The TR's lack of infantry long range AV.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MostlySilent, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. \m/SLAYER\m/

    lol, in this case one guy could shoot down all rockets
  2. BarxBaron

    I agree completely with the OP.

    Fractures have not done their job in a loooooooooooooong time.

    When Higby said "when we nerf a faction we give them a much needed buff", while speaking of the incoming banshee nerf, they should of fixed the Fracture instead of messing with the vulcan which will still likely stay in the garage for many after the "buffs".

    Should just nerf banshees, rework the vulcan/murader like they spoke about, then buffed Max Fractures.

    Why do you think we try to clear the air and get banshees out there? To kill the damn Raven and Lancer nests.
    With that nerfed and vulcans "buffed" wtf are we to do now?
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  3. Jac70

    I think people vastly over-estimate the usefulness of the Lancer. Yes it can hit targets at range but it does little damage to them and unless the driver is AFK all he will do is move behind a rock and that's the end of that. There are very few occasions when I feel the pulling my Lancer is gonna be a worthwhile thing to do.

    That said, I might suggest that the Striker have a lock-on feature even for ground vehicles. A bit like Coyotes in that if you fire and the projectile comes within a certain range of a vehicle it will lock to target. So you would need a good LoS on your target and for the target to be pretty much stationery - welcome to Lancer country.
  4. FateJH

    I don't like quoting myself but I need to clairfy something I said that might be imprecise.
    I do not mean that the actual values used to simulate drop change or that there is a modifier to "drop" based on velocity or distance. The effect of gravity in this game appears to be a constant rather than a rate, unless otherwise indicated. I am merely speaking in terms of linear plotting, that, the faster the velocity, the farther the rocket will travel before encountering a known floor. As the rocket seems to fly straighter the farther it goes and demonstrates fewer of the undesirable "effects" that are more influential and noticed up close to the operator, the harder it is to account for the said drop against a distant target by elevating the reticle.
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  5. Bindlestiff

    Who are you, or anyone else for that matter, to decide who is and who isn't 'doing anything useful for the base capping'? Your actions are borne from your thoughts. It is just a game, so if people aren't TKing, breaking the TOS or generally interfering with you in an adverse way, what is the problem with them playing however they want?
  6. TriumphantJelly

    TR lack LRAV, with the fastest bullet velocity on their tanks (IF anchored), and the highest DPS. But you can't pull it? OK, I forgot that the you really want to be pulling LRAV when there's an enemy next to you... Wait.

    But yeah, fix the Striker. And the Fractures could use a buff, but according to muh stats they out-perform Vortices, but only really at AI, there's a gap in AV work. Repurpsement seems silly, so just give them an accuracy and drop buff and they'll be in a good place (in comparison to Vortices and sledgehammered Ravens.
  7. MostlySilent

    There's two critical things about the Lancer.

    It deals a high amount of damage per hit. It can actually hit distant MAXes/Tanks reliably. The TR just don't have a weapon that can do this. That's the problem. TR Infantry just do not have something they can grab to try to deal with long range AV.

    Did you read the thread...? It has nothing to do with Prowlers and if you honestly think Anchor Prowlers are good enough for long range AV that the TR deserve to not get LRAV at all on infantry, than you crazy. (Because you can't always pull a Prowler, even if you're going to redeploy for it, and in a lot of situations where you'd want something similar to a Lancer or Vortex/Ravens, it would be a great big coffin.)
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  8. gartho33

    odd... there are few times whilst playing on my VS toon that i feel I shouldn't take the lancer (CQC with a max comes to mind).... That thing is more versatile than you give it credit. My favorite thing to do is snipe fleeing ESFs for the janitor kill.
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  9. TheBlindFreak

    The Phoenix is hard-capped at 300m traveled. Note that it is 300m traveled and not a 300m radius. Any turning you do while controlling it eats up your total distance, thus shortening the radius even more than just 300m.

    I'm not too sure about Ravens, but I believe they are also hard capped around 300-350m. Can someone verify that? Otherwise I'll test it when I get on tonight.

    The Anti-Vehicle MANA turret has a max distance of 450m.

    I don't know how well Fractures perform at a distance since I rarely see them used against me and I don't really want to get them on an alt. But from what I remember reading in the patch notes, they got reduced accuracy through a COF nerf. Tweaking that might solve the issues for Fractures at ranges.

    EDIT: Apologies, I "replied" to the wrong post. Fixed
  10. Klypto

    Nothing beyond 300 meters until infantry render further than 300 meters.

    Invisible Lancers are complete BS.
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  11. z1967

    To be fair invisible anything is pretty BS, more so when it can fire while invisible.
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  12. MostlySilent

    290-350m ranges for AV is an awful lot higher than TR has available.

    Fractures have a lot of problems. They've got drop, low damage, are inaccurate, and have a strange acceleration system. They've got the magazine size going for them, which is cool, but that really only matters for close range. High alpha (Charged Vortexes/Ravens) will win out every day for long range AV because that tank is going to back up behind a hill and not allow you to hit them 20 times (10 per arm) over several seconds. Compounded by the weapons just being bad overall and you really just have a mess. (The inaccuracy is baffling to me)
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  13. RIctavius

    HAve you heard of the SKEP launcher????
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  14. Ronin Oni

    Fractures need a small fix.

    They have unreasonable CoF and innaccuracy for the long range MAX AV.

    If they need to reduce AI damage even more that should be doable by lowering damage and changing damage type to better AV penetration ala Vortex which is much the same.

    I wanna see Fracture MAX be the Infantry long range AV for TR.

    Striker / SKEP should be fine for Heavies. Striker is not so bad really. Fire 2, pause a half second. Repeat 2 times before reload. They've reduced the brightness of the rounds for the firer so you can see them now, and the extra round makes firing them 2 at a time the most sommon sense thing to do. (fire 3 if they're closer, all 6 if they're REALLY close).
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  15. BobSanders123

    As a long range AV Prowler driver, I can say that vortexs, lancers, and ravens are the bane if my existence.
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  16. TriumphantJelly

  17. TriumphantJelly

    Good, they're doing their jobs. Now if only tanks had good AI and people had the decency to not farm :p .
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  18. Dieter Perras

    My main problem with the striker is that unlike the lancer and the phoenix, it's not very fun to use. I'm sure it's viable, maybe even powerful in some situation, but I just don't enjoy using it.
  19. Mauzeraut

    In my experience a lot of people in VANU underestimate the Lancer. It's my favorite launcher by far and I really miss it when playing other factions. In fact, it's the only thing I miss from VS in playing other factions.

    It does less damage, yes. It also hits A LOT more consistently, even at close range (my accuracy with this is waaaaay above dumbfire launchers in general), and it's due to this that I end up doing more overall damage. When I'm solo, it's the perfect "vulture" weapon to pick off a weak vehicle/aircraft at range, or to punish tanks who remain in view of the respawn room.

    As for anti-MAX warfare, it's a beautiful weapon for sniping Raven spammers. Close range you have to use a degree of preparation, but it's still viable, and I have more success with it than a dumbfire launcher which, for some reason, will go right through the Max's shoulders sometimes.
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  20. Ronin Oni


    Lancer isn't particularly "engaging" to use. Charge, point, shoot.

    Phoenix is "fun" but honestly not all that effective on your own.

    I have a lot of fun with new striker against Air... and I can engage armor from further away than I can with a dumbfire.

    Making it wire guided would actually make you more vulnerable too, since you'd have to guide until impact... which is the very reason we wanted to get it off the active lock system it used to be on.

    It'd also probably get a velocity nerf if they added wire-guided (compunding that issue of exposure to guide to impact). Right now it's about double a lock-ons velocity, and more than 150% that of a dumbfire (the reason it's usable to further ranges)

    It's DPS sure isn't great when you have to 2shot burst recoild reset at longer range targets, but any damage is > 0 from dumbfires.

    The SKEP is arguably better ranged AV, but I don't necessarrily think that's a bad thing, and it has it's own drawbacks (giant warning a full 3 seconds before impact being top among them)