Those who are still playing, please never quit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. dngray

    One of the points I was hoping to make with this thread was that after taking a short break from playing, coming back to PlanetSide 2 made me realize how important this game is to me. Sure the game isn't as dynamic as PS1 but there is still nothing that offers the same experience on the PC at the moment. It is so easy for us to criticize SOE/DBG for the flaws but the game its self was such a massive undertaking, was released and hyped too early, and did not have enough resources to finish the job. But what we have is still a game that delivers an experience that no other game can deliver and I fear the day when the servers are shut down because the game simply doesn't profit enough.
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  2. Obscura

    fun thing about planetside is just because someone stops playing it, doesn't mean they won't ever play it again. I know PLENTY of people, PS1 vets especially, that are completely open to coming back to the game if they see things being done right. And the ANTs and upcoming changes may not be major content but it's a step in the right direction for this dumpster fire we were left with.
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  3. Stroheim

    Such negativity, much wow. I enjoy Planetside 2 on PS4 - great battles, nice graphics, love working for guns (just got the Underboss today). Most people crying and whinging about the game should just shut up and get over it. Planetside 2 has been going strong for 3 years and is even stronger now with the PS4 audience (myself included) taking interest.
  4. Taemien

    What makes Planetside 2 a great game is the massive, organic, and unpredictable battles that happen all the time. Every other shooter has static maps that are always played the same way. PS2 breaks the mold in that regard, you never quite know what will happen from one base to another. You may find a good fight, a drawn out siege, a quick cap, a ghost cap, or anything inbetween or even outside the box.

    But what makes the game great is in jeopardy. As people leave, the game gets stale. Players are the number 1 source of 'content' they make the game what it is and what it will be. As they fade away, so does the game.

    But sticking around for the sake of it, is not good either. Going through the motions with a lack of ambition or passion makes the game dull. Not only for yourself, but your team and your enemy. Planetside 2 is dying. Slowly, but it is inevitable. Nothing short of a fully featured expansion that dramatically changes how the game is played will change that.

    So what is there left to do? I have a suggestion.

    A funeral pyre. You finish the game. Beat the last level. Get the high score.

    A group of outfits gets together, chooses a server, chooses and faction. And wipes out the other two factions on that server. Hit them so bad and so hard that they concede defeat and leave the game. Once the server has been successfully quelled, pick another server, pick a faction, and proceed to do the same thing.

    Continue until PS2 on the PC is finally at rest. This conglomeration of outfits then declares victory as Daybreak closes the shop (or simply merges the servers). Its the death PS2 deserves. The one last final epic push, the last zerg, and Forumside would be alight with... what it does best.

    Three years is not a bad run for a game like this. Especially without an expansion. And before you come in here saying this is a terrible idea, think of the stories you will be telling after such an event, many years from now. Do you want to reminisce about how great PS2 was until it slowly died with only a handful left. Or do you want to talk about the epic last fights as you squashed (or got squashed) by a stupidly large and coordinated (for the most part) force?

    I wonder what the interest is for something like this.
  5. TheDarSin

    Graph shows an average of about 4.8k~ players about a year ago down to about 4.0k~. Given the lack of new content and the company change, the game is not doing as bad as you you people make it to be.
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  6. zaspacer

    I play a lot still. But I have a hard time staying online when Indar/Amerish is Locked or one Faction has massive Overpop on Indar/Amerish. I even have a character on each Faction on 2 different Servers, to avoid having to logoff due to bad Continent Option or Overpop. But I just logged off because Emerald is Esamir/Hossin and Connery has Indar open but the VS pop is 53%. No thanks.

    Whoever is Designing PS2 is not doing it to keep me playing. We needed the "4th Faction NS Mercs" 2 years ago. Why can't we players "vote" on what content we want. Or maybe just paying members. Give paying players (subscribe or buy stuff that week)10 Vote Coins a week that they can vote with. They can allocate them as they want, or they can hold on to them. Then players can use that to push projects they want. Maybe your project is unpopular, but if you keep sending coins to it, eventually it will get enough to get the most and get worked on. Not all the Dev time, but a chunk of it could be better allocated this way. They've had 2+ years to fish around for what they want. It's been underwhelming and schizophrenic. Let's try player wanted content. Players can start threads on the wishlist, and then players can put coins on those to get them funded. Not balance preference, just stuff to work on.

    What was the name of that Feature they put it that listed the Cert bonus you got for taking Certain bases? It caused everyone to Ghost Cap and avoid fights, and they removed it after a very short time. I actually think that system was a potentially great thing, but it gave the wrong bonuses: it pushed players to avoid each other (since you could Cap an empty base and get the bonus, vs. being tied up in a fight and unable to Cap and get the bonus), when it could have just structured bonuses to steer zergs INTO each other (give a periodic bonus for being in enemy populated region like you do for hanging by the Cap).

    If they overhaul Hossin and Esamir I'd play there more. But I don't think they will, and I hate playing on them (Esamir = not enough cover or camo and tanks can roam everywhere; Hossin has terrible visiblity and terrible choke points and bad terrain you can't climb like old Amerish did)
  7. Obscura

    Lmao, so basically you want everyone to agree planetside is dead and you want DB to shut down the servers because you think the game is dead. As long as the game has funding in the department, it's not dead. As long as the servers are still up, and people are playing it's not dead.

    Honestly,I've killed more new players in the past week than I have since launch, the playerbase makes the content and the evidence of new players proves that people are still interested in the game.
  8. BlacqueOps

    Hey all. I'm a new-ish player. I tried out PS2 like a year ago. didn't like it, went back to Eve.

    came back a week ago and having a blast. got a TR, an NC and a VS, deciding which to "main". In love with infiltrator class.

    It's a fun game, but I can see myself getting bored just base-busting again and again, so I hope the devs add stuff. I love flying(I'm an Eve player, after all), so I hope they boost that aspect too. No reason why we can't have air battles as big as the land battles(except for lag).
  9. Kronnion

    I don't get the often mentioned point from new players: "It's boring, always from base to base and backwards" ... Well the game is designed for basecapturing yes, but we have 4 giant continents with dozens of bases and different landscapes and the battles are always different. Always somewhere else and with different progress. Bf and all the stuff is always the same..the same small maps again and again which are always be played the same way. Of course it's not Eve is also not Witcher, or Morrowind, but that is no argument.
    And why we can't have huge air battles? Because the most (like me) can't handle this godawful dumb controls xD As Bf Veteran I'm used to X-Axis to the mouse..which can't be changed in Ps lol..but that's another topic :p
  10. Taemien

    Where did I say it was dead?

    The game is dying, If Daybreak doesn't merge any servers, this game will be dead within a year. It will thrive for another year then be where we are now if they do merge some servers.

    I say why wait? Let the players decide its fate. But here.. I'll reveal my nefarious plot to you. I actually wouldn't mind seeing what Daybreak's reaction would be to such a player organized Armageddon would actually be.
  11. Obscura

    lol people have been saying it's dying since the game was less than a year old, and the game was buggy as hell and alot less refined then. Such a player organized Armageddon would never happen because the players would be busy playing planetside lol.

    For most people, planetside 2 fills a niche in the MMO and FPS genres that no other game has before
  12. Taemien

    So what's to be afraid of? If it doesn't work (or diverts into an enjoyable experience that everyone likes), then you've got some good fights going. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.
  13. TheShrapnelKing

    Not like I could even if I wanted to. Battlefield is officially doomed now; Steam boycotts COD so even though Advanced Warfare was actually good there's no one to play it with; I suck complete *** at Counterstrike; and I've played TF2 to absolute death.

    On top of all that, EA is likely going to **** up Star Wars Battlefront 3 because they **** up everything, so I have no other multiplayer FPS to play.
  14. Zombo

  15. Some1