This is why we need longer spawn timers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkwulf, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Darkwulf

    Awhile ago I proposed an idea where each time you die, without being ressed, you get an addition 1 or 2 seconds on your spawn timer that capped at 30 seconds. The timer would get shorter the longer you play without dying.

    So here is a great example of why we need the death increase timer to be implemented.

    In this video below you see a guy who basically makes very successful suicide runs over and over again killing mass amounts of people. Although I enjoyed the video, I think it is killing the tactical value of the game. It shows how one guy can spawn repeatedly every few seconds and suicide run into an enemy line wiping out everyone with no consequence because there is no penalty for dying, and the spawn timer is too short.

    C-4 suicide, no problem. Jumping out of ESF to take a shot with a rocket, no problem. No consequence for death so why not.

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  2. Ken Photon

    I agree. Even as a guy that dies every other minute, I think that this would benefit the game as a whole. People would be more careful and would actually have to think before doing something (which is sadly something I think many players seem to be against...).
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  3. miraculousmouse

    Is he simply commiting suicide for the kicks? No, hes commiting suicide and helping his team.
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  4. Scr1nRusher


    How do you get the Bar Central hud style rather then the smooth line central hud style?

    For the HP
  5. Crayv

    So you would prefer it if he was infil sitting on a hill sniping at people? A lot more people would start doing this since it is a very low risk way to play. This would also make people even more reluctant to leave a spawn room.

    I do not think that this is a good idea.
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  6. Rovertoo

    I like the idea, but maybe not so drastic? Maybe just keep the current spawn time but living long enough cuts the time down to instant? That way new players who die over and over again have the same spawn time we have now instead if a whopping 30 seconds, and better players will be rewarded. But, I don't think the timer should be reduced, or at least not reduced as much, for sunderer spawns. Base spawns are fine to have instant because travel time, but sundies would be a lot harder to crack if an engy repairing it for the last 5 minutes can instantly respawn and repair it under fire.
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  7. daniel696

    Longer spawn timers in a game where you can die just after spawing, so now is not only 30 seconds is basically 1 minute looking to the map, you are kidding right? It was a good joke mate.
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  8. Luke15g

    If you think spawn timers are short now then you should have a look on the test server, its 4 seconds from death to spawning at the closest spawn point.
  9. Darkwulf

    Yes I agree with you he is helping his team. I also agree it kills the tactical value of the game to have such a small spawn timer. Look at the damage one guy can do. And that's fine that he can do so much damage if he is willing to sacrifice his life for it. The problem is he can do it non stop with no consequence.

    People would play a little smarter and more tactically if they had a little punishment for putting little value on their life. More PS1 less PS2.
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  10. Elrobochanco

    This is a bad idea that has a good intention. Let me explain why:

    In the video you posted every single one of those people who died would take longer and longer to respawn. It would take only a few people to grind down the respawn time of a much larger force. Though the one guy being suicidal would have his own timer increased he would also be doing it for a significant enemy population as well. This would actually incentiveize this style of play much more than it already is, and be a greater benefit to your team to be cheesy.

    Increasing res timers just make the disparity between kill farmers and regular players that much worse. But not in the way you would like it to be.

    If I was a newer player walking out of spawn directly into the meatgrinder of Bulldogs/PPA/Pods/Libs at a heavily contested base and every time I died it make it more aggravating each time (beyond the dying part) I would probably quit the game pretty quick.
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  11. MrJengles

    Except that most players are pretty bad at rushing enemies so they'll die over and over until it yields kills. Even then, they usually die right afterwards. With longer spawn timers, they'll be discouraged from even trying and, if they still do, the number of times you have to deal with them (and the risk of it working) goes down.

    Plus, as long as a single Medic survives they can undo all of that work. Does that stop people from suicide charges? No. Again, they either try again and again or they're in it for the kills. With a longer timer they'll take a hit to their kills per hour and won't want to risk death so carelessly.

    More time spent out of the fight equals less time dealing with that behavior. Players won't do it more when it's both very risky and properly penalized.

    Vehicles have costs associated. Do people try to keep them alive or suicidally rush the enemy because the enemy also has costs? Both. They constantly weigh the costs and benefits, I'd say most of the time they try to stay alive. Infantry though? Virtually no cost so they rarely care and you get constant rushing.
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  12. SynaptixBrainstorm

    sorry i think this idea is so horrible that if that would be implemented and i would die because of spawncamp and such. i would log off. imagine new players who die all the time without being spawncamped (probably)....wasting my time like this makes me definitely log out. i wanna play and not wait
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  13. MrJengles

    Does dying three times in thirty seconds when spawn camped make you feel better, or feel like you've accomplished something, than dying once in thirty seconds?

    Besides, it only increases slowly. That's sort of a hint that the current spawn might be a bad idea so you can escape the cycle before it gets that bad.

    The problem there is by far the spawn camp itself, not the spawn timers.
  14. Elrobochanco

    Disagree completely. The spawn camp is bad, and I don't want 24/7 Crown only instant respawn low grav shock arena here. But the only thing worse than coming out on the losing side of a fight, is getting told to wait even longer before even having the option of fighting back.

    Time sinks can be built into bases in terms of distance to cap points, but staying dead for 30 seconds, that is just waiting with zero engagement for a player for a half minute every time they die, which could be seconds after spawn, would be a death sentence for the game.

    Ain't nobody got time to hurry up and wait to play a free to play game, Unless it's on an iphone.
  15. Chrispin

    Personally I think players should respawn in 30 second waves to increase teamwork.
  16. Inex

    I'll admit, it's their own fault for letting their entire line get wiped out by one guy, but do we really need to further punish them with a 30s respawn?
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  17. NinjaTurtle

    And yet he is doing more to help the team than the spawn camp warriors this game has.

    Increasing the timer would make people push the objective even less than now and would cause people to turtle inside the spawns more also. In other words create more spawn camp warriors doing less and leaving the pushing to the few you see in the video you linked.

    Would be a terrible idea
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  18. Kislany

    Oh no, not longer respawn times please! I want to play not play the waiting game!
  19. Tuco

    Longer respawn timers doesn't alter this behavior. The only effect longer respawn timers has is slightly de-emphasizing the importance of spawn location.
  20. libbmaster

    People did this before the spawn changes, and will continue to do it after.

    Increasing spawn timers will increase spawn camping, as people fear the wait.

    I see nothing wrong with the video you displayed, that's planteside at it's best. You are an immortal super-solider: act like one.
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