Time for alerts to go

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nocturnal7x, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. maxkeiser

    Nope. Alerts are still great fun and provide proper targets and competition within a defined time limit. I enjoy them a great deal - even when on the losing side.

    Just because your server can't support alerts (for whatever reason), don't go saying that alerts should be removed for everybody!
  2. ArmedGoose

    They probably log on into their "main" faction again only a couple of seconds later... :)
  3. LaRZy

    I've ignored the Alerts for the same reason the WDS was a big failure = population inbalance.

    Here's a suggestion, keep the alerts but lock the continent to 33% pop per faction for the duration of the Alert.
    That way, no faction would be allowed to exceed thier quota of players for an Event.

    It's not rocket Science. Cmon SOE fix the Alerts so they are proper fair events.
  4. Irathi

    Logic utterly flawed..

    You are arguing a point that "when the alert ends people log off". But you've drawn the wrong conclusion.

    The observed effect of an alert finishing is perhaps a massive number of people logging off at the same time to take a break, but what you failed to see is that the alert kept people playing that would've logged of much sooner if there was no alert. So you get a sudden population reduction instead of a smoother reduction over time.

    The effect of an alert is that people stay online the entire duration of the alert. As opposed to logging off sooner.

    The end result in population is probably better with alerts in the game than with no alerts at all since the alert bring some content to the game and people seems to enjoy playing the alerts.

    So by your own arguments for why alerts are bad you should've concluded with " we need longer or more frequent alerts since that is the reason people stay online".

    We can also discuss the alert rewards if you want but in short; the XP bonus is very appreciated by all non-paying players. Also getting away from Indar really helps the game experience overall and make the game a lot more dynamic.
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  5. maxkeiser

    Life isn't fair.

    Even if each faction has the same number of players, there won't be the same level of coordination neccessarily. Take Woodman, where KOTV can coordinate mass numbers to act with one mind.

    And even with similar numbers, individual battles won't be 'fair' as large outfits will still drop 3 platoons on your head just when you think you're abuot to take that tech plant.

    Life isn't fair. Get over it.
  6. Jbrain

    I enjoy the alerts but as NC I often log off in disgust because TR and VS come in the last 20 minutes with their zerg of death and spawn camp us into oblivion. So we lose after working for 2 hours to cap and hold land..

    the vs and tr love to double team us during alerts.. instead of fighting each other more...but they like that ez mode other wise they would have the balls to switch to under pop faction like nc who really need some more veterans to lead the way. But that would require work instead of spawning 10 vs maxes in which are deadly at any range compared to NC pathetic 10 range maximum... and lets not forget the 6 tanks shooting the spawn and the scythe bombs pouring out every where... and its basically the same with TR just less max spam but a lot more tank spam... it just crushes you as a NC player to play your ******* heart out and know that no matter how well you perform you cant kill enemies when they are aiming at you from every direction...

    The worst part is I know there are some VS TR who think they gotz skillz and roxxors cause they actually have the time to move and aim before being instagibed.... that also makes me want to log off after alerts.
  7. Irathi

    I think there are a lot of players who disagrees with your idea of the WDS being a big failure. First of all the general idea behind the WDS is fun and gives good PR, a "World Domination Series" with thousands of players - how cool doesn't that sound for someone who has only played on a 64v64 server?

    The WDS can also contribute towards smoothing out the effect of the population imbalance as it gives the other two empires a way of targetting the empire that is currently leading. It wouldn't matter if TR had 40% pop if 30% NC and 30% VS ganged up on them.

    The WDS really puts the leading empire in the spotlight and it makes that empire the prime target of the other two.

    Also we got to keep in mind that this was the first time they did a WDS, it takes practice to make perfect. I expect the next WDS to function much more smoothly where for instance all empires get equal amount of time at all warpgates on Indar etc.
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  8. vsae

  9. maxkeiser

    I enjoy the global facility alerts the most. You actually get a chance to operate large-scale operations across continents (which an outfit like KOTV will do, operating platoons on different continents carrying out orders) - and there is always the element of surprise in that you don't always know what will be attacked next or what the enemy is planning to do.
  10. MasterCheef

    I wasnt a fan of alerts...until i began to feel a sense of accomplishment when competing in one. I dont marathon play PS2 anymore, so alerts give me a reason to stay on for more than 15 minutes these days.

    Alerts are probably an annoyance of you log on to play 3-4 hrs and grind certs no matter what. But if youre a vet, then alerts give you a reason to stay on when cert gain doesnt matter much anymore.
  11. CommodoreFrank

    The only alerts I don't like are the intercontinental ones. I think it's great to push people to Esamir and Amerish, but pushing people to all three really spreads things out too much, even if the focus is only on a specific base type.
  12. MasonSTL

    Ok here is a scenario that shows how this wouldn't work.

    Amerish has 99 players, 33 NC, 33 VS, 33 TR. 12 NC decide to leave and play on Indar or just log off in general. What should happen? Kick 12 TR and 12 VS off Amerish as well?
  13. LaRZy

    lol I don't think you understand my point, its not about making everything fair, its simply to allow equal numbers..
    There never will be equalness of coordination neccerily between outfits and factions.
    And yes Life isn't fair, but this is just a game. So get over it!

    I'll tell you what happen here NC would be left short by 12 people, but that wouldn't be for long as people would want to fill those slots.
    And if an empire doesn't fill those slots, its thier own fault for not participating.

    Any other questions ?
  14. Earthman

    I'm assuming "life isnt fair get over it" applies to each and every complaint you ever made in this game for any reason?

    Stop being so edgy. It doesn't impress anyone.
  15. LaRZy

    What Complaints have I made ? lol

    I have only ever made suggestions or asked questions. Go on look through my posts. :) anyhow this is now off topic thanks to non constuctive crit thanks to you and many others on this forum.
  16. LaRZy

    So getting back to the point, is there any reason why "proportional population lock alerts" wouldn't work ?

    Obviously this would only apply to the continent specific alerts so you could still have the cross continent alerts running as well, even at the same time to make it more interesting. :) Something for everyone.
  17. John_Aitc

    My counter argument to Nocturnal7's point is that Alerts sometimes make me play longer. I play about 2 hours a day. There are times when I feel like I have played enough for one day, but because I am in the middle or last hour of an alert, sometimes I will play until the end of the alert.
  18. maxkeiser


    There is nothing in this game that I think actually needs to be changed. I'm happy for everything to stay as it is basically. I was even happy (for the most part) with liberators in early release (and I didn't use them much).
  19. Flapatax

    Until they have a legit endgame to replace alerts with, it makes no sense to remove them. Alerts are like organizing an official activity in the middle of recess. It might piss a few kids off who were doing their thing, but the weird kid with some condition who was by his lonesome might stop ghost-capping long enough to actually contribute to the game.
  20. Astriania

    People log off after an alert because they stayed playing during the alert when they wouldn't otherwise. Remove alerts from PS2 right now and there are almost no real aims that will keep people interested. The time to remove them is when we have continent capture and territorial control, if there is such a time at all.