This game is getting boring

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Instantshot, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Instantshot

    After playing around 76 hours since launch, I have to admit this game is getting boring now.

    It's pretty much a big conquest sandbox mode with no depth or progression to speak of other than upgrading your soldier or vehicles.

    A conquest mode where there is no way to win since we can't cap zones.

    Anyone else think this game is starting to get repetitive and boring?
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  2. DeadlyShoe

    /wonders how many hours people expect to get out of a game.

    if you're bored... quit. if you liked it at some point... check back again later. :)
  3. AtomicGerman

    They are going to introduce continent locks soon. Be patient bugger.
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  4. forkyar

    this is endless war,not wow.
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  5. Veri

    It can if your are not part of an organized platoon or squad or faction population is generally lower than other factions.
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    75h played over here as well. Now that the population on my server has vastly decreased, I have to agree, since you will hardly ever find large and interesting battles except at The Crown and adjacent hexes. Esamir and Amerish are non-stop locked down, thus utterly boring to play at.

    Game became bland. it almost feels as if the game was designed so that you get bored very soon and the only thing left for you to do to replenish your gaming experience is buying new content.
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  7. Instantshot

  8. ent|ty

    Yes. I think I'm on my way out. Though there are a few plays that are interesting, I think after about 30 hours, I've seen there all is to see really.
  9. Instantshot

    Yup, this game lacks depth.

    I seriously wonder if this game will survive the supposed 6 month plan coming up.
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  10. Protection

    It will end, and sooner rather than later if SOE doesn't figure out a way to bring players back to the game.
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  11. Emperor

    I seriously wonder how many people who have made this exact same thread are actually fans of FPS games. Repetition is sort of the name of the genre. What more were you expecting out of a game where it's advertised that you can shoot people and take territory 24/7 outside of shooting people and taking territory 24/7? Why are you even here?
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  12. Fonk

    Y'all are sissies.

    Yes. This game will survive. No. This game will not be the same in 6 months as it is now.

    Remember when the Pounder was AI? Remember when there wasn't a lattice system?

    They will continue to implement little and big changes as the game progresses. People who expect game-altering changes twice weekly are just being beyond unreasonable.

    If you're bored, scram. Go play something else. This game will still be around when you're bored with the next thing. Then you can come back.
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  13. Instantshot

    Yup, ignoring obvious issues is what happens to a lot of MMOs and ends up killing them.

    Fanboys will be like, nothings wrong, you are just trolling. 3 months later, games dead or on life support.
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  14. ent|ty

    Yep, how many times have we seen this, of many types of games, not just mmo types. I was hoping this was my next QuakeTF, TF, TFC, CS, BF2 but I guess not. Maybe games are just about zergs now.

    You know what was a cool stop-gap game, but never seemed to take off? Quake Wars: Enemy Territory. Loved that game, but I think it was overshadowed by WoW or something. Excellent base vs base style, with choke points and front lines, and nifty things to do for each class - and best of all victory conditions so the score could be reset.

    Today I joined up with some squads, got in no firefights, capped empty bases, then they joined the Zerg.. So i stayed back and repaired an entire base of turrets and force fields that they all left behind, just in time for the enemy zerg to roll in and destroy them.
    Then I fell back to another position where I noticed some Vanu were trying to cap a base. I went in got killed a couple times, then cleared out 4 of them rats and repaired their damage.

    Then I joined another squad that had no direction, then another who's squad leader changed continents, another, another, and suddenly a great wall of just pure boredom hit. I'm like "Wow, this is just stupidly boring.. wow.. I'm done." I may play a bit more, or wait until improvements, but I think I'm there, lol
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  15. Vashyo

    Just wait and see if they do drastic enough changes to give the game more meaning

    I agree with you though, it is quite stale and repetitive with insane pacing (map is differently coloured every 10 minutes) atm.
  16. 4set

    I guess I am really dumb or something, because I am enjoying the overwhelming odds I see on some continents.. I will find whichever continent the NC has the lowest Population, and I will go around looking for a fight, me vs the world.. I got a horrible kdr ((doesnt help that I couldnt hit Rosy O'Donald with the NC recoil)), but it doesnt stop me from just trying to be a LA Rambo. When I get bored of being farmed, I will just go join a zerg and get some certs myself, but I think running around in a zerg is 10x more boring than going hero mode.

    I understand where people are coming from, by being bored, and I am sure I will get bored of this game eventually if something doesnt change, but I am pretty new, so I am still enjoying what this game has to offer, and I am going to put in some time to see how it progresses before I tuck tail and run.. Besides, I see alot of potential in this game, the only thing holding it back atm, in my opinion, is this zerg mentality.

    It might be a stupied idea, but why not implement a system that deducts certs from you every time you kill a friendly - not alot, just like 1 cert everytime you kill a friendly. I think that alone would detract from being apart of a zerg, where you are 10x more likely to die from FF than from an enemy ((either being run over, or shot to death by a bored team mate who just wants to shoot something))..
  17. MilitiaMan

    WoW is endless, you know how many times I've killed the Lich King and the ***** wont stay dead?!
  18. Maxi'sProteinPowder

    The game is done and dusted! no major improvements can entice players to come back! Better games will come out with structure and this will be forgotten! Thats how the gaming industry goes!
  19. NeroRydA

    For me this is not a PS2 problem. I think all new games are boring as hell after a few hours of "gameplay" no matter if singleplayer or multiplayer. The last good multiplayer games i still play from time to time are quake live (1x a month) and tf2 (1x a month).
  20. Aussie

    It seems the biggest problem is that a lot of people desire a strong leader to tell them what to do, and complain that those who do try to lead aren't competent (because most aren't)

    Fair enough, but if you know exactly what you would like from a platoon leader (and what you hate), time to step up and take the challenge yourself - be a leader for your faction.

    If you are a good leader, you will have a full platoon in no time, if people leave your squad and you never have more than a few a time - take the hint, your leadership style needs work.

    “Be the change that you wish to see in the world' - Mahatma Gandhi