The Planetside 2 Subreddit has a darkside to it.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. DooDooBreff

    the feigned naievete, and asking for proof, while pretending that their kangaroo court bullshlt matters, is how they keep their heads inflated. the only reason they are even posting here, is to try and get high 5s back on reddit.....

    if youre comfortable with what youve done, or atleast arent extremely insecure, why feel the need to defend yourself?
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  2. DooDooBreff

    but its cool because were talking about scr1n right? nobody likes him anyway.... i could get away with gouging his eyes out as long as i have my reddit lawyer demand proof every third post
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  3. WetPatch

    Doon do you not see the irony of your posts?
  4. Villanuk

    I completely agree. A very valid point is the HIGH 5's, again, that would prove his ego and personal dislike for him.
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  5. Savadrin

    I mean, I remember seeing a twitch linked from DBG's planetside homepage that had Scr1n's name in it, and it was related to this whole fiasco.

    I only knew him from killing me in game at that point, but seriously, I wish I had screenshotted it so that I could show it here.
    I was like damn that's ****** up, some asswipe is talking about Scr1n ****posting and it's linked from the game's homepage. Slightly embarrassing for the community overall.
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  6. SpartanPsycho

    Hahhahah, call me a terrible person, the voices in my head need soothing.
    I joke about me lacking a soul, does that make me bad to demons and stuff? You're stuck in the media.

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  7. SpartanPsycho

    Hitler started with propaganda, o blind one.
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  8. SpartanPsycho

    Its about him, its about TENC now, because Autox starting dodging the truth that I posted about TENC's mistreatment.
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  9. SpartanPsycho

    But most of his ideas are good, namely, nerf infantry.
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  10. SpartanPsycho

    Don't forget TENC, they are harassed for posting things that hurt feels.
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  11. SpartanPsycho

    You indicated my post in a text wall about TENC.
    I am in their teamspeak while we discuss the pure bile thrown at TENC, (yes we laugh and shake our heads)
    Keep parroting the propaganda.
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  12. Scr1nRusher

    Instead of addressing the issues brought up, they are focused on me.

    In a desperate attempt to save face or social power/reputation.

    Nothing gets done against certain groups because those certain groups gets special treatment.

    If I know one thing about chaotic communties its that all it takes is a spark...... and they will tear eachother apart & take everything around them down, and then leave for "greener pastures".

    My last statement is really impactful because lets face it, PS2 has had a rough history. Not just from the SOE devs, but also the communties manipulation.
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  13. Dualice

    Never go on Reddit myself, but sounds like a pretty toxic situation.

    Completely forgot about this adage. Love it!
  14. Scr1nRusher

    It truely is & it has been going on for a long time.
  15. orangejedi829

    Reddit is the internet's biggest joke.
    The site will literally bar you from posting if you get downvotes. So basically, you had better be a conformist idiot and only ever say things that people want to hear, else you'll be forcibly silenced. That way, we can all dance in the flowery meadows and poop rainbows and glitter!
    The internet's core ideals rest on openness and freedom of information and speech. Reddit is the antithesis to all of these things. It's also just a toxic cesspit of passive-agressive children.

    The Planetside subreddit and its community is among the worst examples of all of them.
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  16. shaql

    Ah, now I remember why I hate using the forums... because it logs me out all the time :/ (and I never remember which account I'm using here)

    The argument of "You don't have to defend yourself if you're innocent" directed at Autoxidation, while the complete opposite is directed at Scr1n, is quite hypocritical. Why is it fine for Scr1n to defend himself when they are slandering his name, but Auto is not allowed to?

    Villanuk, I still do not believe there is downvote brigading in the context of balance threads or Scr1n's thread. I still need any kind of proof for that, other than "LOOK AT THE PATTERNS!"

    DooDoo, please note that the proof is about the most important part of the original post. Thus, it is essential to post it, since Scr1n claims he has it.

    SpartanPsycho, please don't engage in Godwin's rule. Also, you're just insulting someone. I thought forums' strength was about discussing things in a thoughtful manner? Because if it's swinging insults left and right, then I don't see the charm of it.
    And TENC mistreatment? Seriously?! Just look into what these guys were actually posting. It's not propaganda when they do it themselves.

    Dualice, from THIS thread alone, this forum sounds incredibly toxic too, for example orangejedi's post shortly after yours... Insulting EVERYONE on Reddit, just because...?


    And finally, Scr1nRusher:

    1. Still no proof.
    2. Are you claiming the issues I discuss here are unrelated to the original post? Have you even read the whole length of my first post in this thread?!
    3. Again, downvote brigade claims are the main point of your original post. Proof is necessary. You claim to have it. Please provide it.
    Asking for something essential towards backing your point is focusing on the issue at hand. You not providing the proof is you NOT focusing on the issue, it's you avoiding the topic, again and again. Let's go back on the ORIGINAL topic, shall we?
  17. CNR4806

    Gone for a while and look at this. Redditside not content with keeping their superiority complex in Redditside and decide to invade Forumside with their bovine excrement.

    Protip: You can't silence anyone here. Your attempt to flood and derail the thread with a demand of so-called proof every three post three times every post is nothing short of hilarious, if a little annoying.

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  18. WetPatch

    You all keep claiming Reddit is Cancer yet no Devs will step foot in this place. Even the Forum Mod cant be bothered with you.

    This Forum is the Cousin who gets invited to the wedding but made to sit at the Kids table. Scrin knows this, which makes his banning that little bit more bitter to him, hence is little rallying cry to his Goonies on here.

  19. DooDooBreff

    this is because the staff are limited in what they can or cant say.... figure a guy whos as informed as you would be aware of that... i like the sloth gif tho
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  20. Villanuk

    Just to add.

    Autoxidation 2 points2 days ago

    I'm pretty sure he edited the post and then deleted it, to make it look like the deleted post wasn't the same.

    So he was not sure what happened 100%, NO PROOF but banned him, great MOD eh? Yet you ask for proof?

    I'm not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt ( Another great example of Mods )

    Autoxidation 1 point2 days ago

    It makes things really clear for us if everyone would just quote scrin's post they are replying to. That way, even if he deletes it, there is still a record of what was posted there.

    Another great example of a Mod being impartial, but as he said, he was not trying to get at scrim was he. He is turning the community against scrim, you could say from his posts, he is instigating this. Blimey, the more i look, its very clear Auto, is well need i say it?

    I could go on, but its very clear he and the community have hounded scrim, and you wanted proof, here it is !!
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