This is why we need longer spawn timers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkwulf, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. MasterCheef

    such a horrible idea that would need EVERYTHING rebalanced.

    I love ArmA 2/3, but this isnt that kind of game.
  2. doombro

    Yeah, making people even more afraid of pushing choke points is a great idea. :confused:
  3. DeusExForever

    What's to be afraid off? A MMORPG gamer can die 200x on one boss to learn how to defeat it. At that rate of wipes a night, they'd spend more than half their night waiting to be rezzed (5 min boss enrage vs 6 min rez timers). lol
  4. doombro

    That's a fairly poor analogy. You're comparing a long-term event to a short-term event.

    This sort of system would only serve to reinforce meatgrinders. It's not worth having it just to stop suicidal players.
  5. DeusExForever

    I'm referring to the penalties which are harsher in MMORPGs. When we die we don't get just a 0.00001 taken off a K/D, it's a death tax and repair on top of it. 8% penalty + any armor damage from falls and effects adds up quickly -- and that's not including the rez timer.

    That's every time we die.

    And it doesn't factor the lost consumables. Get's to be quite expensive.
  6. MrJengles

    Meatgrinders occur because your team can't out-kill the enemy respawn rate. Increasing respawn timers for those that die over and over means that the squads, and team, who kill more and die less will be favored over time.

    You don't need to constantly push and die over and over without making any progress, that's a zergy meatgrinder and exactly what this discourages. You just kill enough of the enemy for their to be an opening and then you push. Since they rejoin the fight slower, this will be easier to do.

    If you die during the push, so what, you'll have a short timer because you weren't dieing in rapid succession.
  7. NC_agent00kevin

    Anyone who has ever played on an instant respawn FPS game server will know this is absurd and ridiculous.
  8. queue

    tower spawn camp, spam bettys, profit! I usually get 20-30 kills in a few minutes.

    I agree that there should be a minor penalty for repeat spawning. Its not like you have to stay out of the action, you just have to play support or cover for a minute or two. But then allow someone to bypass the penalty for a few resources or wait for penalty time. :)

    30 seconds much too long though. I would say 20 at max and only under extreme abuse. For example. In the last 5 minutes, for every respawn over 5, you add 1 second. This way, you can't get penalized for a few suicide runs but if you are spamming betties in a tower battle like I like to do, after a few runs, your timer jumps up a few seconds until it really isn't worth it.

    You could also make the penalty apply only to a single spawn. So there is a middle ground that I think would work and would give a bit more of a reason to try to stay alive.
  9. Niamar

    They should decrease the spawn timer on defenders over attackers, decrease spawn timer when outnumbered. Increase nothing, I already can't afford to spend much on this game because of buying zee mouse over and over, because I click to spawn over and over and over while waiting on the timer... :mad:
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