[Suggestion] The Ultimate Thread Dedicated to Refurbishing TR as a Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EliteEskimo, May 3, 2013.

  1. PastalavistaBB

    SOE's course of action is the same all the time. If they nerf something into the Ground, they'll never buff it to be useful again. The only reason they don't completely remove the item from the game, is that there are people which have bought it with SC and a SC (Real money) refund is not possible for a Company like SOE. You know that they can make a weapon shoot peas and still not remove it from the game or give refunds. I don't have any hope for the Vulcan. Although there'll be probably new AV secondaries which are going to be useful, if not OP. They too will get nerfed after SOE decides that they made enough profit off of it. Rinse and repeat...
  2. Keiichi25

    Actually, if they did what SOE did back in Planetside with regards to the Dual Cycler and the Pounder for the MAX situation, where they upped the projectile speed of the Maruader and made it an AV weapon, and leave the Vulcan as it, but lowered the AV component and kept the AI component, maybe increased the number of rounds, that would be the better option, imho.
  3. Ketadine

    Probably they have been focusing their attention elsewhere, like PS 4 launch and EQ: Next ...

    Btw have you guys tried out the "new" sniper rifle ? TRAP takes three bursts to kill enemies at 100 meter and the VS one can't OHK headshots at max range. What a joke !
  4. Midnightmare

    Solid post mate!
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  5. EliteEskimo

    It would be cool if at least T-Ray, Higby, and Malorn would read this or the part 2 version of this thread. It's pretty popular, is well put together, and it has loads of what the developers love CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK :eek:

    On a side note prepare yourself for the new incoming NC sniper rifle.

    Thanks, and feel free to leave any ideas or suggestions you may have. :)
  6. EliteEskimo

    So wait for the Vulcan you're suggesting lowering the AV damage but increasing the rounds? That still wouldn't work because the Vulcan right now is a short range weapon and a very innaccurate one at that. The Vulcan desperately needs its COF tightened and the max damage range increased back out to 200-300 meters again for it to nicely mesh with the Prowler and be a versatile AV weapon let alone an AI weapon which would require even greater accuracy.
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  7. GoEErs

    Quality work. I have one question. Does the TR have any weapons that do at least 167/10? The Carv is at 143/10 with 750RPM. I realize the Gauss for the NC is like 225/10 but at 500RPM. Just wondered.
  8. Dieter Perras

    ya I was kind of disampointed when I found out my chain gun can get out gunned by a freaking SMG...
  9. Ketadine

    While I agree with the range increase, 200-300m is A LOT, enough to make it OP. Last time it was 200m I think. 10m is far from OK now, but, going up to 50m is ok imo, while not being OP. It's still a 75% range nerf compared to the original 200m.
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  10. Takoita

    TMG-50, SABR and Emperor, if I remember right.
  11. Tycoh

    So only a 167 dmg MG for Heavy, a 167 dmg pistol, and a 167 dmg SABR for Medic.

    "Pretty vast selection of good weaponry if you ask me."
  12. Santondouah

    SOE does not love TR. SOE loves NC and Vanu. /troll

    Look at you guys, seriously. OK TR needs revamp on some aspects, OK vulcan was ridiculously nerfed but sometimes you guys have to open your eyes.

    Simple example : Tycoh speaks about damage per bullet. What is TR's trait already ? -_-"

    Regarding Vulcan, I'd be pleased if the max dmg range was set back to 75m or even 100m (and I'm NC). 200m is too much and makes no sense IMO.
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  13. iPlague

    In accordance with weapon balance I can only cry and lament over the fact that the TMG-50, designed to be a mid-long range controllable LMG, has more bloody horizontal recoil that the Orion, which is the VS CQC LMG with a ROF of 750. What gives SOE? It's nowhere near as controllable as it's other faction counter parts, like Gauss Saw S (Everybody uses Gauss Saw) or the Flare, if ROF is not the TR faction strenght then mag size is right, but it's the same 75 bullets across the board.

    But this thread, FROM all the freaking back in MAY, describes some major identity issues with the TR faction.
    It's honestly like the Devs are afraid to give it anything powerful, while NC and VS already have their fair share of extraordinary toys.

    I mean, here's an example, ROF faction? okay.... TR doesn't have the fastest firing carbine, Lynx is an 800 broken COF weapon (COF expands like crazy even with ADV Laser, and practically impossible to ADS with), while GD-7F is a 845 ROF and with decent control can be ADS'd successfully over 20m. Serpent is something in between as it had a nerf and got a tad more horizontal recoil, but still a 845. People argue that the TKK that the TR don't even get, is compensated by their 10 more bullets in the mag, what's 10 more bullets going to do, if the weapon fires like absolutely horse radish?

    The thing about the Devs nerf / weakness are just plain kindergarden gamedesign. Vertical recoil you can compensate for, aiming a little down and stuff like that. Horizontal recoil? Hooo **** son this gun jumps like a bag of mexican jumping beans! No. No faction should have more "LOL CAN'T BE TAMED" than other ROF guns, Lynx has more dance than the GD-7F, thanks Higgles, you needed to buff your personal favorite weapon I guess :rolleyes:
  14. Tycoh

    First time i play PS2 i found through first impression experience that TR's trait were to be rate of fire, more ammo, and power in numbers. Now the faults of the faction were poor accuracy at range and low damage per bullet that were a pain in the *** to hit with at range when beginning TR.

    But now we've lost power in numbers and these new old tier 2/3 weapons for VS and NC sometimes out do TR's weapons in rate of fire, accuracy, and sometimes damage.

    On the brighter side:
    • We've got more ammo than any of you poor smelly people who can't afford an extra 10 bullet mag for your standard issue weaponry.
    • We've got better close range hip fire accuracy for about 1 1/2 full seconds.
    • We've got a good ESF aircraft
    • We've got the Towering Commissar Hat
    That's all i can think off atm.
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  15. iPlague

  16. AltF4Fun

    I really hope the part with Commissar Hat was sarcasm....
  17. Tr0jan

    Our trait is that we have more bullets per magazine ,low dmg ,bad accuracy ,slower reload time , which is awesome ! we get to die with more bullets in our magazines. OP much?
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  18. Santondouah

    Well, when I get doomed by TR heavies/medics shooting full automatic at 100m+ I disagree with you ^^ Cannot name the weapons though.
  19. iPlague

    So they hit 1 bullet out of 100? Wow.
  20. Santondouah

    ... and higher RoF (but some exceptions, see GD-7F). Never said TR was OP. But TR weapons are definetely not as ****** as you say. Some features are such as vulcan, anchored mode, lockdown, ... But TR infantry weapons are actually quite good. See cycler TRV, T9, Jaguar, nighthawk, HA one I forgot the name, ...).

    And regarding the slower reload time, I trade without hesitation your additional 10 bullets per magazine for 1 more second reload time.