Tips to live longer than 5 seconds ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BL4Z3, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Moxin

    He is talking about Infantry fights.
  2. csp0811

    Vehicles have an advantage over infantry, which makes sense, as they are expensive and relatively less numerous than infantry. If you simply want a better KDR, get good at tanking or flying.

    For infantry fights, there are a lot of small details that add up.

    The gunplay in this game is tough to get used to; it's not as accurate as the CoD series or BF3, but retains the recoil spread of BF3.
    You must learn to burst fire, especially with the lmgs. After about a week of practice with the lmg, I can kill infantry at ranges of 50 to 200m with the lmg. You want to get one shot out of a 3 shot burst, or 2 out of a 4 shot burst, at minimum to hit.
    Now, when you do this, it is important to aim for center of mass. Shoot the chest- with the heavy recoil and spread penalty, you won't hit often if you aim elsewhere.
    This is especially important in close quarters:
    Aim for the chest or stomach and only lift the gun to get a headshot near the end, after the enemy has already taken a few hits.

    If you aim straight for the head, which is a very small target in comparison to the torso, you will miss most of your first shots, while the enemy probably wont miss your chest. You might land 2 shots on the skull, but if the enemy lands 5 on your chest you have still done less damage.

    As you will notice, most people shoot the chest. That means if you also shoot the chest, the winner will be largely determined by luck and DPS. By aiming for the head in the latter half of the firefight, whether by letting the recoil walk the gun up to the head, or purposely releasing the trigger and reaiming toward the head, you increase your effective DPS and thus your chances of winning a firefight.

    There will be many you will lose, and many you might win and completely wonder how you survived. The best way to look at this is in terms of chance. If you stand and fire, you have a lower chance of hitting someone than if you crouch. You also have a higher chance of being hit in return if you stand than if you crouch. The smaller the target you present, the lower the chance the other person can hit you.

    Other things make it harder for people to hit you:
    1. Strafing, either back and forth or in a circular motion.
    2. Peeking above cover: Only expose yourself for the short time you need to fire on the enemy
    3. Using high ground: If you fire down at enemies from the high ground, ranging is much easier than if you have to fire up to high ground. In addition, you can use the ridge itself as cover to peek over.
    4. Avoiding well used paths: If the enemy knows your spawn, and is actively camping it, you should avoid the main road, as the enemy will be focusing fire there. Try to flank around using a more concealed path, and make there is plenty of distance between you and the enemy as you circle around.
    5. Avoiding being spotted: People generally don't shoot targets they don't see. Move around cover, or use the cloak if you can. Avoid using your HA shield, as it makes you a brightly colored target on a solid color background, until you are spotted.
    6. Use suppressors when you are outnumbered, so that you can fight people one on one without the other team initially knowing where you are shooting from and swarming you.

    Other minor details:
    1. Get your hands on a forward grip as soon as possible. It greatly improves recoil.
    2. Get a sight; It makes spotting, aiming, and ranging much easier.
    3. Get flak armor; the biggest threat to infantry is not other infantry, but vehicles. If you get the recently buffed flak suit upgrade, you massively increase your survivability.
    4. Coordinate with your teammates.
    5. Spot often.
    6. Watch the map closely, and scan an area before you move across any exposed terrain, even if only for a second.
    7. Burst fire or single fire when you can. Accuracy is very poor past the first 5-7 rounds.
    8. Finally, head on firefights are very bad for you. You will most likely survive with the skin of your teeth, making you easy pickings for anyone else. If at all possible, get the drop on someone, whether infantry or a vehicle. Sneak up on them, and try to use silenced weapons. If not silenced, then make the kill fast and certain (at least 8 rounds into the chest of a player), and then flee the area quickly, as enemies will swarm to the red dot on the map where you last fired.

    There are a lot of MINOR details that ADD UP as you adopt them. Take your time in doing so, and practice. You will gradually get better.
  3. Morpholine

    1. Don't be first into a rooom.
    2. Use allies (or even better - enemies, if you can manage it) as bullet shields.
    3. Approach from odd angles. People rarely look up, for example.
    4. Spread out a bit from your allies. It minimizes teamkills and makes a less tempting grenade target.
    5. Camouflage can help, even if it's just the split-second hesitation the enemy takes to identify you as friend or foe.
    6. There are times when it's more beneficial to hold one's fire than to shoot.
    7. Get an outfit, and try and run with a regular team. Even one regular partner can extend the two player's lives a lot. They learn each other's play style and cover each other in combat.
  4. myrmexaw

    3/4 of your death will be from explosion ( claymore c-4 tank HE shells liberator bombing and rocket pod) So do yourself a favor and get flak armor to level 4 ASAP to get 40% less damage.
  5. IshanDeston

    Only the 1st and Last rank of Nanoweave have any effect on your ability to survive. The 1 Cert first rank increases your threshhold to 1 more Bullet. After that any upgrade isn't enough to make you withstand another one, until the final rank. At the final rank you can take a 2nd bullet.
  6. IshanDeston

    Yeah, except that you see Allies through structures. A little triangle shows their location. So if you didn't see that triangle approaching there is no need to hesitate. And if by pure chance he was a friendly.. well his own fault for wearing camo.
  7. Kroktar

    VS Very eaSy :D

    Dont abuse of hipfire, always aim to the head...Upgrade your sights if you cant see well with stock irons sight.
    Think always about the bullet spread and recoil...maybe you will kill faster if you stop 1 sec and fire again instead of trying luck wasting your magazine.

    And upgrade your armor if you fell that you never win 1v1 then go for nanoweave to have more HP.

    Also playing more as Heavy Assault will give you more health because of the shield....Light Assault requires more tactic, dont fight in the front...always check for more options.

    As medic always start using your ability when fighting someone.

    If you upgrade a lot nanoweave armor you maybe want to pick also Heal utility.

    Sorry for my bad english :D.
  8. Gavyne

    What class & faction are you playing?
  9. Edmon

  10. Linedan

    I've got the same issues. Working with an outfit really helps. Also, don't forget that grenades are your friend; if you're getting ready to enter a room where you know there's a bad guy (and no good guys), grenade it through a window or the door. Maybe you'll get lucky.

    Weapons depend on what faction you are and how you play. When I started playing NC I couldn't hit a damn thing in close quarters until I got the GD-7F carbine, which is fast-firing and seems to work better for me for some reason. Other players swear by the AC-X11, which is a gun I can't hit the broad side of a Galaxy with. I'd say stick with the default weapons to start with, but if you've got choices, try them. And don't hesitate to trial weapons to see if you like them better, although they don't come with attachments.

    Once you settle on a weapon, some tips people gave me for close-in fights were:
    - Put the right sight on it. 1x or 2x reflex for close, 3.4x or 4x for medium. Trust me, I've tried to take a battle rifle into a room before when I got caught with the wrong loadout, and a 4x crosshair does you no good when the guy's 5m away.
    - Think about the type of infantry fighting you do and what you seem to be having issues with, and work your certs toward the attachment that fixes that problem. Can't hit anything from the hip at close range? Get a laser. Bullets flying all around the guy? Foregrip. Shooting out light fixtures? Compensator. You get the idea.
    - Don't get shot. Use terrain. Flank through other buildings. I mostly play engy and you wouldn't think I could sneak up on people with all the crap an engineer carries around, but I do sometimes.

    This is a really difficult game even for somebody who's got a background in realistic shooters. I played WWII Online for a number of years and that's a game that prides itself on realism, unfortunately that means it's very easy to cop a round from a .303 Enfield through the head at 300 yards from somebody you never see. PS2's an odd combination of the realistic and the CoD style of run-and-gun. But it works.
  11. Sebyos

    No tips. TTK in this game is utter garbage to please the new generations of CoD ****.
  12. Liquid23

    learn not to zig when you should zag or bob when you should weave

    and remember always let a team mate go in front... someone always has to take point and draw fire but if you are smart it doesn't have to be you
  13. VoidMagic

    Cover... u is not using it....
  14. Artuskan

    The top slot on the cert purchase screen, the Universal Uitility slot, contains Healing Kits and Restoration Kits. The nice thing is that "Universal" means that if you cert one or the other, it appears on ALL your classes. You don't have to unlock it separately for each, like sights, flak armor, etc. If your health gets low, heal up. Having full health greatly increases your chances of surviving.

    Also, when you DO kill someone, think about what it was they were doing that made them easy to kill. Don't do that yourself.
    • Up x 1
  15. Thades

    I'm aware. I meant rank 1.
  16. Rivenshield

    Number one rule of survival in Planetside:


    Number two rule of survival in Planetside:


    Number three rule:

    3) SEE #1 & #2.
  17. SinerAthin

    Scopes are pretty much upgrades if the enemy is outside of short range.

    Also, Nanoweave is a straight up succession of upgrades, a leveling system.

    Avoid planes. Planes require a lot of certs to be effective.

    Tanks are a safer bet. Their performance is not as heavily affected by Certs, and you can still play reasonably well.
  18. Joehunk


    Although clearly you are an overachiever. I go for 4.98 seconds myself.

    And yes, getting in a plane is the quickest way to die even faster than as infantry. I just giggle at all these "rocket pods are OP" posts. Rocket pods are powerful and have a great payoff if you're willing to invest lots of time and frustration learning to fly. As far as needing cert investment, the only one you really NEED is respawn timer for the plane so you can get it as quickly as possible after dying instantly.
  19. TheBloodEagle

    Reading comprehension bro. I said weapon variants.
  20. The Rogue Wolf

    Use cover. Abuse cover. Even a simple rock outcropping at your back is 90 degrees you can't get shot from. If you're in the middle of a flat plain with no cover during a firefight, get out a shovel and start digging that grave. Traversing anything more than a couple hundred meters of open terrain in a combat situation should be done in or near a (carefully-driven) vehicle.
    Look up. Lots. There's probably a Light Assault or Liberator just waiting to ruin your day.
    Keep moving. Infiltrators like popping skulls that stay still.
    Learn to use loadouts. Get comfortable with a variety of gear. A reflex sight will do you a lot better in a closed-in dome than a 3.4x scope.
    Learn to use all the classes at least competently. Heavy Assault is great in some situations, but will lead you to simply get picked apart in others where an Infiltrator would do far better.
    Flank, flank, flank. Catch the enemy from behind or the rear.
    And most importantly....
    Practice situational awareness. Learn the unique voices for each faction. (I can't tell you how many spotting-obsessed Infiltrators I've tracked down.) Listen for weapon sounds. Watch your minimap. If you see three guys run into a building and die immediately, don't be guy #4.

    EDIT: Almost forgot. ALWAYS move with someone. Two people are much more effective than one in clearing an area and catching sight of potential threats. Running around by yourself just makes you an unwitting target.