Time to nerf Magrider Roofclimbing/Flying Capabilities

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arpheus, Sep 22, 2020.

  1. TombsClawtooth

    If you're arguing that the "OPness" claims imply that it does not require skill, then you're not understanding the argument.
    If you've never used a magrider before, your experiences with it will not be reflective of its capabilities.

    The magrider's mobility creates a much higher potential skill ceiling to allow for things that would never be possible in any other tank, with very little in the way of tangible drawbacks for it.

    Being able to side strafe rockets and tank shells is something I consider a much larger problem than simply exploiting the physics of the game to get into bizarre locations. I'd actually be okay with the magrider keeping that ability, if it lost its gunner seat.

    Maybe the other tanks simply lack mobility and need a significant buff, but I believe there's a fundamental flaw in the balance of some things like this, because their innate abilities far exceed expectations in skilled hands and upset the asymmetrical give-take balance relationship.

    With that said, I think all the MBTs are in pathetic shape currently and are all equally far too fragile.
    They should be something that shares some of the damage in combat, not something that goes poof after a rocket or 2. Their health pool could stand to be at least 50% higher across the board.
  2. V43xV1CT15

    What tombsclawtooth?

    In what way does “I use the magriders abilities to the extreme” give you the impression that I have never used the magrider before?

    Everything that makes the magrider its most effective hover tank self requires skill and great timing, good perception of the field to be able to strafe and dodge everything being fired at you. Constant reads of terrain for avenues of escape and positioning to attack from. I haven’t seen anyone strafe the magrider or do tricks/ mid air maneuvers (Consecutively doing 10 plus double barrel rolls) like I have. Honestly not bragging just find it funny you talked to me about all that like I have no clue

    On mobility, vanguard and prowler could use an “overdrive” ability that gives them a Slight delayed speed increase, that if times right you could hit jumps better, possibly do some mid air shots that were not possible before, give the other 2 mbts a better chance to escape when in a bad spot. Make it passive so it’s always equipped like the mag burner, and upgradable so its final timer would be 25 seconds and it stars with a 45 second delay. Speed increases same amount of time with overdrive

    But Remove the Gunner seat for the magrider because it’s possible to get up in areas where air can just easily drop light assaults to c4 you or drop dalton rounds on you easier since you are on a mountain top or the top of a building ? No Thanks I like having the extra dps with my main battle tank
  3. TombsClawtooth

    I was referring to your statement about telling people to go test one if they thought it was OP.
    Their skill level will not be high enough with the magrider for that to accomplish anything.
  4. V43xV1CT15

    You are right, there is a lot of weird stuff that goes with magging I try to get the important stuff across to new pilots all the time, and if they show interest and ask me any questions about magging or what I am doing I answer.
  5. Trigga

    So if stats are king, why was the vanguard shield nerfed?
    Ye thought so.....
  6. Anantidaephobia

    Yeah ! Remove from Magriders the only empire specific feature !! (which is utterly uselesss btw).
    Actually I'd get Prowlers instead of Magriders anytime ! (but no, I won't play red :p)
  7. Towie

    Umm - what has this got to do with my post ?

    Was I having a go at the Vanguard ? Nope - in fact I think the Vanguard is a dog, the hint is in this line: "Magrider has some definite advantages and is certainly more 'fun' than the others (Vanguard especially)"

    There was only one time that the Vanguard was OP and that was when the I-Win shield truly was an I-Win button. It hasn't been that for a long time, however it has been a dull thing to drive like forever.

    So - Vanguard is dull and sluggish but tough, Prowler is a heavy hitter and zippy (in fact i'm having trouble spotting the Prowler weakness apart from the 'skating on ice' feeling when zipping around) and the Magrider has great maneuverability (the benefit of which is tangible but often niche).

    It's a difficult balance but overall, this is one area I think DBG/RPG has it pretty close considering how different they are.
  8. Trigga

    You didnt answer my question, although why am i suprised.
    Theres a reason i dont come on this cesspit very often these days.....

    If your stats prove your point beyond all counters, then why was the vanguard shield nerfed?
  9. Botji

    Would you mind explaining what you think is worse with the Vanguard shield now compared to before?
  10. Towie

    ...probably because it was the best performing MBT at the time of the v1 shield ?

    Just like the Magrider was king before the original set of nerfs.

    Just like the Prowler was the Infantry destroyer #1 before the original set of nerfs.

    It was a very (very) long time ago and there is nothing currently that suggests the Vanguard is OP, just like the Magrider, which I believe the original poster is suggesting needs a nerf....
  11. Scatterblak

    We call that 'getting pointy-rocked'. All it takes is the wrong angle, and *BOOM* - you don't even have to be going fast.

    Magrider OP. BAHAHAHA!!! wow. :)
  12. Trigga

    No, guess again, it has never ever been the best performing MBT, ever.
    You need to go back and check the stats, check the forum threads, check any source of info you can find, it will all say the same.

    And i wasnt talking about any nerfs or buffs, i was simply suggesting that 'stats' are complete and total ******** reasoning for anything since they have in the past nerfed the worst performing vehicles because of a 'feeling' people get when fighting against them.

    Reliance on stats is clearly not the complete picture and using them as a guarantee is ridiculous.
  13. Trigga

    Are you serious?
    An additional health bar that can be activated any time for maximum effect, compared to a damage reduction that will only provide close to the original protection if you activate it right at the start of combat when you have 100% health.
    A shield that protects the entire vehicle including the rear, compared to front top sides only?
    A shield that protects against c4, compared to one that does not?

    Would you mind explaining why you think it isnt?
  14. Towie

    It was a looong time ago - but - Titan-150AP killed more MBTs than any of the others (and was top for ages). This was the time when I-Win shield did exactly that.

    Unfortunately the Oracle is dead - which is a shame as it kept a consolidated 'vehicle deaths' view - proving the point:

    It's such a dim and distant memory though and certainly not representative of current performance, but it was the case way back then.
  15. DerMalle

    To all those who still try to defend the magrider: Ever noticed how there are no broken Magriders around the shattered Warpgate? Only Prowlers and Vanguards. Yes, the developers thought it is too OP if everyone can get a magrider at the shattered Warpgate.
    • Up x 2
  16. Trigga

    Yes there was that 1 stat but 1 stat does not equal dominance, or shall we say knives are OP because they have the best accuracy?

    It got less kills overall and killed less vehicles overall,
    In other words, at doing what tanks do, stopping the enemy in its tracks, it was, is, and always has been the worst, statistically.

    But thats the whole point of my post, stats mean nothing to nerfs and buffs, nothing at all.
  17. Johannes Kaiser

    Or that noone but their favourite pets should get access to them in places where it would actually be interesting to have them. Either way, this is clear bias, be it conscious or unconscious on the devs part.
  18. pnkdth

    Always be wary of paranoid claims which reinforce your own biases and delusions (we all have them). Do you honestly think that even for a single solitary second the devs thought it be a good idea to remove a faction from the SWG? To the point where they are not even aware of doing so. Just to favour a single faction?

    This forums sometimes... SMH.
  19. Botji

    I asked because you only seem to see what you lost and not what you gained with the new shield, it reduces front/top damage by 67% and for whatever reason people seem to have a hard time translating what that means in game.

    Besides, being able to survive what is certain death for all others like fighting other MBTs with your rear or getting covered in C4 is clearly way too good at being a crutch instead of a advantage. Also dont really get why people keep saying that about the 100% health, why would you need 100% health with the new shield?

    AP Lightning does 1050 damage per shot against tanks(front armor), it kills MBTs in 5-6 hits to the front depending on if its a Vanguard or not.
    Turn on the shield and now that 1050 damage turns into 347 damage, how stupidly amazing is that?
    Oh you know, 10 AP Lightnings(double overkill against any other MBT) will still have to hit you TWICE to kill you through the shield and front, thats 20 AP shells(well, its actually 18 but close enough since its already in bizzaro land compared to any other tank).

    Old shield cant even compare to the first 10 hits, Vanguard would be gone already there.

    If a Magrider wants to be as effective as the one button-turn your front Vanguard shield is, it would have to dodge 2/3 of all the shots fired at it. If anyone can pull that off, congrats you are probably in the top 1% of Magrider drivers unless its long range shots but at the same range you can just move away with any other tank as well.

    Also directional damage is based on where you and the one shooting you are located not where your shots hit, a Vanguard pointing their front at enemies = front armor hits even if they can see and hit the sides.
    Stolen from: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps...plained-how-to-kill-tanks-efficiently.233032/

    The 'new' Vanguard shield is still very, very strong.
  20. Johannes Kaiser

    What else would it be? Narratively arbitrating the VS had the SW warpgate and thus none of their vehicles are around the SWG? This would MAYBE ne nice if there only were one server, and they actually had held this warpgate at the time the servers came fown to implement the update. But I dare you to claim the devs would take it that far.