This game is horrible for new people.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icywench, May 8, 2015.

  1. ohmikkie

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  2. Mythologicus

    Unfortunately there is a somewhat frightening percentage of players (globally), usually unseen, who do exactly this. Fail at life, complain, leave, never come back. There are a lot of people who cannot comprehend anything beyond W+M1, and to them strafing, jumping and other forms of movement or interaction are mere illusions. Or hacks.

    I was going to add a hardass disclaimer for my post, but I realised that after yours everything else is pretty soft and cuddly :p
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  3. maxkeiser

    ALL FPS are pretty bad for new players. Quake II, Unreal Tournament, Counter-strike, Battfield - you name it, they are all ruthless places for new players.

    The skilled and veteran players rule these games. They know the maps, the weapons etc etc. In games like Quake II, a good player could literally just run rings around a whole server of lesser players without even getting killed once (I know, I used to do this).

    You have to stick with it. Get better. Get in a platoon where you have people at your back and medics. Don't rush into bad situations. Develop awareness etc etc.

    Most of the starter guns are the best in the game so you don't need new weapons.
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  4. FocusLight

    I'm aware, it's just... there is no way I can sugar-coat this. The OP presented a terrible, TERRIBLE record by every possible account and then delivered an angry rage-quit and walked off.

    Nothing I say will change the epic-level failure of that record. All I could hope to do was point out how terrible it was and hope any other new player who sees it realize that, in this case, it's really not the game, it's that one guy.

    The silver-lining is that practically everyone else will have considerably better records. Sometimes it helps to look down and be able to say "welp, I may suck but atl I'm not THAT bad." and simply soldier on.
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  5. OldMaster80

    Lol how old are you? 11?
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  6. FocusLight


    This community don't take slanderous, factually incorrect whine-posts and rage-quits on the chin and reply with constructive, rose-tinted helpfulness. If you post is seeping negativity, you generally get that in return.

    As I said in my reply to the OP, there are countless new-player treads on these boards where new players ask for advice in a constructive manner and get all the advice they will ever need. Constructive and polite requests begets constructive and polite answers.

    Wrong. Noobs are assisted, differing viewpoints are challenged. This is almost de-facto a rule here, with few exceptions. See point one: It's all about the attitude.

    There are a lot of reason why the population is shrinking. Community attitude is only one of all of those.

    At max level Nano-weave gives a marginal bonus to armor and shave of a couple bullets worth of damage. IT can save you in a few situations - from bullets. Flak will save you from a certain amount of explosive damage, in comparison, and you have to pick one. Also, nano-weave don't protect against head-shots, and it's a trade-mark of good players that they try to go for head-shots as often as possible to cut the TTK down as much as possible.

    As for cert prices of attachments, they already reduced the prices for 1x and 2x scopes on your starting gear from 30 to 5 so you can get one quickly, and earning 100 certs is not very hard at all, so there is practically no point in lowering it anymore, all it will do is cut down on the sense of progression in this game.

    Go play SC:GO or BF4 if those games are so much better. I'd point out that SC:GO is a completely different type of game and BF4 is an out-right inferior product offering a shadow of what PS2's scale will get you. Also, you have to pay for all expansions and season passes, or be segregated away from large chunks of your player-base. PS2 is free, you won't be arguing with people over who get to operate the 2 jets and 2 helicopters or the 4 tanks on a map, and PS2 is on a much larger scale to boot.

    But by all means, leave and enjoy those games instead.

    If that is honestly what you think then LEAVE. It is not the job of every player in PS2 to be nice and accommodating to whatever whimsical need you or anyone else may have. This is not a huge safe-space hug-box for you to enjoy, it's a gaming community and we are not your serfs, we are fellow players. If you genuinely don't like it here then walk away.
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  7. DK22

    I think the first thing you have to learn is that dying doesn’t really have much meaning in PS2.
    Actually, I see nothing but positive about it.
    I don’t lose anything, no points, nothing!
    I get to re-equip all items and ammo, or even change class altogether without looking for a terminal.
    While the enemy’s attention was on me, maybe it gave a friendly a shot at killing him.
    I’m right back into it in about 5 seconds, hopefully with a new tactic to use, learned something about theirs.

    And swearing is perfectly acceptable.
  8. Python

    This thread is filled with some riots & major lols. Everyone has said it already. But, do your homework kid and you will see that lvl 1 stuff is not a whole other world; instead, the veteran players function on another level than you. This is not a game you walk into & get a kill streak a few times in 1 play session. Not at all not at all. We were all kind of in your situation at that point. I don't understand why you are surprised; PS2 is known for having a steep learning curve. As has been said, it is blatantly obvious you did 0 homework on this game, and your opinion of the game along with your rage is merely symptomatic of this.
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  9. Goldmonk

    Welcome to life, kiddo. Also, if you don't plan on coming back then why post on here?
  10. Goldmonk

    Are you kidding me? I take noobs into my squads all the time. In fact, I had one noob for 2 hours a couple of nights ago and I gave her more info than 20 tutorials. So before you slander the community, do some research.
    When do you play? Emerald's pop is fine. Also if you wanna whine and threaten about quitting, go ahead and do so. You say that people like us who don't take bulls*** are killing this game, you're wrong. It's little whiners like yourself and OP who drive the new gamers away.
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  11. Littleman

    The only changes I can suggest to improve the newb experience is to unlock all of the attachments on the starter weapons, a single medkit available by default and make enhanced targeting, the implant that marks people that wound you, and/or the one that marks people you shoot available by default and free of charge cost.

    At the very least, the power gap can be closed a little bit. When you're dealing with a skill gap AND a power gap, it's hard to keep going when such wonderful options as CoD and BF close the power gap by rendering each weapon extremely lethal even with stray shots. PS2 is in that awkward zone where guns take seemingly forever to kill, but death to those very same weapons feels instantaneous on the receiving end.
  12. Goldmonk

    Honestly, this would help a little. But it would still take new players a while to even find out what the gear does or even how to use it. Vets who know how to use their weapons would still crush a newbie even if the noob was able to equip a forward grip. This game is all about two things: 1) Trial and Error. If something doesn't work, don't try it over and over again only to get slaughtered each time. If a head on assault doesn't work, try flanking. 2) Mental Toughness: I started playing when you were told the bare bones of the games. "Your gun goes 'pewpewpew', try and capture the point, and other people are trying to kill you." After this, you were dropped into the biggest battle with your starter weapon. If you can't handle being killed over and over, this game just isn't your cup of tea.
  13. Jake the Dog

    Join an outfit (preferably one with a good reputation so you might need to ask around a bit), get some friends hang with them ingame. Try and stay with them. In this game teamwork is the most OP thing in the game, doesn't matter what skill that dude is if theres 5 of you. Learn from other people, if you've ever played darksouls think of it as that kinda game. Where you die and learn a bit more, die and learn a bit more. Everytime you die, you should think a little bit of how that could've not happened. Put time into the game and it will reward you.

    I'm sorry you had a rough start, if you had just been introduced into the game the same way some of my friends were things probably woulda been different. We had a guy straight out of the League of derps channel in our TS come over to check out planetside, he hopped in my tank at br1 and went on an insane killstreak (I needed top gun assists) got hundreds of certs, he got the weapons that were good (there are bad weapons). He listened to what me and others players told him and now he's a pretty good player at I think BR20+ish? and doing just fine. So, find a good outfit (one with teamspeak is a good bet) and play with them.
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  14. The Funk

    Honestly you could give noobs all the nanoweave, medkits etc. you want and it won't change posts like this. Noobs tend to have a pre-conceived notion that starting gear is inferior. Getting wrecked by vets using different gear just reenforces it. They could see a battle rifle up in the death screen and think "man I need that gun".

    Op is a prime example. You literally could not give him a better lmg than the orion. Yet he blames it for his poor performance and thinks he needs an upgrade to compete.
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  15. Leftconsin

    I've been watching twitch streams of people who are 100% new to Planetside 2 the last few days. If the devs want to do some research I hope they are doing that. The people I was watching were:

    1. Always either by themselves or in a very small squad of their friends who are also new.
    2. Confused by base layouts.
    3. Had no idea how to spend early certs.
    4. Were often able to find a fight, but sometimes walked 500m to it.
    5. Managed to enjoy themselves even though they were often going on 20+ death streaks.
    6. Gravitated towards medic and engineer (perhaps people had suggested it to them).
  16. Czarinov

    I will tell you a secret, why you uninstalled...

    You uninstalled because you CAN'T AIM and because it's easier to blame on the game instead of trying to get better. If you tried playing BF4 or CS:GO you would have the same exact result. Those games are not the same at all gameplay wise but for your issue it doesn't make any difference. I don't think FPS games are for you.

    Would you rather have people sugarcoat things for you? Do you want community to clap people like OP on the back and say: "oh, don't worry, please stay, you'll do better..." ? OP is a coward, but not as a noob, as a person. I would not want to play with such person OR communicate in real life.

    From quality playerbase standpoint - there is no need for such people in this community. If we had ideal community - there would be only people who wanna learn. That's the main thing. Noob or pro, doesn't matter, everyone starts somewhere.

    In reality, there are two purposes that such people fulfill. First is occupying ingame space as cert pinatas and second to give devs their money.

    PS you said it yourself, server population is the problem, so some people rather shoot something than nothing. And you agree with OP? Really? "20 shots just to hurt someone"? "Bad starter weapons"? Then my post is about you too.

    It's not about being a noob. I met a lot of noobs who were great learners and wouldn't give up and I respect such people. It's about not being a sissy. A matter of real world mentality.
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  17. TheDarSin

    Csgo welcoming for new players? Have you tried competitive at all?! Trust me, I tried it once and I swore to never play competitive again and it wasn't because it was difficult. The amount of insults was ridiculous and whenever I play now, I stick to casual. The BF series is easy since you don't ever have to communicate with anyone and the game is tailored for you to at least get a few kills. Kinda like how CoD is.

    I'm sorry but if you do a tiny bit of effort to at least find out on how to ask for help, having vets or outfits help you can make the world of difference. Saying the sum of the community shuns new players is bull. I like to help new players and I do help them when ever I can and that's also including the opposite side. People just have to learn to step on their damn ego and accept the help if they can't make it on their own.

    This game wasn't tailored to be easy. This isn't the type of game where you can expect to get kills, its a game where you have to earn them. You want a good example of a hard game that people like and has no problem being supported by tons of players? EvE is such an example.
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  18. Dargadon

    Nanoweave for noobs. Only capaciators, only hardcore!
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  19. belthazor3457

    I have one question for you. Did you at any point look up guides or tutorials on youtube or the forums on how to play better / new player cert investment?
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  20. Rogueghost

    I have over 8,400 kills with the Carv, the starter TR lmg, over 6,500 spread out across my three VS alts with the Orion, the default VS lmg, over 5,400 kills with the 250 cert MSW-R, and over 6,000 with the 250 cert jaguar.

    Call the starter gear useless one more time, I dare you.
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