This game is severely lacking in HA launchers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hael, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. QuakerOatsMan

    In all seriousness though, the HA is the most fitting for the greatest variety of weapons, and has the highest potential for faction-distinct weapons given its role. The LA was made for maneuverability, the engy for support for repair (and some offense), the med for healing, etc. (although the MAX has a similar potential to the HA). This can be seen through the lasher/jackhammer/MCG. It will seem like a bias favoring HA, but that can be compensated by bolstering the other classes with content that emphasizes their roles—ie: engineers being able to build walls, medics with maybe even biological weaponry, etc.—things that only those classes can do. Let the HA (or the MAX) be the arsenal. Vehicles (and HAs) will get their due balance after all this content is added and these changes are made.
  2. Hael

    Disco... launcher....


  3. Isila

  4. subz3r01337

    We need our launchers to lock on to friendlies
  5. VoidMagic

    Did someone mention we need an HA launcher that launches HA with HA launchers equipped?
    Cause seriously without that, why even bother to log on.
  6. darkagent

    if this game had custom load outs and armor types you could choose heavy armor or medium armor with a rocket launcher, but SOE didnt want to bring to much of the original game over....