Things that make the infiltrator rubbish

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by direwind, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. direwind

    here is my shopping list of things i hate, they are in no kinda order.

    How loud cloak is.
    how worthless the radar tool is.
    how poor cloak actually is.
    how limited our certs are
    the lack of interesting or useful certs
    our inability to go through force fields
    our total lack of good weapons
    the fact all we can really do is sniper
    the stupid small ammo pool we have
    our inability to counter armor
    our total low impact on the game, we sniper.. but what good does that do? we hack? but its kinda pointless in the end, since you'll have a sunder.
    how weak we are even at max armor level.
    how poor our op rifles and scout rifles are.
    the lack of C4, kinda think an infil would have this.
    our lack of ability to actually infiltrate like a light assault
    our inability to hack empty vechs

    there ya go, afew of the things i think make the class poor
  2. Shuuda

    While it is a bit too loud, I general don't find that a great problem during a hectic battle myself. Just learn to use it carefully.

    I disagree. While it's not obvious in its impact, I think it's good to help your side with more intel.

    I always treat the cloak as an aid to moving around, not a "loloo derp I'm invisible" tool.

    I'll answer that once I've got Proxy mines, EMPs, and that armour cloak. I'll see then if can make room for Decoy Grenades. Not to mention all the situation scopes for Scout Rfiles. But they don't seem to have too many.

    Proxy mines. Get them. Love them.

    Rebel Pistol, Repeater Pistol. Bolt Action Rifles, Semi-Auto Scout Rifle. They would like to have a word with you.

    You just haven't been daring enough.

    Making every shot count is a skill worth learning.

    We'll just stand over there with the medics.

    Hacking tank or air terminals. Booby generator rooms or control points. Scouting. To name a few things.

    1 Cert for Nanoweave will give you 10% more health. But do remember we're meant to be the fragile class.

    They take some getting used to I'll admit. However, I can easily match a Light Assault in a fight using some thinking and the Semi-Auto Scout Rifle.
    That would be a nice option, though it would mean I'd have to give up on the proxy mines. Personally, I'd really want smoke grenades.


    I'm becoming more and more convinced that these complaints about the Inflitrator come down to people not being able to admit they're not so good at playing them yet.
  3. Schalla

    I'm just preparing a vid for these poor infiltrators that feel useless.

    Best thing yet: 17 kill streak on closecombat.
  4. direwind

    i feel im pretty good tbh, i have had my ninja moments, but i feel the class cannot fulfill its role. a light assault can do what only a infiltrator can deam.

    i'm a vet from planetside 1, i used to be a covertop pistol user, they play-style was fast and furious, the infs in this game are a pathetic childs version of its former self.
  5. direwind

    interested in seeing that.

    but its a fact, you cant infiltrate on an infiltrator, you are more like a a standard soldier who can hide alittle.
  6. Schalla

    Well it was lucky for sure. I will add some scenes and then upload it, when you want I can upload the fragment of the streak already now.

    But I agree on you! The inf. is just not that what he should be.
  7. yama

    How loud cloak is.
    Its barley possible to hear a freakin JET-PACK... but my cloaking suit, made for stealth gives me away from the next building over.

    how worthless the radar tool is.
    Tested it many, many times. Even with a buddy on NC.. it never works if you need it to. Not joking.. pick one out and try yourself :)

    how poor cloak actually is.
    True, its still kinda stupid that you show up like a lit light bulb in some conditions or with the "right" graphics settings....

    how limited our certs are
    Its not about what is available.... there is plenty of stuff you could cert into .. but you don't unless your head is broken :)

    EMP got nerfed so bad its not even funny. 200 certs could not be a worse investment..
    No one ever runs after the decoy grenades... not even close to worth 150 certs
    both go pale in comparison to the default frag.. really sad.
    Nanite armour cloaking lasts 3 seconds.(6s for 500 certs) has 20% (30% if you spend 1000 certs) absorb ONLY while cloaked. -Worthless

    the lack of interesting or useful certs
    True. I have Proximity mine gold. Lovin it!
    The ONE good infiltrator cert. ONE, eins, ono. ichi :)

    our total lack of good weapons
    Of which the actual infiltrator uses the pistol and/or the full auto scout rifle.. 100000000 sniper rifles don't make up for that. Proper infils don't want to be snipers..

    the fact all we can really do is sniper
    True, you can do more.. but all the run&gun-proxy-mine-fling-duck-reload-in-hidey-hole-game-play gets kinda stale after a while..

    the stupid small ammo pool we have
    Again, for a sniper.
    Don't want to snipe? **** out of luck. You get 2-3 clips less.

    our inability to counter armor
    Nope, guess what every other class, even medics or freakin heavies with rocket launchers can cert into. C4.

    our total low impact on the game, we sniper.. but what good does that do? we hack? but its kinda pointless in the end, since you'll have a sunder.
    You get exp for exactly 3 hacked terminals or turrets. after that you are out of luck.... + no exp for friendlies using it + there is always a sundy/engi around anyway..Hacking terminals is only ever useful if you want to solo harass a base full of n00bs wit AP mines :p
    Hacking out people in turrets is fun tough.

    how weak we are even at max armor level.
    Infils have the same amount of health/armour as all the other classes. it is not weaker then the others.

    how poor our op rifles and scout rifles are.
    True, that does not make the scout rifles any better tough.. And this is coming from someoone who loves his Artemis.. good or bad..

    the lack of C4, kinda think an infil would have this.
    I don't really care about having C4. The option would be really nice tough.. yes.
    I'd rather have a proper cloak then smoke!

    I play infiltrator full time. Likely one of the few who is still holding on to it as a non-sniper class after all the months of beta and I can clearly see and have layd out for you, the shortcomings of the class on the mentioned topics. You yourself don't seem to have as much experience with all the certs or you would see the faults in the class too.

    They are there.

    best regards
  8. martin

    I have to say I agree on the cloak being too loud or not working properly sometimes, the low amount of certs and the amount of useless ones.
    However I've fallen inlove with the semi auto scout rifles, they are TONS of fun.

    I usually try to take empty bases, usually surrounding a larger one (amp stations etc) and if someone shows up I sneak up on them and shoot'em in the back. (Most of the time people cant seem to connect the dots, like "Why the hell is this node not ours?" then they run up and start capping it. And I shoot them in the face.
    Close range face-to-face is pretty pointless I've noticed, though..
    If I run out of ammo, I hack a gun terminal and resupply.

    Also, did you know that if you hack an enemy turret with someone inside it, they get sent outside? It's an awesome thing, cloaking in and clearing the walls from Phalanx/AA, then proceeding to destroy the shields to let your teams tanks in.

    Overall I agree with you OP, the infiltrator seems kind off pointless most of the time, and I would love for them to have a few more tricks up their sleeves
  9. Benton!

    A good infiltrator does not even need cloak, they can just use cover. Cloak just makes it even easier.
  10. deusex2

    You forgot IRNV scope reveals "cloaked" infiltrator.
  11. Schalla

    I just made a small clip, sorry for the resolution, my internet is not the best.

    I tried to show some gameplay for the infiltrator here.

    Just one thing I wanted to show in the start:

    Don't shoot when you are not sure, that's one of the main reasons you will die! Wait for the right position and then make a clean headshot. That way you safe ammo and also play safe.
  12. m44v

    @Schalla, you all you do is snipe, we already know the infiltrator is good at that. Try infiltrating a base, you're better off with the LA.
  13. Schalla

    lol? You watched the video at all?

    The first 3 mins are sniping, yup, but maybe check the other things too.
  14. m44v

    The stuff you do with the scout rifle isn't particularly unique to the infiltrator, that's why i didn't mention it. As I said a LA can do the same and better because it can out maneuver others, the jetpack is more silent and can carry some C4.
  15. Skeith

    @schalla you are not doing anything that is infiltrator like besides sniping if you want to make a video showing off some spray and pray better play LA not infiltrator
  16. deusex2

    Oh yeah, I watched it from the start and to the end, did you? Because you were doing exactly what m44v said. Don't get me wrong, I tip my hat to your sniping skills, but as your video clearly demonstrates-infiltrator is for headhunting fun, while engineer is for business.
  17. Schalla

    Whoah. You guys are really focused "OMG INFILTRATOR SUCKS BECAUSE HE CANT DO ANYTHING ELSE THEN SNIPING" and when I show that other things are also "relatively" effective you say "thats light assault not inftiltrator".

    An light assault died much earlier, cuz the sniper had seen then. But alright.

    Alright deusex2, now I got it. Thanks :)
  18. Fafnir

    Like yama said, special grenades are worthless - purely because frag grenades are so powerfull.

    That's one cert. Zero for TR, because claymores can be seen from miles.

    Interesting. I would like to see this in the future.

    The only good weapons for infiltrators (not snipers) are burst pistols right now. Scout rifles are underpowered. They aren't bad in good hands, but they ARE clearly underpowered, if compared to other weapons.

    While any other classes or vehicles (except Skyguards) don't have to. That's good balance, isn't it?

    Medics have C4.

    Scouting is worthless and not rewarding.
    Ever tried to booby trap anything with claymores?
    If hacking is the only thing infiltrators are good for, we may as well switch to another class after doing it.

    The devs took our shotguns and gave us clear handicap called scout rifles. They are far worse than any carabines, assault rifles and LMGs.

    I switched to infiltrator from a MAX, because MAXes can't place squad beacons and don't have any utility outside of direct combat, but it seems I should have picked another class instead. As medic or engineer I'd be credit to squad I'm leading.
  19. PanzerGoddess

    I think the infy class is the funnest class out of all of them. Its my main class / secondary the libby. And I use it constantly for everything, from sniping, assaulting bases, fighting in close quarters, hacking, standing on enemy vehicles and jumping on them while they are unaware lol, using my proxy mines, hacking towers to shank the person in it, hacking terms to spawn ams or skeeter, etc. I have kept a 2.77k/d using mostly the infy. My main weapon is the KSAR (TR) which I have come to enjoy quite a bit. Using that, the standard pistol and the prox, there is plenty of damage you can do.
  20. Infinity24k

    I dont wanna comment on every single point but to make it short:
    The infiltrator cannot be compared to the Infiltrator from PS1 since you had the Infiltrator and Sniper as 2 parallel classes.
    I personally like the role of the sniping infiltrator in PS2 since the sniper in PS1 was joke. The sniper finally got a role in this game and is more than useful as you could see in that movie someone posted above. - Great job by the way. Even better than me I have to admit.
    If you really have a problem with most of what makes the infiltrator what he is supposed to be - well then I think this is simply not your class! Have you never considered that if you hate on every single aspect of a class it might be ... not yours?
    Try the other classes and you will probably find one which fits your personal style.
    And I use the sniper as attacking, defending, sneaky missions (like droppoding in a battle where my realm is not included at all and then try to stay alive as long as possible while taking heads) and is it tons of fun. On the other hand I am probably a really bad light assaults since it is not my style. No proper armor, no face-melting gun, but a pair of wings :)