[BUG] The Vanu are now black

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slouis, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. WalrusJones

    We already having a vanu requesting to form the platoon Banana's in pajamas.

    Its too late, apologize to your brethren, for the glory of lord vanu.
  2. MNO


    Can you imagine this theme song, with the glorious VS theme humming away in the background as my glorious souljahs march down the staircases at The Crown to meet at the vehicle bay for deployment?

    It would be like Starship Troopers, but way fuggin cooler.
  3. felfox

    Darn... hard to argue with the awesomeness of banana pajamas... *sigh* i guess dragon fruit was too close to or old colours anyway.
  4. WalrusJones

    ESC is something that needs its own thread, now.
  5. Zenith

    Has anyone considered that perhaps this is a trial run for the other factions getting full camo coverage as well? Just a thought.
  6. Mambakiller

    Please fix this vanu bug, is it impossible to see them during nighttime, most op up to date, and i am very serious.
  7. Scatterblak

    Don't be profilin' 'n' shiz, biznatch...

    ...I also noticed that me white camo for Esamir (there's another continent besides Indar. I found it by accident...) leaves about half of my chromatically challenged player model black, so now at distance I look like a black torso floating across the snow....
  8. Souleater

    I preferred the Beta VS scheme with the purple...but then again I play Dark Eldar and Tyranids... :D

    I run on low settings so the armour is mainly black. On higher settings I think it is more a dark grey. But it is too solid, Please bring back some nice purple. cheers
  9. tenzenator

    don't worry they won't
  10. Cirevam

    This whole situation made me think of this:

  11. Zenith

    Some of you must have your screen gamma extremely low, because on mine the black is nowhere near as dark as being claimed here. Reset your screens, or turn the gamma up, because it looks like it's a problem on your end.
  12. MajiinBuu

    Black camouflage?
    Beware the night, TR and NC, we're watching you.
    • Up x 1
  13. Eckstacee

    Adjust the gamma on your monitor.