The TRAP-M1 is a Disgusting addition to TR.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRunDown, Feb 21, 2014.


    Add a buff to the Magrider main cannon velocity.
  2. Hoki

    TRAP is a serious backrage machine. I single-handedly rolled up one side of an NC flank the other night, going from tree to tree like 30 meters of vanguards and lightnings all around me. It was ******* glorious.

    Stapler of doom. Or, Stapler Grape.

    And as for the TRAP being a bad thing for TR..

    Lets call the TRAP.. perilous, shall we?

    I want to face the peril!
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  3. Mustarde

    whoa whoa, how did my MONTAGE thread get merged with a huge WHINE thread about the TRAP ?!?!? I do not want to be associated with a bunch of crying over a weapon I happen to find pretty fun to use!

    whatever - free publicity as whining tends to generate more views and responses than positive or entertaining posts on forumside. To date, my most viewed thread is the nanoweave whine - racked up nearly 10000 views in a week. So.. I guess I shouldn't be too upset with the thread merge. Still - uncalled for!

    I recall saying this earlier though - the TRAP does suffer from blending in with the HSR-1, KSR-35, SOAS-20, NS-30 Vandal and NS-7 PDW in the gray zone we call "mid-range" combat. It's really hard to make a case for picking the TRAP over any of those weapons. Conversely, while there are some standouts in that lineup, they all do the same job, relatively efficiently.
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  4. The Rogue Wolf

    I don't think the moniker "sniper rifle" suits the TRAP much at all. I'd sooner call it a select-fire designated marksman's rifle. It looks to me as though it's a weird hybrid of a battle rifle and a scout rifle, not as good at distance as the former but with the three-round burst giving it some of the up-close punch of the latter.

    The actual physical design of it is horrible, though. I can't tell what's worse- the side-loading magazine, or the reciprocating bolt that would knock the teeth out of the mouth of anyone actually correctly aiming down the sights.
  5. Devrailis

    At least they could have bumped your post to the top. Now it's buried in the third page. o_O