The Sniper "Nerf"

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Nyscha, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. Nyscha

    Can anyone explain it better for me please?
    I understand that nanoweave wont prevent headshot kills anymore up to 150m BUT what does the next part mean for the AFTER 150m? I suck at CQC and I'm not afraid of saying that sniper and support roles are what I do best for example you can see from my weapon stats my rifle is the highest killing weapon I have then its my max AI support weapons and my proxi mine.

    I'm not a run and gun player I hate that playstyle.!/5428013610404376913/weapons

    Does the change mean that someone like me (Who's quite skilled at long distance kills at over 300+ meters will no longer get 1 shot headshot kills if the enemy doesn't have nanoweave?)

    For example this is the range I usually snipe from. (Does the change mean I'll be utterely useless at this distance now?)

  2. Ned

    Honestly, I've played since beta as an infiltrator and these changes don't bother me much, I think that 150m is a fine range for an infiltrator and anything beyond that just promotes camping.

    You can still kill people from 150m + but it will be harder, as long as they fix the breathing mechanics on sniper rifles I welcome this change.
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  3. Nyscha

    Well the bad snipers camp and usually the camping snipers are the first to die.. I usually take 1/2 shots and then relocate I generally never snipe in the 150m range anymore due to the ******** sniper accuracy of LMG's especially the gauss.
  4. Interlude

    Time to learn to play.
  5. LT_Latency

    Inside 150 is fine.

    Just stealth behind cover and come out. They can't see you at this range while stealthed. So you can line up your head shot and fire. As soon as you shoot go back behind cover and get ready to do it again.

    The worst thing that will happen to you is you will take some damage at this range from ANY gun other then another bolt action
  6. Nyscha

    Yeah but infiltrators still have the weakest shields out of all classes, you really cannot take one bullet or the next jump off a small ledge will kill you.
    Infiltrators really shouldn't even be near places in which they can be shot.. SOE refuses to acknowledge it as well.
  7. LT_Latency

    I always take the steroid pen with me. That is 4 full instant heals assuming I don't have a medic near by to heal me after that you can just stealth and wait it out if you really need to. Every other class in the game gets shot as well.
  8. Vaphell

    every other class also has a dozen pocket medics just waiting for opportunity to heal or rez.
  9. IamDH

    I dont really understand why anyone would go to 300m or beyond 150m to snipe.

    The reason people probably go out that far is not to get shot or be at any risk at all which means you are pretty bad at sniping. Its cheap for the receiving end no matter how skillful it may be to get a headshot from that range

    I have gone into detail with these issues in my thread
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  10. LT_Latency

    So should you, unless you are too far away from your team,

    That is why we get stealth instead of long range. It lets you fight in range of your squad mates
  11. Nyscha

    "Pretty bad at sniping"

    Not really I'd like to see you try and do it.

    "not to get shot or be at any risk at all"

    Which is the entire point of a SNIPER RIFLE do you want snipers to wave a huge neon flag saying "I'M OVER HERE COME AND SHOOT ME AND PLEASE TRY AND LET ME SHOOT YOU!"

    Sniper rifles are for precision and long range firing not close range.

    Why the hell do you think the military still use snipers? Because they have low risk of dying, good for strike teams and everything else.
  12. IamDH

    No but you have to be at a certain degree of risk. This is not your game, nor is it mine

    If you were as good as you claim then you should be able to snipe at 150m and this would have never been a problem. You cant just have the option to kill everyone when they cant do anything in return. thats just...wrong..

    The point of a sniper rifle is to shoot at long ranges. NOT be outside of harms way
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  13. Nyscha

  14. IamDH

    What you are asking for is the equivalent of a heavy assault demanding his shield permanently makes him immune because "thats what shields are for"
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  15. LT_Latency

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  16. IamDH

    Fun comes first then realism.

    OHK rocketpods is realistic but it wont be fun would it. Bullets would kill in 2-3 shots for all weapons

    If realism was a good balance factor tanks would probably dominate this game
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  17. Nyscha

    And instantly the troll is throwing everything out of proportion.
  18. IamDH

    There is absolutely no reason infiltrators should have realism whilst all other classes dont
  19. Nyscha

    Then why would they add sniper rifles HERP DERP.
    Because they wanted people to SNIPE.

    They addes SMG's because they also wanted to give infiltrators a viable CQC style as well.
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  20. SnipersUnion

    You can read all about the cap and its problems here.

    Ignore the learn to play comments and the people that consider themselves so amazing they require a sniping nerf shorter than 150m because they are so very OP. Its amazing how differently some people talk on a forum compared to when they are in game. Long range sniping is a play style that up to now has been available in PS2, and I see no reason why it should suffer over any of the others.

    You have the Union behind you brother!
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