This game is horrible for new people.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icywench, May 8, 2015.

  1. TheDarSin

    I'm aware of the muzzle velocity differences. Faster muzzle doesn't necessarily make it better than an other since there's other stats to offset the muzzle velocity like reload, chamber time etc. The Rams is very unforgiving if you miss shots and its not a starter weapon. The 99SV by itself is still a good sniper rifle since you can do good follow up shots with it. The M77-B might have a lower muzzle but that's why you want to keep your range less extreme compared to the RAMs. The stats themselves don't make a rifle better than an other, they're just side grades and different tools for different jobs.

    If you're gonna call me out on it, you already have access to my stats. Lets see you reciprocate with yours then.
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  2. DramaticExit

    Oh, the guy was being a pain in the nuts by bothering to post at all. I mean, he could have asked first and complained second like a reasonable person would. But self control is still pretty important...

    I wasn't having a dig at you. Rather, I was making a suggestion as to how you could avoid the criticism you received as a result of your reaction to it, and the possible wrist slap from the forum mod team (in other words, don't react).

    People such as the OP have so little influence on opinion, that responding in any way is largely a waste of time. However, it suits the public image for the community better if the reply comes from people who're going to deal with it in a patient manner and give a "nice" reply, instead of a hostile one.

    You and I, and pretty much everyone else, want new players. Admittedly, we don't want new players who complain about things that are not worth complaining about - this guy is no loss... But people who come along here who don't have the smarts to realise he's being a chode (but may have the right attitude to enjoy the game and be a decent addition to some outfit or other) and read this thread, might be put off by your somewhat vitriolic post...
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  3. SlamBamBOOM

    Losing any player is a loss in this game.
  4. Revel

    I still can't fathom this. Good sniper rifle because of follow up shots? With a 700 damage bolt you shouldn't need a follow up. Keep less range on a sniper rifle? Range is what they're there for in the first place and the Rams has both a shorter lead time at range on a moving target and keeps its OHK longer. You're possibly the only person I've ever seen that said the SV99 is a good gun.

    If its not a direct upgrade tell me one thing the M77B does better than the Rams 50m.
  5. Peebuddy

    Always advised to talk with veteran players, they don't even have to be on your team. Lots of us can't wait to drop some knowledge on you.

    In fact I'm asked more by the enemy for advice 10 times more than someone on my very team, I tell them exactly what they're doing wrong ranging from load-outs to good sunderer placements.

    It usually comes back to bite me in the *** but, you know, I smile when they learn and get the upper hand on me.
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  6. TheDarSin

    I'll give you two. Much faster chamber time and faster reload speed. Both the M77B and the will still OHK with a headshot at very long range. The bullet drop will be higher on the M77B of course but snipping at extremely long ranges decreases your kills by a large margin. The biggest difference between the two is a slightly higher bullet drop on the M77B at snipping effective range vs the RAMS but you get a much lower chamber time with the M77B. The M77B is a good alternative to the 99SV, is really cheap and a good choice for a starter weapon if you prefer bolt action instead of semi auto.

    Lets see those 5k RAMS kills Revel. You called me out, let see that snipping experience you boast about. You seems to like to talk about the other snipers. I'm sure you'll have a ton of experience with them too.
  7. EmptyCrazyORC

    Things like Nanoweave Armor should be visible pieces with "try it now" feature or a counterpart that's available to level 1 players by default.

    We can talk all day about how small an advantage these cert perks give statistically and how skill is much more important. But the problem is it simply feels different. Getting destroyed on a level playing field has a much better chance at encouraging new players to "learn to play".
  8. FocusLight

    Maybe. But the thing is, in my opinion, any other new player who read my post has to take it on themselves to read it as-is. That is, it's a brutally honest deconstruction of the OP's rage-quit followed by a reassurance for any other new player that the OP's stated issues are entirely his own making.

    If any new players are turned off the game by watching another player get chewed out over his own F'up, that's honestly to bad, but I can't control that. I do not believe in sugar-coating things to pander to the lowest common denominator, I believe in being honest and responding in the spirit of the message. Yeah, I know this is not always the most constructive way to go about it, but that's how I go about it.
  9. Jubikus

    I cant believe that theres so many arguements of "well i was a noob once but i didnt quit i suffered through it and got better" how many more players do you think we would have if the beginning of the game didnt have to be suffered through? Sure many of us did suffer through it but how much of it was well the games free and i have nothing better to do more of sheer boredom than determination. And tho i agree that the starting guns are not crap they may not fit a new players play style and if they are an smg player they are futher screwed because theres no cheap smgs.

    P.S the argument of i got 6k kills with (insert starter weapon) is not a good arguement i can get 6k kills with xbow recon bolts if you give me enough time sure i might die 50k times but its still possible. A better argument would be i had the starter gun and decided not to get a different one because it worked as intended.

    P.S.S a new players experience with a gun is usually different than an experienced players do to weapon attachments most of theese people only have a sight no soft point ammo foreward grip ect which greatly change the feel of the weapon.
  10. Ballto21

    SR-7 or bust.

    Honestly, while you do get a greater OHK range and slightly faster velocity, the 600 m/s bolts are fantastic because they can do anything, have a faster rechamber time, have faster reloads, and are just as easy to lead with with a bit of practice. Personally, i prefer it in situations the parallax would do its best, and the ghost would do its best. The parsec is fantastic for extreme long range though.
  11. DramaticExit

    I'[m not suggesting you sugar coat things. I'm suggesting you say nothing.

    If you want it in your language.. "You ****** up the public image of the community. Shut up and **** off."

    Not my style of saying things, but maybe it'll make more sense to you by virtue of being a bit overblown. Truth is, it's no more direct than what I said earlier... it's just more rude.
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  12. Obstruction

    wait, didn't you pull a Liberator and solo dominate the whole map and all ground and air players? i heard before on these forums that it's so OP that any new player can use it for farming with very minimal certs invested. i also heard air-to-ground ESF is super OP and impossible to counter. surely that's the perfect place for new players to get a good start on the game.
  13. Goldmonk

    Actually having a good follow up shot is key with any long distance shooting. You are not 100% guaranteed to hit your mark with any sniper rifle. So being able to follow up one shot with an equal or even deadlier shot makes a sniper very skilled and deadly. Say for example, you take a LA out, but you see a medic right behind him. A good sniper is able to transition targets and put a round down range. I will admit the 99SV is a lot better at this than the RAMS .50. That being said, I still prefer the RAMS.
  14. TheDarSin

    I'm not denying the fact that the RAMS is good but really what I'm saying is that they're all good but some are better at starter weapons since they are more forgiving if you happen to miss. No one has perfect accuracy and I think we're on the same page for that one.

    I could even argue that once you get really really good with sniper rifles that you can manually adjust for slower muzzle velocity pretty easily and get more kills out of the faster chamber time rifles. The Tsar for example is really good at this. If you have a chance, give it a shot. The Tsar is a beat.
  15. FocusLight

    And if I say nothing, then what? Leave the OP's slanderous complaints - because that's basically what they were - alone and hope no other new player see them and assume they are accurate? I think not. Rather, a reply was in order, a detailed account of the OP's failings was delivered, and a reassurance to any new players was included.

    I simply chose to not maintain a neutral tone and in fact, speak my mind frankly, honestly and coldly.

    I can see where you are coming from however, so in all honesty I'd say this topic is spent. We are unlikely to agree on the 'correct' approach to this matter now, or in the future. I will leave this topic of my reply to the OP be from now on. Thanks for sharing your concerns, at any rate. o7
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  16. The Rogue Wolf

    Perhaps the game itself doesn't do a whole lot to guide new players; Koltyr is supposed to change that, but I have zero experience with it and can't really comment either way.

    But outside the game? There are literally dozens upon dozens of people making guides, videos, etc. on almost every aspect of the game from the ground up. I've seen hundreds of replies in these forums lending knowledge and support. Yeah, you'll get your occasional "get gud, skrub" type, but compared to the likes of, say, the forums for APB: Reloaded, this place is practically a font of support for new players.

    The thing is that you have to avail yourself of it, and that's where the OP obviously failed. It seems he simply developed his own narrative of what happened to him and isn't the least bit interested in learning about how the game works. There's really nothing that can be done in that case.
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  17. Goldmonk

    Reading OP's thread: [IMG]

    Answering OP and his "supporters": [IMG]

    Seeing everyone else's answers: [IMG]

    Seriously, can a Mod get rid of this? Where's Radar? *walking away* Radar? Radar, where are you, you lousy piece of-. You better not be in my collection! There's a thread you need to delete! So get your *** out here. *walks back* He'll be out shortly.
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  18. Revel

    The faster reload is irrelevant on a long range sniper. And the faster chamber time is almost as irrelevant. As for stats I don't like connecting stats to board names, its too easy to detract from the issue at hand. That said, I'll PM you my character.

    And this tells me why. You two probably have a different sniper play style. If I miss the OHK thats it. I always cloak and move between shots in large battles. Too many enemy snipers out there. The only time I am ever standing still as a sniper is that split second when I decloak and fire. I am constantly on the WASD and cloaking. When cloak is down, I break all LOS and let it fill back up. A stationary sniper is a dead sniper. I know, because other snipers who don't move are easy kills and among my favorite targets. The Rams .50m is superior to all other rifles at this. SR 7 comes close. I can't imagine standing uncloaked, unmoving, and firing multiple shots while in LOS. That's just asking to be killed.
  19. Goldmonk

    See, it's okay to sit still and uncloaked. You just gotta know how to use your environment and how to control your shots. I will find a nice place where the backdrop matches my camo or I'll sit in a bush. I'll take very little shots and I will have plenty of distance between me and the enemy.
  20. Revel

    You have a tracer line. Spot sees you through any bush and puts the nice dorito on your head so people can tell your location. Movement is your best survival tool.