The Real State of the Game: The NC Problem

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by mac0888, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. mac0888

    I'm not going to go into to much detail, but one problem is the way that NC are meant to dominate in infantry combat. However, we don't. In both Beta and Full versions, I could be beaten by Vanu or Terran soldier with a lvl of 2 or 3, could beat me with a fully upgraded LMG and fully upgraded armour.
    What do you think guys? Because personally I think this is something the Devs should sort.
  2. Travisk

    Agreed. It feels like the NC are fairly underpowered right now. Whenever I'm on, it seems like TR control two continents and Vanu control the third. I haven't seen NC even come close to capturing a continent since launch day.

    Miller - EU.
  3. Amnon

    We have Amerish capped on Miller.

    Speaking of infantry i must say that the light rifles are way better then shotgun or lmg, they are just ridiculously strong.
  4. Rhapsody

    we couuld also ask the TR and VS to try playing as NC for one day. *shrugs*

    but.. NC are not realy 'underpowered'. Its more that our weapons cant hit the braud-side of a barn unless we throw both a compensator AND forgrip on the weapons (which means underslungs and such are a no-go or your rifle itself is useless) + fire less than 3 shots every 2-3 seconds while ALWAYS aiming down the sights. While the other empires are both hip-shot with accuarcy, + fire on full auto with accuracy.

    The NC's recoil and accuracy were nerfed by the dev's intentionaaly due to all the complaining by TR and VS during beta. But typical SOE 'balancing' they went 3 miles left, instead of takeing small 'hops'. So now are guns are just as strong as they have ever been. But their almost unusable due to the recoil and lack of accuracy.
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  5. Seafort

    On Miller we have control of Amerish but TR have control of 2 continents and are pushing for the third now.

    TR have definitely been buffed when they shouldn't have been and NC have been nerfed because of the whining of the other 2 factions in early beta.

    NC have never been buffed back up to what they were like so we struggle in infantry combat especially CQC where we should be winning. Our damage is not on par with vanu or TR when we should be top damage overall and we're not.

    It will be a 2 horse race soon as more and more people defect to the better 2 sides. When that happens it will no longer be Planetside 2. Wake up SOE or you'll be too late to save your game.
  6. Hashi

    Anyone who was playing the beta from July-september knows how much you little wimps were crying and whining when the NC were "OP" go talk to someone who cares.
  7. SpruceMoose

    (2014, games still fine)
  8. D0n

    It's because rifles suck for the NC, hopefully those purchase weapons keep the same balance for all factions, give them a try.
  9. desktop

    your skill > your gear

    applies to all classes vehicles and weapons. stop crying and practice some more.
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  10. McCorvus

    If you guys wanted the actual stats, I made a topic about that yesterday.

    Then Sony locked it. Fun stuff. Though skill does matter, it matters less when one side has faster, more accurate guns, that can afford to miss a bullet or two and still kill faster than the opposition.

    And I apologize profusely about the horrid formatting. You may need to zoom in a little.
  11. SpruceMoose

    need to get everyone to read this
    so they'll shut the hell up
  12. Travisk

    Props to you for proving our point using good data.

    Shame the mods locked it. See if you can repost it?
  13. McCorvus

    Well, as much as I'd like everyone to read it, some people decided it wasn't worth reading because of the formatting, and for that I apologize. It just seems that, YES, we SHOULD balance guns in a vacuum, because then player skill becomes the only deciding factor. If a newbie picks up a TR gun and a vet has an NC gun, of course the vet will win; but if two newbies pick up NC and TR guns, respectively, the NC one will probably lose most of the engagements, get discouraged, and either faction-swap or quit. And that's not good.

    Yeah, I'll see if I can repost it. Maybe with better formatting? ;)
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  14. Travisk

    Sounds like a plan. Looking forward to it.
  15. ArbiterMatrix

    On my server, NC is almost always 10% more of the population than VS and TR. Their weapons don't matter because we're just mobbed.
  16. Goden

    If you don't want your NC guns then I'll take them. Wish my own guns could kill that fast when I hit things.
  17. McCorvus

    Actually, your guns kill faster when you hit things. Unless you're talking about the GD-7F, which is actually worse than other weapons at every range except point-blank.
  18. James161324

    Great post, its great to see some unbias views. Just not the normal, you suck posts.
  19. Infektion

    Yea, thats why tr and vs got buffed and we got shafted. I still take more tr and vs out nowadays.
  20. Turiel =RL=

    On Miller NC controls the least area of all empires. The server also has the highest number of veterans who count as people who more or less know what they are doing. Coincidence?