To all those who complained about revive removing death score...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HerpTheDerp, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. daicon

    Nothing wrong with fueling it as long as it doesn't come at the expense of so many other things like the deathcount does IMO.
  2. siiix

    this is a game.. it DOESN'T MATTER if you die ;)
  3. Camycamera

    well, i WAS in a max suit....
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  4. Accuser

    They need to give the dead person a timer count-down to show when they can't be revived any longer.
    I think it's 1 minute after death, but it's impossible to tell.
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  5. HerpTheDerp

    You mean you people DON'T delete your character when you die?
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  6. 0ReferenceException

    They should simply remove death from the game. So when you die you actually don't. That way there is no more worries about KDR, total death count or team playing. Then we can all buy a new hat for 1000 SC and have a costume party in the WG. That way all the bugs and general inadequacies of the actual game play don't matter any more and SOE can finally design even more hats.
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  7. tenzenator

    deaths stat killing this game. this is MMO ffs every mmo has no deaths. why? because you die so quick, from all possible directions. in games like cs kd metters because it depends on your aim and skill. here? doesnt metter if you are bloody good aimer you have 50% chance to kill low aimer because this game is random luck. but its soe so why im not surprised
  8. Roarboar

    A better question is why the hell you would want to play an FPS game if there are no death statistics?
  9. Goretzu

    For the fun?

    I like statistics, I don't think I'd play a game for them though. o_O
  10. Roarboar

    What is fun about a game if you cant measure your performance or at least an indication of it. No really i mean the day death statistics are removed I will drop this game in an instant.
  11. Costanza33

    Just as usual: fix your bullscheisse SOE...
  12. Xhaleon

    I think it was intentional to shut up the incessant whining about KDR, too bad the master plan was discovered too quickly.

    Or it was a social experiment to see who REALLY cared about KDR?
  13. Crator

    I agree the death stat doesn't really matter in this type of game. You shouldn't use it to determine if you are "winning" or "losing" at the game. But, I don't mind that the stat is removed when being revived by a medic. *Is it not a bug that the OP is describing? It promotes the behavior to wait a little while to get a revive, which is a good thing imo.

    Someone told me that you can only stay dead for so long b4 you can't be revived anymore as well. Is that true? If so, those complaining about people waiting too long to get revived is mute. If it isn't, then they should force you to respawn when the revive timer is up.
  14. Tobax

    I think it's interesting that being revived by a Medic shows the death removed as people seem to be playing the objective a little more since they think they can be revived and cured of the death so that's kinda good, however I do find it a little annoying as it basically means the stats you can see while running around in game playing are just wrong since they really are still being counted, so after you've been playing a few hours you've no idea if your real K/D is even anywhere close to what it says.
    Was a nice thought but they either need to put it back as it was or stop the deaths counting on the website (real) stats too.
  15. Goretzu

    I can understand measuring your performance can be fun, I cannot however understand not being able to have fun without being able to measure your performance. :confused:

    Although statistically and mathmatically K/D doesn't really measure anything, other than how much you can protect your K/D ratio (which may be fun for some, I guess).
  16. Kaesarr

    Really the KDR is important as a personal measure on how you are doing but with the removal of death by medic simply even this use has no sense anymore.

    So they need either remove the stat or revert to the original when every death counted.

    Having a statistic that is not a statistic anymore is just confusing and does not allow for a player to know his progress

    People that worry about KDR, will always worry about "I should not die" so removing the deaths with medics does not change gameplay.

    Imho :eek: ( <--- I love this face)
  17. siiix

    i do not play this as FPS ... as an FPS this is a terrible game, i play this as war simulation MMO

    no i dont want an FFS with out death stats , but this is MAINLY not a FPS in my eyes .. .FPS would be like counter strike, COD and and and

    even in battlefield deaths only count because thats how they count witch side wins (tickets)

    but here who the hell cares, your team could pile up record breaking amounts of deaths and still cap the continent... if nothing else by numbers or who has the most paying members (more resources)
  18. Tradewind

    I'm going to piggy back on this and ***** about medics who seem unsure of how to properly triage a situation...

    For this scenario let's assume that Person A is dead and Person B is calling for heals because they have a fish turd's width of HP left on their bar. Heal Person B before running off to rez Person A. Why? Because Person B is your cover. Your cover is not as effective when a strong fart will kill them. Person B, now with full HP, can more effectively cover your *** while you then rez Person A. The alternative is Person B getting blasted in the dick while you're off rez'ing, at which point you then get blasted in the dick because you're too busy green beaming the dead guy...
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  19. DrunkenDoughnuts

    I don't care if they remove the death stat after revives. I don't care if they bring back the death stat from revives. I don't care if they completely remove the death stat from the game. What I do care about is if they're going to do something, that it work as intended.

    I love the game. I realize coding is extremely difficult. I'd rather we get one STABLE update every month or two, rather than buggy updates every two weeks. This is just one more bug in a slew of bugs that I've gotten since GU11 (many bugs which were fixed but have now appeared again for me).
  20. UzumakiW

    This x1000.

    You can take away the stat, but that's not going to change how people play. For some, it might, but you're still going to have a majority of people still doing the same things to inflate their personal ego. I'm sure a lot of these kinds of people don't even look at their KD stat as much as it's believed they do. They're probably just doing what they can to get as many kills and as little deaths for their own self satisfaction. Getting rid of some stupid stat is not going to all of the sudden make them into amazing teammates who will start doing everything for the good of the team before anything else.

    I think we need to spend less time worrying about some dumb stat and spend more time focused on actual problems in this game.