This is what's wrong with the game

Discussion in 'MAX' started by SirJMD, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. SirJMD

    This screenshot quite well sums up what's wrong with the game currently.
  2. baka

    OK. I'll bite. I see the view of a sniper looking for engineers to kill in order to limit the lifespan of maxes who are out in plain sight.

    What am I supposed to be seeing?
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  3. maxkeiser

    A group of (presumably) AA maxes defending a tower from the landing pad? Team work and coordination to stop the enemy from dominating the air war?

    What's wrong with that?

    What is your point?
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  4. LordMondando


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  5. TintaBux

    Burster maxes?
  6. Ash87

    Wait, I've got it. The one burster, second from the left isn't the same color. Maybe the OP is confused as to whether that burster max is an enemy or a friendly.
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  7. Wintermaulz

    All i see is the NC shutting down the air game for 3 hexes around themselves. Teamwork and for thought isnt bad for the game...........
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  8. Gisgo

    Let me take a guess, he is complaining about not having enough easy targets.
    If this is the case, there are plenty of single player games out there... ;)
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  9. Gumbo

    I see 5 burster maxes.

    That's it. Planetside is broken :eek:
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  10. MonkeySalt

    Whats wrong with the game is people who whine about every tiny little thing.
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  11. Onetoo

    I think he is saying that the game has too many snipers. Ugh, I can't stand them either.
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    Looks like any old cliffside on Helios. NC moves in with Gal, drops 30 dudes with lockons and 20 AA maxes out front of warpgate. Its never really an issue for me when they do it, but by god some people cannot figure out how to avoid it.
  13. maxkeiser

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  14. satarc

    i think he means its a screen shot from a player who probable doesnt do anything but lone wolf all day as a sniper, not helping his team in anyway (cant see that any of the maxes in the screen shot have been spotted for his team m8s) wasting a player slot and generaly just being annoying like a fly :)
  15. WaRadius

    Sniper rifle zoom is not strong enough?
  16. Morpholine

    What's wrong with the picture:
    1. These NC Max suits are not in a Bio Lab.
    2. They have also figured out there are weapons for the Max that are not insta-gib shotguns.
    3. No engineers to feed said Max suits ammunition or provide repairs.
    4. The sniper has not (yet) been counter-sniped by a Phoenix.
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  17. RHINO_Mk.II

    So that's 5 people stuck there doing absolutely nothing unless you are stupid enough to fly aircraft in. Take the base with tanks and infantry, or take another base. Don't try to ram your head against a brick wall.
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  18. HadesR

    WHO THE **** LET THE MAX'S OUT THE BIOLAB !!!!!!!!!!!!

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  19. HadesR

    If he get's counter sniped by a Phoenix now then it's his own stupid fault for not moving after the first non - lethal hit
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  20. Apis

    AA MAXes defending a facility from air attacks. Seems pretty normal to me. Very routine in fact. Thanks to the bursters as well- it's usually a pretty thankless job running AA. Whether you argee or not- running AA is not the instant kill / high experience that it was in beta.

    ***More importantly- where do you live that you get insane internet speed like that OP?!?!?! HOW do you get internet speed like that? Fiberwire? Why does the USA subject itself to monopolies that degrade and parasite the public interest? ******* communication monopolies ******** all over our internet speed. How long does this have to go on for?
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