This game is severely lacking in HA launchers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hael, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Tantal

    Don't give them any more ideas. You might think that it's obvious you're joking, but SOE sees a few more items they can charge SC for.
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  2. BalogDerStout

    As much as the OP is being sarcastic a gernade launcher and minigun would be neat. But yes, the other classes should start to get some love now. The HA has enough toys for the moment.
  3. Leer

    Don't worry any new rocket will be as ineffective as the others.

    If anyone is grumpy about getting killed by an HA rocket you are doing it wrong, a noob, or AFK. There are very few excuses to be killed by a rocket from an HA...and is just as embarrassing as getting killed by Jackhammer v1. Stats show (I'm sure) that you are more likely to fall off a mountain and suicide.
  4. MadGelo

  5. Hael

    Clearly Higby reads this comic:
  6. GSZenith

    You forgot where is our primary weapon that shots HEAT/AP/HE (at the same time) with 0.5sec reload time.
  7. Hael

    While we're on the topic, can I get slug ammo for my launchers? I want to fire bullet bills at my opponents. They should be roughly hallway sized and keep going after killing an opponent unless jumped on from above
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  8. TintaBux

    Rocketside 2, the game where the fight is about the rockets.
  9. Anubis77

    I actually laughed out loud, imagining a Super Mario bullet travelling through the crown killing all in its path... with Light Assaults jetting up desperately trying to land on it to stop it
  10. MilitiaMan

    Lancer isn't a Railgun, it's more of a PPC
  11. Hael

    The description said "extremely high velocity", right? That means railgun to me. And if it isn't... where the **** is my railgun? Once AGAIN the HA are left without a viable launcher for dealing with max render range targets moving at high speeds. Until we have hitscan rockets my quest will never stop.
  12. Kristan

    Guise! Guise! Listen guise! I have an idea! Guise! Listen! Commander Shepard launcher!
  13. Hael

    I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite post on the citadel
  14. Artoriusaurus Rex

    ESF Launchers anyone?

  15. Hael

    The NC should also get a t-shirt launcher that fires patriotic shirts with eagles shouting FREEDOM on them. Hitting an opponent auto-equips the shirt until they suicide.
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  16. Phrygen

    I think we should put rocket launchers on Tank shells.
  17. Phazaar

    I'd also like a rocket that eliminates Miller lag.

    Launcher that kicks high ping players (large splash kick is obviously necessary as I don't know where on earth that person will be by the time the rocket lands)

    Launcher that increases my render distance in the direction I fire it. Kinda like a camera rocket.

    I'd also like a camera rocket in case I want to film more cinematic moments of myself firing my rocket launcher.

    I'm not sure if anyone's said rocket-ammo-dispensing launcher, but this would be helpful too, so I could fire my ammo pack up onto the cliff I'm going to camp on, then pull my lockon launcher, run up the hill, and rocket to my hearts content.

    Wouldn't mind a rocket launcher that fires scythe debris too, since that seems to be the best way to take out galaxies at the moment...
  18. ChironV

    Magrider launchers!!!
    Then when they hit buildings or cliffs they stick and crawl about like SpiderMags of old.
    Muh ha ha ha ha.

    Launcher will be called the MOWER!
  19. huller

    You mean like this?
  20. Katayamma

    The level of epic in this post is unmeasurable!