up in that rock above your team that everyone is ignoring. fire 3 or 4 lasher shots at him and then watch as his hiding place is filled with explosions and bullets of every flavor. the lasher itself is kinda weak in the open, BUT the other dozen or so guns around you that instinctively fire wherever your shots land are not as weak.

    the lasher serves a similar purpose to the colored command smoke. i use it to tell my team where threats are and who to shoot at without ever saying a word and it works beautifully. i don't think i have ever failed to at least get an assist when i am in a group because almost everything i fire at dies within a couple seconds regardless of how much damage i did.
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  17. lawn gnome

    you people obsessed with KD will never understand the lasher's glory, and i pity you.
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  18. lNeBl

    Don't think I mentioned K/D at all.
  19. lawn gnome

    ya kinda did.

    the lasher is beautiful weapon that provides better support than any other infantry based weapon in the game. i love my lasher.
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  20. Prudentia

    How often do you have enough enemies to fire one minute straight without getting shredded to pieces before you killed them all?
    how often do you actually fire a whole minute before reloading? i still reload all the time after 50rounds if not earlier
    how often do you survive a CQC fight were you don't have to burstfire with a gun that has a EIGHT second TTK with pure splash? a Gauss SAW has the same damage, but fires almost twice as fast, how do you rate your survival chances?

    why can't i just put 10-15 bullets down range and kill them myself? why do you need everyone to look in one direction? i mean, if i wasn't VS myself i would love to play against your randoms. i would get my auraxium medals in a few hours.
    why can't i just switch to a sniper and kill other snipers? or how about i just spot them?

    oh the best part about the Lasher. how often is it more a hindrance to your allies, than a help. just like the command smoke. how often do you block vision for your allies, how often do you get them killed?
    i can just fly over a wall and grt 4-5 kills minimum maybe blow up a MAX or 2 and let my allies push trough, instead of just plinking at them waiting for someone else to do the jump i could do.

    The Lasher is extremly limited and very weak. it was kinda useful before they nerfed it, but right now, it's more of a tickling machine than a Weapon.
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