The shattered stupidity

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkStarAnubis, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. Foxassassin

    The thing is I can understand why. They didn't want to break up 94 - 94 fights, the original goal was to stop faction lane zerging. 94+ pushing bases that barely have 12 pop to defend themselves. A side goal was also to break upstalemates so 60-70% of the people on the continent don't get sucked into a pointless fight for hours. As someone who frequently gets frustrated when most of my faction refuses to even attempt alerts, I'm happy, and upset. I'd like more people trying for the alert when they show up, but you can't just force people to play in a way they don't like/ want to, and while storms don't kill fights, it takes an unreasonable about of eforrt to keep them alive....

    But at the same time, this is one of the worst possible implementations. Not because it's a bad idea, but because they removed all incentive to even try for alerts. The only thing to do in the game is farm and farm for campaigns.

    As for the storm it's self. Most people don't realize you get anti-storm equipment from the campaign. A -lot- of storm stuff. But with low/few people to actually be able to do it, no one has these essential items required for surviving the storm.
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  2. iller

    Having a Ranger topgun Turbo ANT in the shattered zone is a godsend.
    All the ESF farming of a Burster or Skyguard without the vulnerability of dying instantly to a piddly one or two C4's

    For the average Normie in their Install-Base metrics, it's actually an Increase in SPM. The main problem with this forum is it's primarily inhabited by 300 spm 3-1 Kdr sweaty palmed Always-Aloners. The usual normie doesn't even have more than 1 or 2 weapons Auraxiumed and a lot of their "Dolphin" players were already thriving mostly on PVE activities (shooting Blueberries, or playing minecraft way behind the front lines).

    It's really simple: If you try and balance an MMO for the Top End players, you'll quickly lose any and all potential for it to recruit any new players or even keep 97% of the players it already has (because it turns into: no sheep, only wolves cannibalizing eachother when there isn't a critical population of normies to balance even an average veteran's daily experience)
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  3. Liewec123

    it's a game that i'm heavily invested in, both with thousands of hours and thousands of £ since 2013
    and that person is ruining it month after month, gnawing away, why would i be quiet?

    guy deletes a third of the bases on a map and ruins most of the rest
    by deleting walls and moving cap points to ridiculous locations
    and that f%%king storm that was purposefully designed to target and s%%t on any big fights that players might try to enjoy...

    and you say its foolish to call him out.

    so ok i've gotta ask, what does Wrel d%%k taste like?
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  4. FLHuk

    From the likes it would appear "gitgud" is a simpler win argument than just go where you like and shoot what you like! I yield :D

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  5. RexBlack

    Seems like you just can’t help yourself talking about Wrel..maybe you should get help for your OCD. Yup still making yourself look foolish.

    what does Wrel taste like? Not as salty as your tear sodden pillow each night.
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  6. Wadelma

    I get that they wanted to shake things up, but the stalemate zerg v zerg is a byproduct of lanes, nothing to be done about it. If anything lanes encourage zerging as going around to adjacent bases isn't always an option... Hell, they added Colossus that tend to form clumps around them and those further draw people together so... it's stupid to first encourage lane zerging and clumping and then make that miserable. GG. Not saying zerging wasn't a thing before, but lanes made large groups clash more often so there's that at least. Like I said I for one enjoy these big fights so I was okay with it being stalemates for hours, plenty to do and plenty of certs to gain. Now I'm to go around to play redeployside in minor bases as big fights are just pure annoyance. There are better games for skirmishes, PS2 was all about that large scale for me. I realize it's subjective and fun is different to everyone but the storm and rewardless alerts completely neuter PS2 for me and people like me. If they wanted people to jump to defense and discourage others from going 94 v 12 they could reward valiant defenders handsomely to lure in more peeps I guess, could even add a slight XP penalty to those on the overwhelming pop side of things if former isn't enough.

    Also, for us who are not interested in grindy campaign with bad missions and a fairly steep buy-in for no real interesting rewards to make it worth it, gating storm equipment behind a paywall is ridiculous. It's just plain bad design imho.

    In the end I concur, it's a decent idea to shake things up, but a really terrible implementation.
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  7. JustGotSuspended

    Yeah it cost me a quarter of my campaign standing to get the suit to protect me.

    Both of the suits eat up room for nanoweave or flak armor or even nade bando just so we don't get zapped when the storm comes. It's silly. If we had access to 2 suit slots I guess it could pass off a bit easier, but right now it's just cancer.
  8. That_One_Kane_Guy

    I don't have a dog in this fight but,
    The guy does have a point bud, you've made your position on this subject clear so many times that saying it again is an insight on the order of stating that "water is wet". Everyone and their dog knows how you feel, just sig it and move on. At this point you aren't so much beating a dead horse as you are spreading red paste.

    Considering the Devs don't even read the forums all you are doing at this point is cluttering up the discussion for no purpose other than personal release, and I'm sorry but spending money doesn't give you license to use the forums as your Special Sock.

    And these are things that can be discussed without degenerating into Hate Sink Vol. 127, if you please.
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  9. Nepas77

    The guy can vent as much as he wants. And it doesn't matter if the devs reads the forums or not. If he or as much as many people could convince others to inform that this game is not going on the right direction nor done competently, so others would not regret spending time and money on this game, he is free to do so regardless of quantity.

    People did it with CAI and people did it before this patch. They DON'T LISTEN. Now you see how it went. Next.
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  10. That_One_Kane_Guy

    And others are equally free to point out the impotent, fruitless, and annoying nature of this enterprise. I honestly fail to see how your input on the matter is required considering I don't recall it being asked for.
    They don't listen, got it. Therefore crying more in a place no one hears is obviously the answer. Brilliant.
  11. Nepas77

    I honestly fail to see how your input on the matter is required considering Liewec123 doesn't recall it being asked for.

    You're here. You listened.
  12. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Repeating back the words of someone cleverer than yourself does not make you clever by extension.
    Hence my original comment on the annoying repetition. Also I don't recall being a Dev. Are you sure you're following the plot?
  13. Liewec123

    Dammit he beat me to it!

    But yes, venting is useful, where else shall we vent about bad changes to a game that noone else plays?
    People were venting in game recently and a mod was BANNING THEM,
    the leader of one of the biggest outfits on Connery was amongst those banned.
    So the fact that the devs don't read their own forums makes it perfect for people to get things off our chests.
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  14. DrostenVS

    Just a comment on the base changes discussion...

    I do think that bases have been changed a bit too much to favor attackers over defenders. I've also noticed some bases were set up to be easier to take, but harder to take back because of the layout favoring attacks from one direction over the other. As for The Crown... Up until the changes it felt like an actual accomplishment to take and hold it, but the day of the patch I saw it flip with very little effort. I actually laughed because it was so easy to take it. This seems to be the theme of the redesigns.

    It reminded me of the changes to Ikanam and how easily that base flips. The platform for construction is too easy to attack from many different directions and there are no existing walls or anything to reduce the bombardment. People rarely even bother building there because it won't last long enough to make any real impact. The few bases I've seen are usually destroyed before the first satellite base is taken.

    Constructed bases in general are too hard to hold for how annoying it is to set them up in the first place. If you could hold a hotkey (or press it to switch modes) and snap walls and other defensive structures together (moving mouse up and down to change height and moving around to swivel the snapped point) it would alleviate one headache and also remove those annoying gaps that make bases look more like a hodgepodge of items instead of an actual base.

    On a related note, the Spear tower AI is hilariously bad. The other day, I watched it repeatedly fire over the top of a motionless vehicle that was about 50-100 meters away while the vehicle destroyed it. It seems to constantly fire over the top of enemy ANTs as if they aren't tall enough targets already.
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  15. That_One_Kane_Guy

    There comes a point where pausing every other post to stoke the fires of your hate engine starts to choke out legitimate discussion. As I said in my first post with regard to Rex's statements he does have a point in this regard. Accusing him of d*ckriding for pointing this out was not kosher.

    That's it. The only reason my participation in this thread has exceeded that single point is because Nepas took it upon himself to come after me like a chihuahua whose master's been threatened.
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  16. Liewec123

    so out of curiosity, who would you blame for the bad decisions?
    obviously not the Lead Designer with zero experience in game development, so who do you consider responsible?

    you can watch streams of "you know who" tearing apart bases on esamir and redesigning them in absolutely ridiculous ways.
    but we aren't allowed to hold him responsible for those changes?

    why is it bad to call people out for stupid c%%p?
    as to rex he was defending the person responsible for ruining our game,
    why would any player defend him? bad changes should not be defended.
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  17. Blam320

    Someone clearly didn't play on the PTS. It's your own fault for not participating in any of the playtests.
  18. That_One_Kane_Guy

    You excel at putting words in other people's mouths. I will entertain discussion about the changes themselves but I am not going to jump down this rabbit hole with you. I honestly don't care what your opinion of Wrel is, my investment starts and stops with how much that opinion is allowed to clutter up legitimate discussion about the game.
    He wasn't defending his changes, he was rightly telling you to calm the **** down.
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  19. Demigan

    Very bad argument. Plenty have been on the PTS and saw how the Storm would destroy fights, but despite this feedback the Dev's actually increased it's potential to destroy fights before it was released instead of reducing that potential. Similarly there was tons of feedback about how Biolabs were treated and how gutting most of the Esamir continent was a bad idea especially with how they specifically targeted all the 24/7 battles that took place there. Nothing was done with the feedback given to them, you can even argue that the Devs used that feedback to hit even harder.

    You can't blame a player for providing feedback now when it's "too late". They can still change it based on the feedback he gives now and in fact the Devs have proclaimed that they are doing just that. However even if he did participate in the PTS playtests there's no guarantee that they would have listened, there's even evidence of the opposite happening. Also with how they've gone the last few updates sentences like "we'll be monitoring the situation and adjusting accordingly" sound more and more like threats with each passing day.
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  20. Spectralfx

    I want to point out my support for this post. I didn't participate in the PTS for the simple reason that I had no interest in playing this game again, like at all, until recently. In fact, I only recently reinstalled the game in the past few days upon the learning of the new campaign that I have yet to experience after grinding certs to gain access to it today. I was unable to play it maybe due to a lack of luck on my part, each times I logged in, the Esamir continent was locked.

    Perhaps stating that those who didn't participate in the PTS is a very flawed argument from the get go as it takes away the possibility that maybe, just maybe, people like me lost interest in this game in the past due to a lack of understanding on the dev's part... and that we come back only to witness something similar yet again...

    I will voice however, to the most cynical fellow out there, that in the far long forgotten about past, I had a positive experience on the forum when I voiced my opinion on the way cosmetic were financially handled. I have faith that if enough people do the right thing and properly voice their concerns, things may change on recent issues as well. But remember folks, better vote with your wallets then yapping with your mouths.

    I also want to voice another of my opinion regarding the people trying shift the blame one person or one thing alone;

    You're most likely wrong.

    As reality is far too complex for a problematic situation to have a single cause. Its most likely a collection of causes that we would be better off by analysing thoroughly if we are to truly solve this.

    In conclusion, I encourage people to stay civil and keep the OP topic in mind.