[Suggestion] To all Infiltrators that snipe

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IronMouse, Jul 7, 2015.

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  1. Iridar51

    I guess since I'm posting in this thread, I should outline my view on the topic.

    I never felt particularly annoyed about snipers or considered them cowards. Instead I kinda feel sorry for them. Playing sniper a bit myself and watching sniping montages showed me they can do only one thing - kill unskilled players who are just standing still for no reason.

    The nanoweave and sniper rifle rebalance helped them a bit, but didn't solve the issue completely, as it's still hard to nail a headshot on a moving target, and you're unlikely to get a second shot.

    It's not all bad, playing sniper is relatively easy, just not as rewarding, since they're unlikely to kill a high priority target. There's definetely lots of room for improvement in sniping, just as in any other activity. But the entrance threshold is relatively low.

    As far as their interaction with LAs goes, I always felt it was LA's solemn duty to find and kill snipers, since we have this freedom of movement, and can easily flank them. Additionally, snipers are sort of a counter to LAs' rooftop action, so we'll help both ourselves and the team if we hunt them.
  2. BrbImAFK

    Sorry, Iridar, but I have to take exception to this. Maybe K/D is useful in Battleduty : Call of Honor. Maybe. But in Planetside 2, it's utterly, utterly meaningless.

    I can easily pull 7-10+ K/Ds by sitting on a hill sniping at nothing useful. I can pull 20+ K/Ds by camping spawns/sundies in a tank. If you take an organised squad/semi-squad into a small fight, your K/D skyrockets because your squad is facing an equal-ish number of uncoordinated randoms. All your kills count. Few of your deaths do, 'cause the squad medic picks you up.

    There are so many factors that affect K/D in a game like Planetside that, as a metric, it's useless. Even if it wasn't, at best it could be used to judge player skill. Personal worth is something that can only ever be judged by actually getting to know somebody.
  3. Iridar51

    Skill, worth. Same thing.

    Revive removes a death only from official PS2 stats, things like stats.dasanfall.com ignore revives. DA site can also show accuracy and K/D with specific weapon or class.

    K/D on its own is useless, I agree. You can't judge someone just by that. But with access to more detailed stats it's easier to see if one farms or actually plays for the objective.

    And it's not like we live in the world of flowcharts where you can't talk to people. You can ask someone to describe how they play, ask them to record a video.
  4. IronMouse

    It is quite relative: K/D might mean that you are a skilled player and that your objective-oriented actions have more weight/bigger impact, or it may mean that you are a camper/stat-padder which is irrelevant for team play.

    Although you can't really be a stat-padder as LA. Stay longer than a minute in one place, you'll be spotted and taken out. Thus lower K/D.

    On a side note, I don't understand why people race each other in who will look down on K/D stats first. I like having as high K/D and SPM as possible, alongside PTFO of course.
  5. AlterEgo

    Snipers are meant to kill people from a distance. As a HA, I rarely die from snipers, but I do find it fair when one kills me. We have to remember that Infiltrators are the most fragile class in the game, and also have access to mostly sniper rifles as part of their arsenal. If you get sniped by a sniper, then you have to realize that sniper rifles seriously complement the style of the class, and despite their access to CQC weapons, sniping is not cowardly, not campy, and not cheap, just antagonized.
  6. 7 Drunk Midgets

    Just shoot near the sniper. Even near misses cause screen shake, which is magnified even more due to high powered optics present on the majority of sniper rifles. The sniper has to keep their head down and wait for you to stop or they have to move to a new location. Either way, you've prevented them from doing anything for that duration. Suppressive fire is actually a thing in this game. Also, we're piss easy to kill with vehicles, as we need to stand still to get a shot off and we have no real anti-vehicle options.
  7. 7 Drunk Midgets

    See 7's Law.
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  8. CorporationUSA

    You should have used who instead of that.
  9. SamReye

    All I'm trying to do is change your perspective on the matter. I don't care whether or a good player or not; sniper rifles are IN the game, so you'll need to find your own way to circumvent them. Also, I don't know if you define "LA, played well," as the same as someone else does. I am a BR100, and have the LA directive raxed, and have no less respect for those players on the hill sniping as I do you, charging into battle with a shotgun or a carbine or whatever.
    Overall, it may be annoying to you personally if you get sniped while on a killstreak, but I recommend taking it as a challenge for improvement instead of a reason to be upset. Again, not trying to insult you; just trying to change your perspective. :D

    P.S. While I was trying to post this message it was deleted, please notify me if this message appears twice, and I'll see if I can remove one. Thanks!
  10. Whatupwidat

    Oh my JESUS someone lock this acidic toxic thread of utter waffling ****

    I can't believe people are actually humouring the OP by responding to his utter elitist crapola
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  11. Jubikus

    Damn it why am i back here...........

    its this ("insufficient team/faction contribution") that i have an issue with Coward sure im usually the first one running away from a fight especially if someone is coming for me my weapon with its 10x or 12x scope just doesnt do well when someone gets withing 40 meters.

    Unfair playstyple meh its an opinion i can see how it can seem unfair but hitting anything moving at good distance is really difficult and requires alot of guess work and we still get obliterated by esf more than you do because were sitting more still or moving very little so eh whatever unfair meh comes with the territory i dont particularly like that HA have 700 more effective health than my smg infiltrator and their reactionary simple playstyle of just hit f when taking damage and shoot good but it comes with the territory.

    Fun-killing factor well this is a person by person thing most people in this game when killed by a sniper when they are on a killing streak or anything give absolutely zero ***** and just go again.

    Now this insufficient team/faction Contribution this here is where opinion meets statistics you can disagree with the playstyle all you want and i believe this here is where most people call you an ignorant **** is we dont cordinate with the team but we do help the team we do help the faction if this was not the case why would me who is primarily a medium/long range sniper and you who is an in the fray light assault have basically identical XP/Min stats on our mains?
  12. Jubikus

    You know you probably wouldn't have gotten any backlash if you picked the right sniper to disagree with their playstyle tho you dont like long range snipers and you call them camping cowards should you really have tried to bring light to their play style when the spawn room hero sniper exists? i mean really long range snipers at least contribute to their team by killing engineers on turrets, deployables, engineers trying to repair their vehicles/base turrets, and distracting morons that want to revenge kill them and the spawn room hero does what? kill someone camping the spawn room every once in a while? they dont have a good angle on most enemys and definitely not on any that are actually doing anything worth a damn i mean hell they dont even distract any enemys because they know they cant kill them why bother.
  13. IronMouse

    There is nothing elitist about my attitude. It's a perfectly valid point. I even have a concrete suggestion so it's not a flaming thread or anything.

    Snipers should be given a maximum 4x scope to make them an active part of the battle, preventing them from camping on remote locations where they are useless, bordering stats-padding.

    No reason to lock the thread. It's not my fault people find themselves offended, trying to prove me wrong, calling me an elitist like you do.
  14. Kadesh

    TheRealNattyIcePS4 nailed it in the first reply. You got killed a couple of times by infiltrators and now you want to whine.

  15. IronMouse

    No, he got it wrong and you are by default wrong for being a copy-cat.
  16. johnway

    Sometimes the only way i can have any fun during a stalemate is to become an infiltrator sniper. I can't get to the front usually because everyone is there or its just so dangerous that standing in front is foolish/pointless. Since we're not making any headway and i'm getting bored shooting at nothing, i turn to the infiltrator to pick off the enemy.

    I rarely use infiltrator when attacking bases, i haven't unlocked an smg yet and i prefer medium to long range combat as opposed to charging in guns blazing (many times i just end up dead, whether its explosives or i run into someone waiting). You can't play for objectives as an infiltrator with a sniper rifle. Sure, you maybe useful picking off lone troublesome snipers (thats kinda useful unless there's lots of people) or there is an unsuspecting target harrassing the advance (like a LA with c4 or on the roof shooting down). Otherwise the infiltrator isn't much of a threat. Regardless how many people he kills. he'll rarely be close enough to flip a base or be heavily armed enough to stop a mob of soldiers on his own. Especially if he's equipped with a sniper rifle.
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  17. MetalCotton

    I like the Infiltrator class, I like the concept of sniping. I like having a cloaked infiltrator in the distance with a bolt-action when small squad fights take place because hearing the satisfying 'plink' of a round hitting the enemy medic is music to my ears, but those fights are far and few in between.

    The vast majority of snipers these days just converge on cliffsides in large groups during zergs and pick off people standing still every now and again.
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  18. IronMouse

    Exactly. Thank you.
  19. Hatesphere

    i'm surprised this thread has gone on this long, considering we can pretty much condense OPs post into "I play so much harder then you snipers do, its lame you shot me after I was awesome"
  20. BrbImAFK

    You know... for somebody who goes on and on about cowardice and being LA and all.... perhaps you'd care to explain why I saw you... tonight.... camping jump-pads/tubes... as an infil.... behind a whole bunch of your mates??

    If I've ever seen cowardice, that's it right there.


    Now S. T. F. U. all your BS about snipers etc.
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